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in Context
Quarter 1 – Module 6:
Types of Speeches and
Speech Style
Types of Speeches and
1 Speech Style

In this lesson, you, as a learner, will experience the use of an appropriate

speech style in the different types of speeches. Here, you will encounter various

activities in both informal and formal communication.

What’s In

In the previous lesson, we have learned that communication has many

contexts. Speech context is described as a situation or environment and a

circumstance in which communication occurs. As we mention types of speech context,

we mean social relationships and social situations. In the different types of speech

contexts, we learned that we, as speakers can at the same be listeners. We can also

talk to someone, among small groups or big groups and even through all types of

media such as on television, radio, internet newspapers, or magazines.

Without a clear understanding of the types of speech context, it will be difficult

for us to connect and adapt to the kind of conversation, specifically, on the manner of

utterances and language forms that we will be using on various occasions or


What’s New

Normally, communication involves a speaker and an audience. A speaker

delivers a message to either a single audience or more. Each context has different

strategies that a speaker can apply. The larger the audience; the higher the level of

formality. In the same way, the smaller the number of an audience; the closer the

intimacy and familiarity will occur.

What is It

Before communication takes place, you, as a speaker has an aim in mind; a

purpose. The moment you talk, whether in an ordinary conversation or in a formal
occasion, you always have a reason. This happens when you intend to open a topic
to someone or some group of people as your audience.

There are three types of speech according to purpose. These are the


1. Informative speech . This is also known as expository speech. When

you speak to inform, your aim is to provide the audience with
information about a topic, or to expand their knowledge about a topic
with which they are already familiar. In this type of speech, you can
explain, demonstrate or instruct the audience or listeners about your
topic. In some formal gatherings, for instance, presenting an
accomplishment report or informing the audience on procedure on how
to do something, usually, there is a visual presentation to support the
speaker’s statements.

2. Persuasive Speech. When you speak to persuade, you aim to

influence the audience to accept the speaker’s position or stand on an
issue, and to urge the audience to take a particular action. As a
speaker, you need
to know the reason why you persuade your audience. This speech style is
used in debates, political campaigns, or appeals for donations.

3. Entertainment Speech . When speaking to entertain, you aim to
amuse the audience and put them in a pleasant or interesting diversion.
This is done by using a light, funny, or witty anecdote. Usually, it is
delivered at social gatherings, like, dinner parties and events. While you
set the audience to relax, still, you should have to focus.

When you interact with others, you use a particular speech style. The type of
speech style you intend to use depends on the kind of a social context that is, the
social situation and the social relationship involved between or among the
participants. You speak differently and choose words carefully according to whom
you are talking to because it is said that, language choice reveals information
about the social relationship between or among people.
According to a Dutch linguist, Martin Joos (1976) as mentioned by Balgos
& Sipacio (2016), Speech Style means the form of language that the speaker uses
which is characterized by the degree of formality.
There are five types of speech style: intimate, casual, consultative, formal, and

Types of Characteristics
Speech Style

This style is private, which is used by a very close

relationship such as between husband and wife, parents and
children, between siblings, and boyfriend and girlfriend. In this
style, the participants share a completely private vocabulary.
Intimate Since the participants have an intimate relationship, and they
often know each other’s intention, there is no need for a clear
articulation of words. This uses words of endearment like,
“darling,” “honey,” “babe” etc. and a high incidence of non-
verbal communication.

This speech style is conversational in tone and has a free

and easy participation. The languages used among and
Casual between friends or peers who share common interests are
general, jargon, slang, and colloquial. Informal contractions
are used (e.g., “ain’t,”
“dunno,” “gonna”,”dude”,”nope”). Interruptions are common.

Nicknames are used. (Balgos & Sipacio 2016. p.35)

This style is used in semi-formal communication in a

twoway participation. The sentences tend to be shorter and
spontaneous. This is considered as the most operational style
Consultative among the other styles where a speaker needs to provide
background information because the listener (or addressee)
may not be able to understand without it. In turn, the listener
participates continuously by giving feedback like, “I see”,
“Uhhuh”, “Ah “, “okay” to signal that he or she is paying
attention to the speaker, or has understood what was said.
Thus, both the speaker and the listener are active participants.

In this style, the speaker uses formal words and

Formal expressions like complete sentences and technical or academic

vocabulary. In other words, this does not allow omissions and

contractions. It is a one -way speaking to medium, or large

groups. Since there is little or no feedback from the listeners or

audience, the speaker needs to plan his or her utterances, or

what he or she is going to say. This speech style is evident in

conferences, inaugurations.

