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 Indus Valley Civilization was a Bronze age
civilization originating from around 3300 BC and
matured in a period 2600-1900 BC.
 It is considered one of the three civilizations of the
old world alongwith the civilizations of
Mesopotamia(modern-day Iraq) and Egypt.
 No one exactly knows what happened to it and
became the cause of its extinction.(different opinions
are given on this topic)
Location on map
 The Indus Valley Civilization was wide spread from
iran,afghanistan,pakistan and india.
 Moreover small isolated colonies related to IVC were
also found far in Turkmenistan and state of
 It was flourishing alongside river indus(Pakistan) and
some of it was was with ghagar-hakra river in India.
The Indus River Valley civilization was located
in a small area of land in what is now Pakistan
and India. Aside from being on the banks of the
large Indus river, the Indus Valley
civilization was surrounded by forests, desert,
and ocean, making it a very fertile land.
 Its name originated from the mighty river “Indus” as it
flourished alongside the Indus river...
It extended from south-eastern Agfhanistan to north-
western india with its centre lied in Pakistan
 Ruins of Indus Valley Civilization were discovered
in Punjab province of then british india (1920) now
Pakistan by Sir John Marshal(head of archealogical
team discovering the ruins)
Dates(BCE) Phase Era
7000-5000 Mehrgarh I Early food production era
5500-3300 Mehrgarh II-VI
3300-2600 Earky Harappan
3300-2800 Harappan I Regionalization Era
2800-2600 Harappan II
2600-1900 Mature Harappan
2600-2450 Harappan 3A
2450-2200 Harappan 3B
2200-1900 Harappan 3C
1900-1300 Late Harappan Localization Era
1900-1700 Harappan IV
1700-1300 Harappan V
1300-300 IVC Collapsed Iron Age Starts from here
Two Cities
▪Mohenjo Daro
▪ Large and careully built
▪ Three miles across
▪ Maximum 1,00,000 people
▪ Other small towns and villages
 IVC was quite modern in those days.They knew how
to use wheel and could carve stones.They wore
fine dresses.
 They had the worlds’ earliest known sanitation
system even in that era.
 They all lived in peace and harmony.
 No sign of any war have been found.

▪ 34 feet wide main

▪ 9 feet wide smaller roads

▪ Buildings were two or even three stories.

▪ Interiors identical

▪ Drainage system
Communal Granary

▪ Fired
– Walls
– Houses
– Grannaries
Like every other civilizations,IVC had belief about
God too.
They were poly-atheists.
Findings have shown that some of the gods of
the.local inhabitants were also worshipped.
Carved pictures on stone tablets and seals found in
exploration shows that they worshipped
gods,even the river Indus as it gave water to
Modern day hinduism has a lot common to share
with IVC.
 Ruins have revealed they made cities.
 A sophisticated and technologically advanced urban
culture is evident in the Indus Valley Civilization
making them the first urban centres in the region.
 The quality of municipal town planning suggests the
knowledge of urban planning and efficient
municipal governments which placed a high priority
on hygiene.
 it had the world's first known urban sanitation
systems in hydraulic engineering of the Indus Valley
 The IVC people knew the art of metallurgy.Which
can be seen in the jewelry and coins found in the
 They were very artistic people.Vases,jars and other
artifacts have been found from the ruins.
 They also had the knowledge of dental surgery as
human jaw bone have been found with a tooth
drilled.(dating back to 7500-9000 years ago)
 Indus people were quite harmonius and didn’t bother
to quarrell among each other.
 Their main occupation was farming along with
making pottery products and selling them to other
 People of IVC used bull carts,horse carriages as
means of common transport.
 They also had trade links with mesopotamian
civilization as well.
 Traders would take the the ancient silk route(still
present) to go to mesopotamia.
 They had made their own ship docks which is really
sophisticated at that time.
 Between 400 and as many as 600 distinct Indus
symbols have been found on seals, small tablets,
ceramic pots and more than a dozen other materials,
including a "signboard" that apparently once hung
over the gate of the inner citadel of the Indus city of
 Around 1800 BCE, signs of a gradual decline began
to emerge, and by around 1700 BCE, most of the
cities were abandoned.
 Nobody has the exact prove of what happened to
this civilization.
 Some experts call it drought,some put it on the
aryans,natural disaster etc etc.
 But it is true that it all started with the advent of

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