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Bahasa Inggris 2

Materi setelah UTS

Part 2

Syafik Arisandi. S.S.,M.Kes

Pair Work
• The illustration below show the
implementation of checking vital signs
• Choose one picture then, make a conversation
exchange and give appropriate instructions
when you want to check patient’s vital signs
according to the illustration
• Take only one kind implementation of vital
signs checking
Sample Conversation
Nurse : Good morning. Mr Hall. What '5 brought you along
PATIENT: Well, you see, I've been having these headaches, you
see, and...
Nurse : Aha, and how long: have they been bothering you?
PATIENT : Er, well . they started about , well it must have been
about three months ago.
Nurse : I see. And which part of your head is affected?
PATIENT: Well, it's, it's right across the front here.
Nurse : Mm. And can you describe the pain?
PATIENT: Erm. a sort of dull, dull and throbbing kind of pain.

Nurse: I see, and do they come on at any particular time?

PATIENT: They seem to be, they're usually worse In the morning. I notice them
when I wake up.

Nurse : Mm. And Is there anything that makes them better?

PATIENT: Well, if I lie clown for a while, they seem to get. they go away.

Nurse: Yes, and has there been anything else apart from these headaches?

PATIENT : Well. the wife, my wife. she says that I seem to be getting a bit deaf.

Nurse: Oh? Well. Mr Hall, I think at this stage I'll star t by checking your ears to
see if there's any wax ...

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