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- Is one of the major Literature in the
world. It is less voluminous than Chinese
Literature but comparable to Arabic,
Persian and Indian literature. It covers
the period from the fifth century A.D to
the present.
*- One of the oldest and richest
national literatures. Since the late
1800s, Japanese writings have
become increasingly familiar
- Genres such as haiku verse, nō
drama, and the Japanese novel have
a substantial impact on literature in
any parts of the world.
-Is a form of Japanese poetry, consisting of 17
moras in three metrical phrases of 5, 7, and 5
moras respectively.
-Typically contain a kigo(seasonal reference),
and kireji or verbal caesura.
-In Japanese, haiku are traditionally printed in a
single vertical line, while haiku in English
usually appear in three lines, to parallel the
three metrical phrases of Japanese haiku.
- Previously called HOKKU, haiku was
given its current name by the Japanese
writer Masaoka Shiki at the end of the
19th century.
Mora- is a sound unit, much like a
Haiku poems started out as a popular
activity called “tanka”.
Tanka- was a progressive poem, where one
person would write the first three lines with a 5-
7-5 structure, and the next person would add a
section with a 7-7 structure.

The first verse was called a “hokku” and set the

mood for the rest of the verses.

The word haiku is derived from hokku.

Four Master Haiku Poets known
as “the Great Four”

1. Matsuo Basho
2. Kobayashi Issa
3. Masaoka Shiki
4. Yosa Buson
Natzumi Soseki- a famed novelist and
contemporary of Shiki, who also wrote haiku.
1. Matsu Basho
- (1644-1694) considered the greatest haiku poet
An old silent pond…
A frog jumps into the pond,
Splash! Silence again.

Autumn moonlight-
A worn digs silently
Into the chestnut

In the twilight rain

These brilliant-hued hibiscus-
A lovely sunset.
Yosa Buson
-(1716-1784), a haiku master poet and painter.
A summer river being crossed
How pleasing
With sandals in my hand!

Light of the moon

Moves west, flower’s shadows
Creep eastward.

In the moonlight
The color and scent of the wisteria
Seems far away.
Kobayashi Issa
-(1763-1828), a renowned haiku poet.
O snail
Climb Mount Fuji,
But slowly, slowly!

Trusting the Buddha, good and bad

I bid farewell
To the departing year.

Everything I touch
With tenderness, alas,
Pricks like a bramble.
Masaoki Shiki
(1867-1902)-credited with reviving the haiku and developing its modern
I want to sleep
Swat the flies
Softly, please

After killing
A spider, how lonely I fell
In the cold of night!

For love and for hate

I swat a fly and offer it
To an ant.
Natzume Soseki
-(1867-1916) was a widely respected novelist who also had many fairy tales
and haiku published.
The lamp once out
Cool stars enter
The window frame.

Plum flower temple:

Voices rise
From the foothills

The crow has flown away:

Swaying in the evening sun,
A leafless tree.
2. Shinto
- kami-no-michi– is the

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