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1. Protozoa are usually found a. decomposition of organic matter.

2. Many types of fungi are too small b. to potentially replace incident shots in future.

3. Bacteria can help boost our c. to use viruses to kill bad bacteria.

4. The bacterial cells live on d. to be seen by a naked eye

5. Some bacteria are producers of insulin e. our skin alone and inside our digestive system.

6. Algae take energy from the sun f. in water bodies and soil.

7. Microbes, mostly bacteria and fungi carry out g. and release oxygen into the environment.

h. immune system and aids digestion.

word synonym

1. defend ______ immunity

2. invaders ______ infection
3. repel ______ show
4. resistance ______ save
5. particular ______ stop
6. generalized ______ attackers
7. inflammation ______ common
8. hinder ______ specific
9. specifically ______ push away
10. display ______ particularly

verb noun adjective adverbs









Factors that influence our microbiota are showed in
the small circles around the middle circle.

During birth, the first microorganisms that we get

depend on the birth delivery process (natural or c-
section). The baby feeding method (mom’s milk or
drinking formula) will influence the microbiota in our
first years of life. Diet will influence the composition of
microbiota in all stages of our life. As we get older
(age), microbiota alterations depend on our diet,
environment where we live, and life style. Antibiotics
will also alter the composition of our gut microbiota
Complete the sentences:

- We get the first microbes _________________________________.

- In the first days of life, our microbiota is influenced by_________.

- As we get older, our microbiota _________________________.

• Viruses are infectious agents with both living and nonliving
characteristics. Living characteristics of viruses include the ability to
reproduce – but only in living host cells – and the ability to mutate.
Nonliving characteristics include the fact that they are not cells, have
no cytoplasm or cellular organelles, and carry out no metabolism on
their own and therefore must replicate using the host cell's metabolic
Tick the true statements:

1) The ability to reproduce is the living characteristic of the viruses.

2) The viruses carry out no metabolism on their own.

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