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A. When we ask a question beginning with why we want
to know the cause of something or the reason for it.
copper band easily? INSTRUCTION :
an electric current
flow through a Ask these question and
conductor? choose the correct answer
like magnetic poles from the list of reasons
repel each other ? given below. Begin the
Why answer with because
gases expand when
 glass break when it is
a balloon Filled with
helium float?
there is the magnetic force between them 

there is movement of electrons trough it

Helium is lighter than air

It is extremely brittle

It is  very ductile

They absorb heat energy

when we have a question and an answer like this 

Why does a copper wire extend when a weight  is suspended from one end?
Because copper is very ductile.

We can make a statement of the cause by saying

  a copper wire  extends when a weight is suspended from one end because copper is very
 B. Now ask and answer questions with why and because,
using these words.
For example :
make statements of
alcohol/used in room thermometers
less. expensive than mercury
Alcohol is used in room
thermometers because it
Why is alcohol used in room thermometers? is less expensive than
Because it is less expensive than mercury.
C. Cause of something
‘’if a copper bar is heated, it will expand.’’
if we want to make the cause very clear
emphasize the cause
Heating a copper bar will cause it to expand.

Therefore, when we use the construction cause something to happen,

we must make it clear what we mean. Sometimes we can use ‘it’,
but sometimes we must say exactly what is caused.
D. As well as the construction cause something to happen,
we can also use the verb cause followed by noun.
For example ;
The action of water on some metals causes corrosion.
Removing air from a container will cause a vacuum.

a release of energy
Heating hydrogen
a change in
Cooling a gas Cause
Splitting an atom Bring
will an explosion
Heating a copper bar About
a flow of current
Completing an electric result in
an increase in
 Now ask and answer questions, using the phrases on the left-hand side of
the table. Use these patterns:
• What will ... cause/bring about/result in?
• It will cause/bring about/result in...

• Example:
What will heating hydrogen result in?
It will result in an explosion
E. The Safety Match
Study this diagram and the description of the principle of a safety match.

Now ask and answer questions on this process.

Use the expressions you have practised.

Why does... ?
Because ...
What does ... cause/bring
about/result in?
It causes/brings about/results in...
What causes ... ?
A. You know that we can make statements such as : Rubber is flexible, But
glass is brittle. Statements like this make a comparison between two
things. For example. We can say :
Rubber is flexible,whereas glass is brittle. Carbon is an
element,while/whilst carbon dioxide is a compound.
Make comparison in the same way,using these notes. You can use either
whereas,while or whilst.
1. Copper is a conductor, _____ glass _____
2. Carbon is an element, _____ carbon dioxide _____
3. Iron is cheap, _____ gold ____
B. If we want to ask about the difference between two things, we can do this in
two ways. We can say :
What is the difference between ____ and ____ ?
How do ____ and ____ differ ?
Example : Glass/Wood
• What’s the difference between glass and wood?
• How do glass and wood differ?
Glass is transparent,whereas wood is opaque.
Glass is brittle,but wood isn’t.
Wood is a natural material, whilst glass is a manufactured material.
Ask about the difference between these things, and give as many difference as
you can think of.
1. Polythene/glass
2. Water/hydrogen
3. Copper/porcelain
4. Iron/steel
5. Protons/neutrons
C. Now look at this sentence :

Mercury is a
metal,but it is liquid
at room temperature.

This statement tells us something that is unusual. All other metals are solid at
room temperature. Mercury is the only metal which is liquid at room
temperature. Mercury is an exception to the rule that metals are solid at room
temperature. We can change the structure of the sentence above to emphasize
that mercury is different froom other metals :
Although mercury is a metal, it is liquid at room temperature.
D. Use this to make sentences beginning with although, even though or though.
(These is only one correct sentence possible in cach line).
Carbon dioxide is a is widely. Used as a
colouerless and conductor.
odourless gas
Can be toughened by
Steel is brittle
when hardened
Although Glass is brittle Can be detected with
Even Copper is lime water.
though expensive They
Though Are not widely used for
Alcohol laboratory work.
thermometers are
inexpensive Cannot be created or
Energy can be destroyed.
converted onto
other forms Can be made more
resilient by toughening.
E. It is possible to change the order of the words in these statements. Instead of
saying :
Although/Even though/Though mercury is a metal,it is liquid at room
We can say :
Mercury is liquid at room temperature,although/even though/though it is
a metal.
In the same way,we can say :
A complete atom has no electrical charge, although/even though/though
many of its particles are charged.
Now look at the table in D again. Use it to make sentences like these. For example,

Carbon dioxide can be detected with lime Karbondioksida dapat dideteksi dengan air
water,even though it is a colourless and kapur,meskipun itu adalah gas yang tidak
odourless gas. berwarna dan tidak berbau

F. Let us look again at the first statement we studied : Rubber is flexible but glass is brittle.
Here we are making a contrast. So we can say :
Rubber is flexible. However ,glass is brittle.
We can say : rubber is flexible. Glass, however,is brittle.
Make pairs of sentences in the same way,using these words :
1. mercury/metal
liquid at room temperature
2. copper/ductile
break/if subjected to/high tensile force
1. _____ the quantity of carbon
dioxide in the earths atmosphere is
relatively small,the gas is essential
for supporting life. Plants require
carbon dioxide, and they remove it
from the air in a process known as
photosynthesis. ____ carbon dioxide
is therefore being removed from the
atmosphere continucusly,it is ____
1. ____ jumlah karbondioksida dalam atmosfer bumi
relative kecil,gasya penting untuk mendukung
continuously replaced by animal and
kehidupan tanaman yang membutuhkan plant respiration and decay.
karbondioksida,dan mereka melepaskannya dari udara
dalam suatu proses dikenal sebagai fotosintesis. ____
oleh karena itu karbondioksida dikeluarkan dari
atmosfer terus menerus,ini _____ terus diganti oleh
respirasi dan pembusukan hewan dan tumbuhan

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