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Chapter Seven
 The demand of security in today’s business
requires the creation and establishment of
professional security forces.
 Facilities are manned by security guards.
 The overall objective of employing a guard force
is to provide security services.
 A guard force is ideally motivated, competent,
trained, engaged and responsive.
 The security guard force is the key element in the
overall security system of a plant or installation.
 The security guard force must be ready to meet
the new challenges with new concepts, bold
innovations, and unrelenting on high standards.
The Private Security Industry
 Security Guard – a private security guard or
watchman that include any person who offers
personal service to watch or secure either a
residence or business establishment or both for
hire or compensation, and with a license to
exercise profession.
 Private Security Services – include the act of
providing services to watch an establishment
whether public or private, building,
compound/area or property, to conduct access
control in any form.
 Private Detective Services

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