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"Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is an

approach to decision making that involves structuring
multiple choice criteria into a hierarchy, assessing the
relative importance of these criteria, comparing
alternatives for each criterion, and determining an
overall ranking of the alternatives“.
What is analytical hierarchy process (AHP)?

 By organizing and assessing alternatives against a

hierarchy of multifaceted objectives, AHP
provides a proven, effective means to deal with
complex decision making.
 AHP allows a better, easier, and more efficient

identification of selection criteria, their weighting

and analysis.
Benefits of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP)

AHP helps capture both subjective and objective

evaluation measures, providing a useful
mechanism for checking the consistency of the
evaluation measures and alternatives suggested
by the team thus reducing bias in decision
AHP allows organizations to minimize common
pitfalls of decision making process, such as lack
of focus, planning, participation or ownership,
which ultimately are costly distractions that can
prevent teams from making the right choice. 
Steps of the analytical hierarchy process (AHP)

1. Decomposing

The goal is to structure the problem into humanly-manageable sub-


To do so, iterating from top (the more general) to bottom (the more
specific), split the problem, which is unstructured at this step, into
sub-modules that will become sub-hierarchies. Navigating through
the hierarchy from top to bottom, the AHP structure comprises
goals (systematic branches and nodes), criteria (evaluation
parameters) and alternative ratings (measuring the adequacy of the
solution for the criterion). 
Each branch is then further divided into an appropriate level of
detail. At the end, the iteration process transforms the unstructured
problem into a manageable problem organized both vertically and
horizontally under the form of a hierarchy of weighted criteria.
2. Weighing

Assign a relative weight to each criterion,

based on its importance within the node to
which it belongs. The sum of all the criteria
belonging to a common direct parent criterion
in the same hierarchy level must equal 100%
or 1. A global priority is computed that
quantifies the relative importance of a criterion
within the overall decision model.
3. Evaluating

Score alternatives and compare each one to

others. Using AHP, a relative score for each
alternative is assigned to each leaf within the
hierarchy, then to the branch the leaf belongs
to, and so on, up to the top of the hierarchy,
where an overall score is computed.
5. Selecting
Compare alternatives and select the one that
best fits the requirements.
Mengurutkan/Memilih Pemasok
Pemilihan Pemasok

Inovasi Waktu Kirim Kualitas Komunikasi Finansial

Teknologi Jarak Sertifikasi Infrastruktur Penawaran

Tim R & D Kapasitas Praktek Manajer Potensi

Histori Kesan Plg

Pemasok 1 Pemasok 2 Pemasok 3

Memilih Calon Suami
Ada 3 pilihan, yaitu:
1. Aseng
2. Ibra
3. Emon
Kriteria :
4. Kesalehan
5. Pendidikan
6. Pendapatan
7. Penampilan
Mengurutkan/Memilih Suami
Pemilihan Suami

Kesalehan Pendidikan Pendapatan Penampilan

Aseng Ibra Emon

Pemberian bobot

• Dilakukan berdasarkan konsensus

• Dilakukan dengan sistem perbandingan berpasangan
Interpretasi perbandingan pada AHP

Deskripsi Kriteria A Kriteria B B/A

A sama pentingnya dengan B 1 1 1

A sedikit lebih penting dari B 3 1 1/3

A secara signifikan lebih penting dari B 5 1 1/5

A jauh lebih penting dari B 7 1 1/7

A secara absolut lebih penting dari B 9 1 1/9

Misal awal perbandingan berpasangan
Kesalehan Pendidikan Pendapatan Penampilan

Kesalehan 1 5/1* 7/1 9/1

Pendidikan 1/5 1** 3/1 7/1
Pendapatan 1/7 1/3 1 5/1

Penampilan 1/9 1/7 1/5 1

Total 1,454 6,476 11,2 22

* Artinya kesalehan secara signifikan lebih penting dari pada pendidikan

* * Semua yg diagonal nilainya 1 karena membandingkan hal yg sama
Bobot Untuk Setiap Kriteria
Kesalehan Pendidikan Pendapatan Penampilan Bobot**

Kesalehan 0,688* 0,772 0,625 0,409 0,624

Pendidikan 0,138 0,154 0,269 0.318 0,220
Pendapatan 0,098 0,051 0,089 0,227 0,116

Penampilan 0,076 0,022 0,018 0,045 0,040

* Diperoleh dari 1/1,454

* * Diperoleh dari rata-rata ke samping
Perbandingan Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria
Aseng Ibra Emon

Aseng 1 1/3 1/7

Ibra 3/1 1 1/3

Emon 7/1 3/1 1

Total 11 4,33 1,476

Skor Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria kesalehan
Aseng Ibra Emon Skor

Aseng 0,091 0,077 0,143 0,104

Ibra 0,273 0,231 0.226 0,243

Emon 0,636 0,693 0,678 0,669

Dengan perhitungan lebih lanjut diperoleh urutan calon suami berdasarkan

kriteria kesalehan adalah :
1. Emon 0.669
2. Ibra 0.243
3. Aseng 0.104
Perbandingan Calon Suami Berdasarkan kriteria
Aseng Ibra Emon

Aseng 1 1/3 1/7

Ibra 3/1 1 1/3

Emon 7/1 3/1 1

Total 11 4,33 1,476

Skor Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria Pendidikan
Aseng Ibra Emon Skor

Aseng 0,091 0,077 0,143 0,104

Ibra 0,273 0,231 0.226 0,243

Emon 0,636 0,693 0,678 0,669

Dengan perhitungan lebih lanjut diperoleh urutan calon suami berdasarkan

kriteria pendidikan adalah :
1. Emon 0.669
2. Ibra 0.243
3. Aseng 0.104
Perbandingan Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria
Aseng Ibra Emon

Aseng 1 3/1 5/1

Ibra 1/3 1 3/1

Emon 5/1 1/3 1

Total 6,333 4,33 9

Penilaian Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria
Aseng Ibra Emon Skor

Aseng 0,158 0,692 0,556 0,449

Ibra 0,053 0,231 0.333 0,206

Emon 0,790 0,077 0,111 0,326

Dengan perhitungan lebih lanjut diperoleh urutan calon suami berdasarkan

kriteria pendapatan adalah :
1. Aseng 0.449
2. Emon 0.326
3. Ibra 0.206
Perbandingan Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria
Aseng Ibra Emon

Aseng 1 1/5 3/1

Ibra 5/1 1 7/1

Emon 1/3 1/7 1

Total 6,33 1,343 11

Penilaian Calon Suami Berdasarkan Kriteria
Aseng Ibra Emon Skor

Aseng 0,158 0,149 0,273 0,193

Ibra 0,790 0,745 0,636 0,724

Emon 0,053 0,106 0,091 0,083

Dengan perhitungan lebih lanjut diperoleh urutan calon suami berdasarkan

kriteria penampilan adalah :
1. Ibra 0.724
2. Aseng 0.193
3. Emon 0.083
Penilaian Agregat

ASENG 0,104 X 0,624 = 0.104 X 0,220= 0.158 X 0,116= 0,193X0,04= 0,11392

0,065 0,0229 0.0183 0,00772

IBRA 0,243 x 0,624 = 0,243 x 0,220 = 0,206 x 0,116 = 0,724 x 0,04 = 0,25794
0,15163 0,05346 0,02389 0,02896

EMON 0,669 x 0,624 = 0,669 x 0,220 = 0,326 x 0,116 = 0,083 x 0,04 = 0,60576
0,41745 0,14718 0,03781 0,00332
Terima Kasih

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