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Types of Speech Style

What is consultative speech style?

 Known as the third level language

 Unplanned speech

 This is the normal style for speaking to strangers or persons who are
neither acquaintances nor friends or relatives(e.g., in a dialog or Interview

 It is used in group discussions, regular conversations at school, companies,

trade, speech conversation, etc. it was the most operational among the
other styles.
What is consultative speech style?

• One of the characteristics of consultative style is its tendency of average speed,

which is higher than formal style, The sentence tend to be shorter(resemble or
indeed, phrase) and less well planned (tend to spontaneous). Since its
spontaneous, people tend to repeat some unnecessary words, choose the wrong
word or use many slang

• The two defining features of this style are (a) the speaker supplies background
information- he does not assume that he will be understood without it, and (b) the
listener participates continuously.

 Classroom
 Small group
 Meetings
 Tutor
 Doctor visit
 Workshop

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