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Swimming is an activity that burns lots of calories, is easy on

the joints, supports your weight, builds muscular strength and
endurance. It also improves cardiovascular fitness, cools you
off and refreshes you in summer, and is one that you can do
safely into old age. In this article, I'll review the benefits, the 
strokes, what to wear, and the equipment you need.
Swimming Cap
Swimming Goggles Kickboard ▪ A swim cap is often
▪ Swimming goggles allow ▪ A kickboard makes mandatory when
you to submerge your less sense to learn the swimming in a public
head without having to dolphin kick used in pool, unless you are
fear of getting water in butterfly, as the bald. A swim cap also
your eyes. You will be kickboard limits the comes in handy if you
more relaxed and able to body undulation that is have long hair and
streamline your body essential in that want to avoid that it
better. stroke. gets into your face
while swimming.
Swimwear Ear Plugs
▪ A swimsuit is an ▪ For swimmers who need to wear
obvious requirement earplugs, this can also fall under
for learning swimming the mandatory category. As a
and it should be lifelong wearer of earplugs, I
designed in such a know the deal. Wearing them
way as to make (for some people, at least) is
swimming easier and necessary to avoid getting water
not create too much in the ear canals, which can lead
drag. to infection.
● Crawl (freestyle), butterfly, backstroke,
and breaststroke.
✔ An event where the swimmers may use any
stroke they choose, which typically is the
crawl. The crawl is a stroke made in the
prone position characterised by alternate
over arm movements and a continuous up-
and-down kick; originally known as the
Australian crawl.

✔ A stroke made in the prone

position where both arms are
lifted simultaneously out of
the water and flung forward,
in combination with the
dolphin kick.

✔ A stroke in which the swimmer is on his or

her back performing a flutter-kick and
rotating the arms alternately backward.

✔ A stroke made in the prone

position in which both hands
move simultaneously forward,
outward and rearward from in
front of the chest, and the legs
move in a frog-like manner.
Health Benefits Of Swimming

Swimming is a great workout because you need to move your whole

body against the resistance of the water.

Swimming is a good all-round activity because it:

✔ keeps your heart rate up but takes some of the impact stress off
your body
✔ builds endurance, muscle strength and cardiovascular fitness
✔ helps maintain a healthy weight, healthy heart and lungs
✔ tones muscles and builds strength
✔ provides an all-over body workout, as nearly all of your muscles
are used during swimming.
Other Benefits Of Swimming

Swimming has many other benefits including:

✔ being a relaxing and peaceful form of exercise

✔ alleviating stress
✔ improving coordination, balance and posture
✔ improving flexibility
✔ providing good low-impact therapy for some injuries and conditions
✔ providing a pleasant way to cool down on a hot day
✔ being available in many places – you can swim in swimming pools,
beaches, lakes, dams and rivers. Make sure that the environment
you choose to swim in is safe.
Things to remember:

As well as being fun,

Swimming is a healthy activity
swimming is a great way
that you can continue for a
to keep fit and well and
make friends. lifetime.

Make sure you know how to Swimming is a low-impact

swim and do so in a safe activity that has many physical
environment. and mental health benefits.
● Swimming is good for your health. TRUE

● Breaststroke are the most popular TRUE

swim strokes.

It is better to shower before entering TRUE

● the swimming pool.

● In backstroke the face is in the water. FALSE


● Front Crawl/Freestyle is the fastest and TRUE

most efficient of all the strokes.

● It is okay to swim alone in pool. FALSE

● Swimming can help keep you fit. TRUE

It is safe to swim in the sea if a red FALSE

● flag is flying.

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