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Personal Life and Experiences

Particularly in the Area of Physical

Self, Material, Digital, Sexual,
Political, Religion and Spiritual
Self and Last, Caring for One Self

Prepared by:
Kimberly D. Tayag
Physical Self
✘ The Physical Self is a must-learn lesson for me
because we need to be reminded of the various
reasons why we may feel this way about ourselves.
I'm delighted, I'm more confidence now, owing to the
fact that I ignored all beauty standards and felt I was
attractive just the way I was. Again, I believe that
beauty is more of an emotion than a socially
manufactured impression. You will begin to perceive
yourself as a lovely person if you feel attractive.

Sexual Self
To completely realize one's sexual self,
one must first understand the human
reproductive system, the erogenous
zone, and human sexual behavior.
Sexual self-concept is described as a
person's assessment of his or her own
sexual emotions and behaviors.

Digital Self

The digital self is the sum of all of our features and

interactions, whereas partial identity is a subset of the
attributes that comprise our identity. The self-evaluation
of one's value as an individual, as opposed to one's
interpersonal or societal duties. The number of people
who are becoming more active online is growing all
across the world. The Internet is currently used by more
than half of the world's population.

Material Self

The self is one's identity expressed

via his worldly assets. Our identities
are formed by the material things we
wear, our homes, automobiles, and
even our pets. It reflects one's social
position, and the more expensive and
elegant one's goods are, the more
pleased others will be.
Political Self
✘ The Political Self is that the conceptually
discrete categories of ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ in
reality constantly interact, shape, and inform
each other. It indicates that separating these two
worlds has resulted in a devitalized and
disconnected type of politics, as well as a
disengaged and disempowering kind of
treatment and analysis.

Spiritual and Religion Self
For many people, the desire for sanctity
and transcendence may have a beneficial
impact on their lives. In his or her life
circumstances, a spiritual person finds
satisfaction and tranquility. Questions
such as "am I a nice person?" can be
answered via spirituality. ", as well as
"How can I enjoy my life to the fullest?"
" are addressed. Most significantly,
spirituality enables one to become
resilient in the face of daily hardships and

Caring for One Self
✘ Self-care is a broad term that encompasses everything
you do intentionally to improve your mental, physical,
and emotional health. Self-care, as basic as it sounds, is
something that many of us overlook. This is why one of
the most crucial terms in the definition is 'deliberately.'
Before you can attain meaningful self-care, you must be
aware of your own well-being. It begins with minor
behaviors such as not checking emails late at night when
you know it impacts your sleep and progresses to more
significant ones like as taking a vacation or scheduling a
massage when you feel you need one.

My Reflection
When you remain true to yourself, your
personality and distinctiveness come
through. You accept other people's
perspectives, yet you don't fit stereotypes or
other people's expectations. It takes guts to
be truthful to oneself. It necessitates
introspection, honesty, open-mindedness,
and fairness. It does not imply that you are
insensitive or uncaring about others. It
implies that you will not let others to define
you or make decisions for you that you
should make yourself. Be the best version
of yourself and conduct your life in
accordance with your highest ideals and
ambitions. Successful people dare to reveal
their actual self, which has the delightful
side effect of extending others'

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