Frozen The speaker uses language in fixed and static expressions that

are rarely or never changed. This is the most formal style and is

reserved for very formal situations such as in ceremonies,

religious services, state affairs, and court proceedings. It uses

prescribed and highly formal language, such as in official, or

historical documents and literary texts e.g. the Preamble to the

Constitution, Lord’s Prayer, Allegiance to country or flag.

In order to grasp an understanding on the types of speeches
according to
purpose, try to answer the activity

: Identfy the types of speech according to purpose in the following
used by ways
a speaker. Write whether the situation is Informative Speech (IS),
Persuasive Speech (PS), Entertainment Speech (ES) in the blank before the number.

What’s More

___________1. A project proposal on Proper Waste Disposal

__________ 2. A humorous story or an anecdote

___________3. Incorporating drama by using narration

___________4. A news story about a distribution of relief goods

___________ 5. A political campaign

Activity 1. Noticeably Different!
Directions: Differentiate the Speech Styles based on social relationship, language

forms and manner of utterances below. Use the graphic organizer provided. Write

inside the circle the differences and in the overlapping circle, the similarities.

1. Intimate and Casual

2.Consultative, Formal and Frozen


Directions: Read and understand the questions carefully before you answer. Encircle
the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which aspect do intimate and casual speech styles similar?

a. Nicknames are used in addressing one another.
b. Sentence structures are more complex and varied.
c. Ellipsis (omission of one or more words) is not allowed.
d. Words are carefully chosen, and grammar rules are followed.

2. Which of the following statements is NOT true about a frozen speech style?
a. Pronunciation is very clear.
b. Words are carefully chosen.
c. Interruptions are not allowed
d. Participants share inside jokes.

3. Which of the statements is TRUE about an entertainment type of speech?

a. It adds knowledge and wisdom.
b. It contains only a collection of jokes
c. It is purely explaining a concept all throughout.
d. It is not just injecting jokes since there is still a focus or theme.

4. Which speech style is appropriate if a class adviser talks with the subject
teachers about a student’s absenteeism?
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate
5. What type of speech is shown in the statement?
Class president: “Attention everyone! Our classroom adviser will meet us tomorrow
at 4 pm. Important matters will be discussed.”
a. inspiring
b. informative
c. persuasive
d. entertainment
6. Peter is preparing a speech on how to make summertime productive. He is
worried that his speech may be boring. What advice could you give him to make
sure it isn't?
a. He may write all the jokes that he knows.
b. He should request others to prepare a speech for him.
c. He should memorize his speech that he may not feel bored.
d. He should relax and write the speech in the language that is familiar.
7. In a consultative speech style, what do you think does the speaker provide in
order that the listener will understand?
a. formulaic statement
b. background information
c. feedback or comment

d. prescribed law, custom, or ritual.

8. What distinguishes a formal style from a consultative style?

a. the lack of audience
b. the lack of listener participation.
c. the presence of sarcasm and exaggeration
d. the presence of interruptions between the two parties
9. What type of speech style is used in preparing for the SONA (State of the Nation
Address) of the president ?
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate

10. If you are a newscaster who is about to deliver a news story, what
speech style should be used?
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate
11. In a baptismal ceremony, what speech style is used by a clergy ?
a. casual
b. formal
c. frozen
d. intimate

12. In a mother and child conversation at home, if the child would want to
convince his/her mother for an increase of his/her weekly allowance, what type
of speech should be used?
a. inspiring
b. informative
c. persuasive
d. entertainment

13. Which of the choices is suited for a frozen style?

a. A class officer presiding a batch reunion
b. A tribal chieftain leading ritual before planting
c. A group of friends talking about summer classes
d. A program director giving instructions to the staff.

14. Which of the choices is suited for a consultative style?

a. A class officer presiding a batch reunion
b. A tribal chieftain leading ritual before planting rice
c. A group of friends talking about a productive vacation
d. A health expert giving an advice on how to be psychological fit

15. If the topic for an informative speech is about the Social Amelioration
Project for 2020, what will be the specific focus/purpose?
a. To inform the public about the total recovered COVID patients
b. To inform the public about the various problems in the country
c. To inform the public about the income of the tourism industry
d. To inform the public about the guidelines on recipient’s qualification

Answer Key

What’s More Activity 1 Assessment

1. IS 1. A
2. ES Answer May Vary 2. D
3. ES 3. D
4. IS 4. A
5. PS 5. B
6. D
7. B
8. A
9. B
10. B
11. C
12. C
13. C
14. D
15. D


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