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Science Class with Miss RJ

In this chapter, we will learn about:
A. Parts of a Plant (bagian-bagian tanaman)
B. Plants Need Light and Water to Grow (tanaman membutuhkan cahaya dan air
untuk tumbuh)

C. Temperature Affects How Plants Grow (suhu mempengaruhi pertumbuhan

A. Parts of a Plant
(bagian-bagian tumbuhan)

Plants have leaves, stems, and

Some have flowers too.
Each part has a different function.

Leaves: daun
Stems: batang
Roots: akar
Flowers: bunga
Function: fungsi / kegunaan / manfaat
1. Leaves (daun)
Leaves make food for plants.
Leaves have different shapes, colours, edges, and textures.

make food: menghasilkan makanan

Shape: bentuk
Edges: ujung-ujung daun
2. Flowers (bunga)

Not all plants have flowers.

Plants that have flowers are
flowering plants.
Flowers help plants reproduce.
Flowers have different shapes, sizes
and colours.

Reproduce: berkembang biak

3. Roots (akar)

Roots hold plants firmly to the ground.

Trees have long and thick roots.
Some plants, such as small weeds, have short and thin roots.

Hold : memegang
Firmly : dengan kuat
Long : panjang
Thick : tebal
Weeds : gulma / daun kecil
Short : pendek
Thin : kurus
Roots also absorb or take in water from the soil.
What happens if plants are grown in too little soil?

Absorb : menyerap
Take in water : menyerap air
Dissolved : larutan
Mineral salt : garam mineral
Grow : tumbuh
Fertilisers : pupuk
Most plants have roots that grow in the soil, but some plants have roots that
grow in air or water!!!

These roots store food and can be eaten. Have you eaten any of them?

In air : di udara
Can be eaten: bisa dimakan
4. Stems (batang)
Stems join the roots to the other parts of plants.
Look at Aishah’s experiment.
Why did the petals of her flower change colour?

Join : bergabung
Petal : mahkota bunga
Inside : di dalam
Tubes: tabung / rongga
Carry : membawa
Transported : mengantarkan
Stems transport water
and mineral salts from the roots
to other parts of plants.

Stems also hold the leaves

up so that they can get sunlight.

Hold the leaves up : menegakkan daun ke atas

Sunlight : cahaya matahari
Some plants have woody stems. Other plants have non-woody stems.

Woody : berkayu
Non-woody : lunak / tidak berkayu
Underground : di bawah tanah
Store : menyimpan
Food : cadangan makanan

Some plants have stems that grow underground.

These stems store food.
Have you eaten any of them?
Enable : membolehkan
Grow well : tumbuh dengan baik
Fungi : jamur
Harmful : berbahaya
Science Activity at Home 
(Penilaian KI4 Science Chapter Flowering Plants)

Make a leaf collection poster on a paper, and classify the

leaves based on its shape, color, edge, and texture (maximum
16 leaves)

Open your book

At page 87-88 !!
Let’s do exercise!
Please open your science book at page:



B. Do Plants Need Light and Water?
(Apakah tanaman membutuhkan cahaya dan air?)
C. Does Temperature Affect How Plants Grow?
(Apakah suhu mempengaruhi pertumbuhan tanaman?)

Temperature is a measure of how hot something is.

When the temperature of a place is high = it is hot (example: summer)
When the temperature of a place is low = it is cold (example: winter)

Infrared termometre
Things that can we use to measure the
temperature of a place
Rainforests are usually warm all year round.
They also have plenty of water and sunlight. Rainforest : Hutan hujan
Can plants grow well in rainforests? Warm : hangat
Plenty : banyak
Deserts can reach very high temperatures during the day.
Can plants grow well in deserts?
Desert : gurun
Very high : sangat tinggi
Let’s do exercise!
Please open your science book at page:

The sunflower is wilting
because it doesn’t get
enough water. We need to
give it more water to
make it grow well.

Because it doesn’t get enough sunlight.

Let’s do exercise!
Please open your science book at page:

Yes, it will. Because it can make the condition heat No. it will not. The plants will die because of the cold
and well for plants to grow temperature.
Say Hamdallah together....
And see you on the next lesson 

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