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Factors Affecting


refersto your attitudes and behavior

towards you

How does your parents declared you as a


How does your parents declared you as a

If you were born with a penis, your parents declaredyour sex as a boy, and if with a
vagina, then you are a girl.

 Different families carry various beliefs and practice

about sex , gender, and sexuality in general. Even their
sexuality affect yours.
 These may also be caused by religion and race. For
example, other families maybe open to discuss on sex,
gender , sexuality. Other families may be too
conservative to do so.
Peers and School

Your peers are the people you usually interact with outside of your family.
 As you interact with them, you also discover your interests and likes.
 Your peers may even influence you to change your interests and likes. The way you
speak, move, dress, or act may also be influenced by your peers.

The school is where you gain knowledge and skills on different subjects. The things you learn
in school also affect your sexual attitudes. For example, you learn the parts and importance of
your reproductive system.
Sexual Knowledge

All these information about your

sexuality is called Sexual Knowledge.
Media The mainstream mass media (television, magazines, movies, music, and the Internet) provide
increasingly frequent portrayals of sexuality.
 We still know relatively little about how this content is used and how it affects
sexual beliefs and behaviors. The few available studies suggest that the media do
have an impact because the media keep sexual behavior on public and personal
agendas, media portrayals reinforce a relatively consistent set of sexual and
relationship norms, and the media rarely depict sexually responsible models.
 More longitudinal research, especially with early adolescents is needed to learn
more about how media content is attended to, interpreted, and incorporated into
developing sexual lives.

My Sexuality Diary
On a sheet of paper, describe you sexuality by discussing your
a. Sexual identity
b. Sexual attitudes
c. Sexual behavior

Use a third person pronoun and do not mention any name in your short essay.

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