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Reinventing the wheel at Apex Door


Prepared By :-
21BSP0062_Jay Chapaneri
21BSP0115_Rahul Dodhiya
21BSP3395_Rituraj Poochhwale
21BSP0139_Sayan Podder
1.What do you think of Apex’s training process? Could it help to
explain why employees “do things their way” and if so, how?

The major reason which makes this training completely ineffective is: -

 Employees do their jobs in their own way even after given them a proper instruction.
 No formal training process in this company.
 JD is not properly provided as well no precise content is there.
 Employees don’t know to use the multipage order form.
 Training is similar in every level and in every department and a very short length.
 Employees have a very lack of motivation/interest respectively.
 Trainer teaches in his own way as the job description is improper.
2.What role should job description play in training at Apex?

 Job analysis is the procedure through which we determine the duties and nature of the jobs and
the kinds of people who should be hired for them. We can utilize the information it provides to
write job descriptions and job specifications, which are utilized in recruitment and selection,
compensation, performance appraisal, and training. In another hand job descriptions set the
boundaries of jobs in terms of required knowledge and skills. It is a description of the task in
adjusting the limits of work in terms with necessary knowledge and skills. By understanding the
job description, a trainer can define the learning requirements or the material requirements for
new or transitioning employees.
3.Explain in detail what you would do to improve the training
process at Apex. Make sure to provide specific suggestions.

 We should start our training effort by carefully thinking about the organization’s strategic goals
and objectives, our unit’s goals and objectives, what work is to be performed and the strengths
and weaknesses of our staff by thinking carefully about the knowledge and skills needed to do the
job. Knowing what a job requires and how well we want it done will give us data to make training
decisions. We should also look at broad performance issues and opportunities needed to change or
improve the organization and the individual employee’s strength and growth opportunities.
 ANALYSE, DESIGN, DEVELOP, IMPLIMENT, EVALUATE the situation happening in the APEX organization.
 Perform organizational analysis, personal analysis, task analysis.
 Design on the basis of quantifiable goals, develop a proper order for the organization to work on.
 Create a motivational and learning environment.
 Implement them.
 Evaluate on the basis of
 1. Reaction- Did they like the program? Do they think it is worthwhile.
 2. Learning- Test the trainees to determine whether they learned the principles, skills they were supposed to learn.
 3. Behaviour - Whether the trainees on the job behaviour has changed or not?
 4. Results- Most important, what results did we achieve, in terms of training objectives set.

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