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ABDILLAH WINATA (1906356071)
Problem 7.9

A municipal wastewater treatment plant treats 45.4 million liters per day (MLD). The screenings
amount to 11.2m3 per million cubic meters treated, and the grit amounts to 30m3 per million cubic
meters treated.
a. The volume of screenings removed per day, m3.
b. The volume of grit removed per day, m3.
c. The time in days required to fill a 1.2 m × 1.8 m × 1.8 m solid waste storage container
used for temporary storage.
Jawab :

a. Diketahui: Qintake = 45,4 million liter per day (MLD)

= 0,0454 million cubic per day (MCD)

Rate of screening = 11,2 /m³

Jawab :

Total screening = (rate of screening) x Qintake

= 11,2/m³ x 0,0454 MCD

= 0,508 m³/day
Jawab :
b. Diketahui: Qintake = 45,4 million liter per day (MLD)

= 0,0454 million cubic per day (MCD)

Rate of grit = 30 /m³

Jawab :

Total grit removing = (rate of grit) x Qintake

= 30/m³ x 0,0454 MCD

= 1,362 m³/day
Jawab :
C. Diketahui : Total screening = 0,508 m³/day
Total grit removing = 1,362 m³/day

Dimensi solid waste storage = 1.2 m × 1.8 m × 1.8 m

Jawab :

Volume penyimpanan = 1,2 m x 1,8 m x 1,8 m

= 3,888 m³

Lama storage penuh = volume penyimpanan / (total screening + total grit removal)
= 3,888 / (0,508 + 1,362)

= 3,888/ 1,87

= 2,079 hari ⇒ 2 hari

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