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Introduction to Vet.


• Medicine: Art and Science of diagnosis, tretment,

prevention of disease

• Art: Experience
• Science:Experiments

• Diagnosis: dia=through+gnosis=knowledge
Recognition of disease
Art of differenciation between two diseases
Introduction to Vet. Medicine

• Treatment: Management and care of patient

against disease

• Prevention: Act of stop/control the occurrence

of disease

• Disease: Any deviation from normal physical,

physiological and mental functions
Introduction to Vet. Medicine

Vet. Medicine
Branch of medical science deals with the diagnosis,
Treatment, prevention and general study of the animal diseases.

Preventive Vet. Medicine Clinical Vet. Medicine

Deals with all the measures Deals with art of diagnosis and
to control and prevent animal extend remedies for disease
Introduction to Vet. Medicine

Classification of disease

• Heridatory dis: Transmit to offsprings from


• Congenital dis: Present/identified at the time of


• Localized dis: In a particular part/area of body

• Generalized dis: In all body
Introduction to Vet. Medicine
Classification of disease

• Infectious dis: Due to the living microorganism

• Contagious dis: Due to the close contact with diseased


• Acute dis: Characterized by sudden onset with

relatively short course. Duration may be 3-14 day. If
duration lesser than 3 days the disease is said to be per
acute and if more than 14 days to 4 weeks it is
considered as sub-acute. Duration of disease more
than 4 weeks is known as chronic disease
Introduction to Vet. Medicine

Classification of disease

• Sporadic dis: Affects single animal and does not

spread in herd
• Enzootic dis: Particular are e.g. district
• Epizootic dis: Large area e.g. many districts
• Panzootic dis: Over many countries or even
• Endemic dis: Disease retained for a long time and
affects large population
Introduction to Vet. Medicine
Veterinary Medical Terminology

Prefixes & Suffixes

Hema/o… -blood Micro… - small
Hyper… -increased Poly… - many
levels/activity of Pan… - all
Hypo… - decreased mono… - one
levels/activity of Di… - two
Hetero… - different A… - none/not
Homo… - the same Ex/o… - out
Psuedo… - false End/o… - in
Anti… - against
Peri… - around
Tachy… - fast
Mega/macro… - large
Introduction to Vet. Medicine
Veterinary Medical Terminology

Prefixes & Suffixes

…ectomy – to remove …rrhea – discharge
…itis – inflammation of …rrhage – burst forth
…ose – sugar …ptosis – prolapse/falling out
…ase – enzyme …spasm - contraction
…gen – producing
…tomy – incision
…emia – blood
… oma – tumor/swelling
…osis/iasis – abnormal
…sclerosis – hardening
…plegia – paralysis

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