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The Experiences of Online

Shoppers that got Scammed by

the Sellers
ABM C - Group 2

Kate Arvin Rama

Mark Angelo San Jose
Kacey Ramilo
Bianca Isabelle San Pascual
Monica Joy Santos
Research Questions
● What are the experiences of online shoppers and how it affects their
buying decision?
● Why do people fall for these scams?
● What is the reason why people still buys online even they got
● In our methodology, it includes the research design we would be using
in this research study. It provides what kind of statistical technique and
instrument we will use to interview our respondents. This
methodology also gives the procedure and what specific outline we
would do in this research study.

In this research study, we are going to use interview as a research
instrument to gather data from our respondents. Basically, interviews
are usually done when a researcher ask one or more participants in
general, an open-ended question and record their answers. The
research design that we would be using for this research would be
qualitative. Qualitative involves collecting and analyzing non-
● We collected our data using interview as our research instrument so we
can directly as our respondents for information about this research
study. In data analysis we use descriptive statistics this will show us
representation of our respondents. And lastly to analyze the given data
of our respondents. We summarize their answer and make a conclusion.
Results and Findings
After we find out how does online frauds affects online buyers, The
experiences of our interviewees gave us a lot of answers on how these
frauds affect their buying decisions. Some of them become wise and more
alert when it comes to online scams. Before buying a product, the majority
of them read all of the descriptions and details, and as a result of their past
experiences, their trust in online stores has been reduced to just a few.
Results and Findings
● These results are based on the answers of our respondents in our
interview, we noticed that some of their answers are identical in a way.
Most of them are not knowledgeable on the risk they might encounter
in buying products online. Some of them are impulsive consumers who
are unconcerned with the customer reviews and ratings. Some of them
said that the majority of the advertising images are believable, and that
this will convince them to purchase the items more.
Results and Findings
● Base on our research, online shopping has been one of the most
convenient ways to purchase products because it is hassle-free, such as
ordering a product with only one click and having it delivered to your
house. Especially nowadays people can't go outside because of the
pandemic that is currently happening right now, so people prefer these
kinds of platform where it is easy to buy things they need. Another
reason is some people don't have time to go to the mall because they are
busy with their jobs, studies and duties in their homes. Lastly they buy
products in online shops for their needs and wants as a person, and
online shops became a game changer on purchasing things we need and
things we want. So since it became a trend nowadays, it also become
one of the reason why people are scamming people.
Results and Findings
● Research study wants to prove that even though online shopping are
less hassle in looking and purchasing products they need, there are still
some disadvantages such as scams, frauds, untrustworthy shops and
products, and etc. Half of those we interviewed just let it slide out and
took it as a lesson, so that kind of thing won't happen again, but some of
them acted differently. They took actions by reporting it and giving
their reviews in the customer feedback section," the study says. Most of
our respondents are students located in San Mateo, Rizal, and
Discussion and Conclusions
● Our research study has great focus on the shoppers who were scammed
in both Shopee and Lazada. Other related publications are more focused
on general issues in online shopping. To sum up the result of our
findings, the answers of our respondents were almost the same and
connected to each other. The difference they showed was how they
behave after they were scammers. Each and one of them did have their
own ways on how they resolved or addressed the situation.
Discussion and Conclusions
● Our research study was done for giving awareness to the people and to
prove that scams do happen in almost all sorts of different online
shopping platforms. This kind of small gesture makes online shoppers
more mindful of the dangers of purchasing things online. The article
contributes to the hypothesis by taking a holistic approach that allows
the idea of customer experience to be recognized, while addressing
traditionally existing beliefs about online shopping experiences.
This research study will help to decrease the number of people who are
falling for scams in online shopping. Don't put too much trust in online
stores that haven't been verified and don't have a lot of information about
the products they sell. We recommend that you always look at the product's
reviews, feedbacks, ratings, and the number of genuine buyers. Always
think before you click because we may not know if the brand name we are
going to buy from is real or just a scam use to deceive people. Some of
them are fake who tries to copy others' business name so that they could
benefit from it. References from someone you know can help to have
information about the seller's brand name you will be buying from.

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