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Guided by
Kanchan Deval Maam

Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 1

er 22, 2021
The Five Dysfunctions of a Team is a business book by
consultant and speaker Patrick Lencioni. It describes the many
pitfalls that teams face as they seek to “row together”.

Lencioni suggests the reasons why teams are dysfunctional  is

because they are made up of human beings with varied
interests and frailties. When you put them together and leave
them to their own devices, even the most well-intentioned
people will usually deviate toward dysfunctional,
unproductive behavior. And because most Leaders and
Managers are not schooled in the art of building teams, small
problems are left untreated and spiral further and further
into ugliness and politics.

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Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 3
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As Lencioni writes, “people aren’t going to hold themselves
accountable if they haven’t clearly bought into the same plan”.
A lack of commitment ultimately leads to a decline in performance
among team members.

When a team has a high level of trust and engages in healthy

conflict, they will commit to team goals and objectives.

Even if they don’t agree fully with the aims and objectives, team
members that have had their voice heard and that trust their
colleagues will commit to doing their share of the work.

On the other hand, dysfunctional teams that don’t commit

experience ambiguity about goals and direction. They fail to make
decisions and as a result don’t move forward.

Lack of commitment leads to paralysis by analysis. Full potential

isn’t reached as confidence is low and team members fear failure.

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When teams lack trust and they fear conflict, members are likely to avoid
commitment. Instead, they focus on self-preservation and maintaining amicable
relationships. As people attempt to avoid confrontation, they stop listening to
others’ concerns. Discussions become superficially polite.

Lack of commitment also becomes a problem when you fail to convey clear goals
or direction. People are left to wonder what they’re supposed to do, and the team’s
success is no longer their top priority. They mentally check out and just start going
through the motions.

When teams have clear plans and directions, members become infused with
confidence and commitment. People want to be led in ways that assure success and

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Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 6
er 22, 2021
Commitment is defined as the act of
binding yourself to a course of action.
Commitment, a word that is so simple yet
so difficult.

Commitment is at root a personal

decision, whether at work or at home.

It rests on three main ideas: giving the

best of one-self, going the extra mile, and
not abandoning the situation you find
yourself in.

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Commitment is doing what you say you
are going to do, and when you say you
going to do it.

One of the qualities of trust- an essential

element to building and maintaining
productive relationships - is dependability.

Commitment is the little engine of

dependability: without it nothing happens.

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“The quality of a person's life is in
proportion to their commitment to
excellence, regardless of their chosen field
of endeavor”
Vince Lombardi

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Commitment Is Nurtured

Commitment is not won or created

overnight. It takes time to nurture it, yet
it is very easy to lose.


Commitment is based on trust, and trust

is like a glass. Once it is broken, it is
very difficult to put it back together
again without the cracks showing.

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People do not follow uncommitted leaders.
Commitment can be displayed in a full range
of matters to include the work hours you
choose to maintain, how you work to improve
your abilities, or what you do for your fellow
workers at personal sacrifice.
Stephen Gregg

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3 Types Of Commitment

Below Figure indicates that total commitment

combines three distinct kinds of

Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 12

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3 Types Of Commitment

People are Committed to a CAUSE

They give their life meaning by working to further

something in which they believe strongly.

Causes may be based on religious principles,

ethical standards, or environmental issues.

Humans are the only animals in the animal

kingdom that may voluntarily sacrifice their own
lives for a set of values, such as national

People gain a sense of virtue from pursuing noble


Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 13

er 22, 2021
3 Types Of Commitment

People are Committed to a


They give their life meaning by investing their energy

in a chosen hobby.

Challenges may be physical like climbing a mountain,

athletic like tennis, intellectual like chess or bridge,
artistic like painting or music, and so forth.

Humans voluntarily spend their time in self-

development to improve their competence in their
chosen field of endeavor.

People gain a sense of achievement from their


Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 14

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3 Types Of Commitment

People are Committed to a OTHER


They give their life meaning by being an important person

to special 'others'. They act in a reliable, dependable way
to friends, spouse, family, team, and neighbors.

People gain a sense of belonging from their identification

with significant others.

Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 15

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Team Commitment

Commitment is critically important

to team success. Of course there
are other factors for success but
commitment is one that often is

More specifically, teams need three

forms of commitment to be most

❑ Commitment to each other and each other's success

❑ Commitment to their team and the team's success

❑ Commitment to the organization & organizational


Wednesday, Septemb Sneha Gajbhiye 16

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10 Tips for Building Commitment in Your Work

#1: Ensure team members feel valued

As The Balance point out, when team members feel that their
work is making a valuable contribution to the organization they
will be more likely to commit.
Even better is when the work they do is also of value to their
career development plan. Ensure you show appreciation to your
team for the work they do.

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#2: Volunteer involvement works best
If team members feel forced into working on a project,
you can be sure to find a lack of commitment.
They will speak dispassionately, debate endlessly and you
will typically sense some conflict in the air.
By allowing team members to choose their own work
teams, they are far more likely to give their best work and
to commit to team projects.

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#3: Build clarity around roles and responsibilities
Have a discussion around each team member’s roles
and responsibilities. Where do their natural talents and
strengths lie? What are they passionate about?
As much as possible, aim to align roles and
responsibilities around everybody’s strengths and

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#4: Foster a sense of trust
As a leader, follow through on what you said you would do
and hold yourself accountable.

#5: Stretch your team

In order to avoid commitment problems, make sure your team
members are challenged enough and that they aren’t bored.
Employees who are excited about projects they are working on
at work will be committed to their team and to the company.

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#6: Give people permission to fail
Employees who are afraid to fail are unlikely to create anything
innovative or to produce truly outstanding work.
Let them know that it’s ok to fail and encourage team members to
speak up if they spot any potential issues.

#7: What’s the worst that could happen?

Another effective way to manage lack of commitment in team
members is to explore all the worst-case scenarios of any new
projects or initiatives.
By doing so, teams can develop strategies for overcoming any
possible setbacks and improve confidence in their ability to deal
with them. This in turn removes any fear of commitment.

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#8: Encourage creativity and novel ideas
Often one of the reasons for a lack of commitment is that
people are bored and tired of doing things in the same
To counteract this, give your team members some space
to try things differently. Let them be creative and bring
their own ideas to projects.
If work projects have traditionally been done in the same,
dull way, this change can have a big impact on

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#9: Give praise where praise is due
Why is it that we so often don’t praise people for doing
good work? We recognize the negative and when people
don’t do what we’d like them to, but when they do a great
job it’s often overlooked.
Praise leads to confidence and renewed energy, and can
give team members the final push they need when faced
with a difficult task.

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#10: Promote group identity
The desire to belong is a fundamental part of being human.
One way to improve commitment is to make the work team
feel special.
Encourage team members to bond and share a sense of
belonging on the team.

Final thoughts…
Making the effort to build commitment in your work team is
worth any time it might take.

Teams that are committed are more productive, hold each

other accountable, plan for failure and leave meetings with
clearly defined objectives and steps.

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I am only one, but I am one

No one can do all
But all can do some
I can’t do everything
But I can do something
I know I can only do little
But I will do what I can

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So the next time you want to do something different in
your life, take the plunge! Be bold, make a
commitment, take action and keep doing something
everyday to move
your dream forward into reality.

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