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Basic Science and Humanities

E&TC Seminar

Artificial Intelligence In IBM

Artificial Intelligence

1. IBM Research definition AI

2. Famous Applications of AI at IBM
3. IBM’ s point of view on AI Ethics
• IBM Research definition AI
“ Artificial Intelligence (AI) has a long history at IBM
Research. Dating back to the 1950s. By AI we mean
anything that make machines act more
intelligently. Our work includes basic and applied
research in machine learning, deep question answering.
Search and planning, knowledge representation, and
cognitive architectures.”
• Famous Applications of AI at
1. Deep Blue

In 1997, the IBM Chess- Playing

computer named Deep Blue

World Chess Champion Garry

kasparov in a six- Game match

NAIJAGREENTV.COM - Deep Blue vs Kasparov_ How a computer beat best chess player in the world - BBC News.mp4
2. Watson
In 2011, the IBM Jeopardy!-playing computer
named Watson beat ken Jennings and Brand Rutter in
a Grand Champion Challenge.

3. Micromedex
• For nearly 50 years, IBM
Micromedex solutions have
been a leading global medical
resource. Today, Micromedex
has been enhanced with the
AI of IBM Watson, so
healthcare providers can get
answers quickly and

New video.mp4
 IBM’s point of view on AI

1. Purpose
2. Transparency
3. Skills

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