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Prepared by: Rose Marie B. Lagasca, MAN

• Spirometry: A lung function test to
measure breathing capacity and how
well you breathe. You will breathe
into a device called a spirometer.
What is the role of spirometry in the diagnosis
of asthma?
• Spirometry assessments should be obtained as the primary
test to establish the asthma diagnosis. Spirometry should be
performed prior to initiating treatment in order to establish the
presence and determine the severity of baseline airway
obstruction. Optimally, the initial spirometry should also
include measurements before and after inhalation of a short-
acting bronchodilator in all patients in whom the diagnosis of
asthma is considered.
• Spirometry measures the forced vital capacity
(FVC), the maximal amount of air expired from the
point of maximal inhalation, and the forced
expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). A
reduced ratio of FEV1 to FVC, when compared
with predicted values, demonstrates the presence
of airway obstruction. Reversibility is demonstrated
by an increase of 12% and 200 mL after the
administration of a short-acting bronchodilator.
• Spirometry is a simple breathing test. It measures how much air flows in
and out of your lungs. If you have symptoms that could be a sign of
asthma—like shortness of breath—you should have a spirometry test.
• Spirometry helps diagnose and manage asthma.
• A spirometry test can confirm whether you have asthma or another
disease. And it helps your healthcare provider decide on your treatment. A
spirometry test can also show how well your treatment is working. If
follow-up spirometry tests show that your asthma is well controlled, your
treatment is working. If it shows that your asthma is not under control,
your doctor may need to change your medicine or give you more
• When should you have a spirometry test?
• Children older than age five, and adults of any age, who have asthma-like
symptoms should have a spirometry test. The healthcare provider should
also do a physical exam and a full medical history. If the test shows that
you have asthma, your doctor should prescribe asthma medicine. Then
you should be retested four to six weeks later. If your test results improve,
your treatment is working. You may even be able to take less medicine. If
your symptoms get worse, you should have another spirometry test. If
your symptoms are controlled, you should have a test at least once every
year or two.
• How to prepare for a spirometry test
• You shouldn’t smoke one hour before a spirometry test.
You’ll also need to avoid alcohol that day as well.
Eating too large of a meal could also impact your ability
to breathe.

• Don’t wear clothing that’s so tight that it could restrict

your breathing. Your doctor may also have instructions
about whether you should avoid using inhaled breathing
medications or other medications prior to your test.
Spirometry procedure
• A spirometry test usually takes about 15 minutes and generally happens in
your doctor’s office. Here’s what happens during a spirometry procedure:
• You’ll be seated in a chair in an exam room at your doctor’s office. Your
doctor or a nurse places a clip on your nose to keep both nostrils closed.
They also place a cup-like breathing mask around your mouth.
• Your doctor or nurse next instructs you to take a deep breath in, hold your
breath for a few seconds, and then exhale as hard as you can into the
breathing mask.
• You’ll repeat this test at least three times to
make sure that your results are consistent.
Your doctor or nurse may have you repeat
the test more times if there is a lot of
variation between your test results. They’ll
take the highest value from three close test
readings and use it as your final result.
• If you have evidence of a breathing disorder, your
doctor might then give you an inhaled medication
known as a bronchodilator to open up your lungs
after the first round of tests. They’ll then ask you
to wait 15 minutes before doing another set of
measurements. Afterward, your doctor will
compare the results of the two measurements to
see whether the bronchodilator helped increase
your airflow.
• When used to monitor breathing disorders, a
spirometry test is typically done once a year
to once every two years to monitor changes
in breathing in people with well-controlled
COPD or asthma. Those with more severe
breathing problems or breathing problems
that aren’t well controlled are advised to
have more frequent spirometry tests.
Spirometry side effects
• Few complications can occur during or after a spirometry test.
You may feel a bit dizzy or have some shortness of breath
immediately after performing the test. In very rare cases, the
test may trigger severe breathing problems.

• The test requires some exertion, so it isn’t recommended if you

recently had a heart condition or have other heart problems.
Spirometry normal values and how to
read your test results
• Normal results for a spirometry test vary from person to person. They’re based
on your age, height, race, and gender. Your doctor calculates the predicted
normal value for you before you do the test. Once you’ve done the test, they look
at your test score and compare that value to the predicted value. Your result is
considered normal if your score is 80 percent or more of the predicted value.
• Spirometry measures two key factors: expiratory forced vital capacity (FVC) and
forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1). Your doctor also looks at these
as a combined number known as the FEV1/FVC ratio. If you have obstructed
airways, the amount of air you’re able to quickly blow out of your lungs will be
reduced. This translates to a lower FEV1 and FEV1/FVC ratio.
FVC measurement
• One of the primary spirometry measurements is FVC, which is the greatest total amount of air you can
forcefully breathe out after breathing in as deeply as possible. If your FVC is lower than normal, something is
restricting your breathing.

• Normal or abnormal results are evaluated differently between adults and children:

• For children ages 5 to 18:

• Percentage of predicted FVC value Result

• 80% or greater normal
• less than 80% abnormal
Patient undergo spirometry test
• 1. What is the role of spirometry in the diagnosis of asthma?
• 2. Spirometry for Asthma
• 3. Spirometry: What to Expect and How to Interpret Your Results

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