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Personality Mapping

Submitted by:
Chaitanya Chandel,
Riya Sareen and
Syed Hassan
BBA [G] – 4th A
What is Personality?
• Personality is defined as the characteristic sets of behaviors, cognitions, and
emotional patterns that evolve from biological and environmental factors.
• Personality can be determined through a variety of tests. Due to the fact that
personality is a complex idea, the dimensions of personality and scales of
personality tests vary and often are poorly defined.
• The study of the psychology of personality, called personality psychology,
attempts to explain the tendencies that underlie differences in behavior.
Personality Traits
• Openness:- Openness is shorthand for "openness to experience." People who are high in openness
enjoy adventure. They're curious and appreciate art, imagination and new things.
• Conscientiousness:- People who are conscientious are organized and have a strong sense of duty.
They're dependable, disciplined and achievement-focused. You won't find conscientious types
jetting off on round-the-world journeys with only a backpack; they're planners.
• Extraversion:- The more of an extravert someone is, the more of a social butterfly they are.
Extraverts are chatty, sociable and draw energy from crowds. They tend to be assertive and
cheerful in their social interactions.
Explanation continued

• Agreeableness:- Agreeableness measures the extent of a person's warmth and kindness. The more
agreeable someone is, the more likely they are to be trusting, helpful and compassionate.
Disagreeable people are cold and suspicious of others, and they're less likely to cooperate.
• Neuroticism:- Such people are thought to respond worse to stressors and are more likely to
interpret ordinary situations, such as minor frustrations, as appearing hopelessly difficult. They
are described as often being self-conscious and shy, and tending to have trouble controlling urges
and delaying gratification.
Personality Mapping

Personality mapping is a Psychometric

technique of profiling personality of
individual or group of individuals for the
purpose of classification.
Characteristics of Personality Mapping

• Psychometric : It is a study to explain psychological phenomenon (e.g., ability or

competency/personality etc.) in terms of measurement principles. It covers
measurement principles of test development (Item analysis, assessing reliability,
validity, test standardization etc.), and of profile analysis (profile similarity and
• Profile : Graphical representation of the correspondence of the set of data.
• Profiling : Plotting correspondence of the set of data.
• Measurement Principles :Item Analysis, Reliability testing, Validity,
Personality Test

A personality test is a tool used to assess human

personality. Personality testing and assessment refer to
techniques designed to measure the characteristic patterns
of traits that people exhibit across various situations.
Personality tests can be used to help clarify a clinical
diagnosis, guide therapeutic interventions, and help predict
how people may respond in different situations.
Personality Assessment Method

• The interview
• Rating scales
• Self-report tests
• Projective techniques
• Behavioral assessment
• Cognitive assessment
• Bodily assessment
• Personal facts
Techniques for Reliability and Validity of
Assessment Methods

• Evaluation techniques:- Ppersonality instruments measure samples of behavior. Their

evaluation involves primarily the determination of reliability and validity. Reliability often
refers to consistency of scores obtained by the same persons when retested. Validity
provides a check on how well the test fulfills its function. The determination of validity
usually requires independent, external criteria of whatever the test is designed to measure.
• Clinical versus statistical prediction:- Another measure of assessment research has to do
with the role of the assessor himself as an evaluator and predictor of the behavior of others.
In most applied settings he subjectively (even intuitively) weighs, evaluates, and interprets
the various assessment data that are available.
Uses of Personality Test
• Assessing theories
• Evaluating the effectiveness of therapy
• Diagnosing psychological problems
• Looking at changes in personality
• Screening job candidates

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