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Things to Remember

• After Earthquake
• > Check for injuries.
• > Check for damage.
• > If you smell or hear a gas leak, get
everybody outside and open windows
and doors.
• If the power is out, unplug major
appliances to prevent possible damage
First Aid
• It is the first and
immediate assistance
given to any person
suffering either minor or
serious injury or illness.
Purpose of First Aid
• 1. To prevent the condition
from worsening.
• 2. To provide assistance to
preserve life.
Importance of Knowing First Aid
1. The training gives the person
the confidence to step in to
help when emergency occurs.
2. If you take action, it can save
life or can prevent future
Principles of First Aid
• > preserve life
• > prevent future disability
• > taking immediate action
• > calming the situation
• > calling for medical assistance
• > apply the relevant treatment
Basic First Aid Steps
• Step 1 – Assess the situation.
• Step 2 – Plan for the intervention.
• Step 3 – Implement first aid
• Step 4 – Evaluate the situation.
First Aid Kit
• It is a collection of
supplies or equipment
that is used to give
medical treatment.
First Aid Kit Includes:
• Gauze pad
• Adhesive tape and Band-aids
• Elastic bandage
• Antiseptic solution (Alcohol,
Betadine, Hydrogen peroxide)
• Pain medicines (Biogesic)
• Hydrocortisone ointment
• Thermometer

• Scissor
• Clean gloves at least 2 pairs
• Flashlight with extra batteries
• List of emergency numbers
First Aid for Abrasion
• An Abrasion is a type of open
wound that is caused by skin
rubbing in rough surface.
•Treating an abrasion at home
•A first- or second-degree abrasion can usually be treated at home. To care
for an abrasion:
•Begin with washed hands.
•Gently clean the area with cool to lukewarm water and mild soap. Remove
dirt or other particles from the wound using sterilized tweezers.
•For a mild scrape that’s not bleeding, leave the wound uncovered.
•If the wound is bleeding, use a clean cloth or bandage, and apply gentle
pressure to the area to stop any bleeding. Elevating the area can also help
stop bleeding.
•Cover a wound that bled with a thin layer of topical antibiotic ointment,
like Bacitracin, or a sterile moisture barrier ointment, like Aquaphor. Cover
it with a clean bandage or gauze. Gently clean the wound and change the
ointment and bandage once per day.
•Watch the area for signs of infection, like pain or redness and swelling. See
your doctor if you suspect infection.
1. Stop Bleeding, if Necessary
Apply firm pressure to wound with clean cloth until bleeding stops.
If bone is pushing through skin, do not touch it or try to put it back in place.
2. Splint the Area, if Possible
The purpose of the splint is to hold still and protect a wounded body part from further
Cut away clothing if it cannot be removed without moving the injured body part.
Gently tape the dislocated area or fracture to a rolled-up newspaper, ruler, stick, or a rolled-up
piece of clothing with first aid tape. In general, try to include the joint above and below the
injury in the splint. As much as possible, avoid moving the injured limb, and never force it or
try to twist it back into place.
3. Reduce Swelling and Prevent Injury
Apply an ice pack wrapped in cloth or a cold compress.
Elevate the injured area if possible.
4. Manage Pain and Inflammation
For pain, give ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), acetaminophen (Tylenol), or naproxen (Aleve, 
Naprosyn). Do not give aspirin to anyone under age 18.
5. Get Medical Help As Soon as Possible
6. Follow Up
The doctor will X-ray the dislocation or fracture and may realign and set it.
The doctor may apply a splint or cast, or surgery may be required.
WebMD Medical Reference Reviewed by Tyler Wheeler, MD on January 26, 
• 1-4 Principles of First
• 5-6 Purpose of First Aid
7.It is the collection of medical
supplies that needed when
emergency occurs.
8-11 medical supplies that need
to be included in First Aid Kit.
12-15. Basic step of First Aid.
• A FRACTURE is a broken
bone. It requires a medical
attention, so call for a
professional help.
Remember this in Fracture
• DO NOT move the person except
if necessary to AVOID injury.
Take the following actions
immediately ( first aid
treatment) while waiting for
medical help.
Basic First Aid Treatment for
• 1. Stop any bleeding. Apply pressure
to the wound with a sterile bandage,
a clean cloth or a clean piece of
• 2. Immobilize the injured area. Don’t
try to realign the bone or push bone
that is sticking out back in.
• 3. Apply ice pack. It reduce the
swelling and help relieve pain.
• 4. Treat for shock. If the person feels
faint or having short rapid breathing
lay the person down with the head
slightly lower than the trunk and, if
possible, elevate the legs.



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