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Quarter 2- Module 6

Name and Section of Student: Kenneth Aquino

Grade: 12-Comte
Name of Instructor: Leonard Pormento Dahunog

January 2021
What I Know A. Answer each question correctly in its corresponding item. Write your
answers in your activity notebook.

C 1. Which of the following terms refer to a deep and genuine relationship between
persons. A. Alienation C. Dialogue

B. Seeming D. Empathy

D 2. Which philosophical discipline referred to the shared awareness and understanding

among persons which is made possible by the awareness of the self and other?

A. Empathy C. Human Freedom

B. Self-awareness D. Intersubectvity

A 3. Which of the following refers to a state when a person ceases to view the other as
distinct and authentic person?

A. Alienation C. Empathy

B. Dialogue D. Availability

A 4. Which of the following refers to the willingness of a person to be present for another
and to render assistance to another? A. Availability C. Dialogue B. Empathy D. Seeming

D 5. Which of the following action refers to the way a person presents himself or herself
when dealing with others?

A. Availability C. Dialogue

B. Empathy D. Seeming

B 6. Which value that is driven by a person’s awareness of the emotions and thought of
other people by placing himself or herself in the shoes of others?

A. Availability C. Dialogue

B. Empathy D. Seeming

B 7. Which of following emphasizes the moral dimension of human interactions which

believes that a moral obligation to respond to the needs of others, and encourages
individuals to extend help to people in need?

A. Morality C. Moral Philosophy

B. Ethics for care D. Ethical judgement

B 8. What did philosophers describe as the notion of recognizing the self in the other?
A. Genuine interactions B. Interpersonal relations. C. Externality D. Genuine dialogue

A 9. Which among the following is one level of self-other interactions?

A Simple awareness of the existence of the others.

B. Recognize the self in the other.

C. Agree and cooperate with another.

D. Treat the other as yourself.

B 10.Which of the following closely describes the concept of intersubjetivity? A. Treat

fellow human beings as objects B. Treat fellow human beings as subjects C. Both A & B
D. None of the above


False 11. After 2 typhoons Rolly and Ulysses struck Luzon, many families were in need
of material help that Jolly and her sister initiated to donate their savings for the victims.
This is an example of genuine dialogue. – F

True12. When someone treats the other person as object, this can be manifested like
when a houseowner maltreated his house helper for failing to wash his favorite jacket
when he needed it the other day. – T

True 13. Intersubjectivity means that the Self which is the subject treats the Other as
subject also, not as an object. –T

False 14. James was very sad when his dog died during the height of storm Ulysses
and being his bestfriend, you comforted him. This is an example of Empathy. -F

False 15.”Seeming” reaction is the opposite of what intersubjectivity is all about.F

What’s New
Activity 1: Compare Us (30 pts)

Take a close look at the following pictures below and answer the questions given:

CAPUWA Family BISE Family

1. Describe the kind of relationship among the family members in the above
picture : (20 pts)

a. Capuwa Family

The Capuwa family has the intimate family

relationship. When we say intimacy in the family it
means that closeness of family members especially
in bonding together and openness to talk about
personal life. This level of relationship that we can
observed in this picture is strong because we can
observe how members of the family free to express
themselves. With these type of bonding it is
guaranteed that it will build confidence, improves
socialization, provide good and moral values, and
create wonderful memories in a lifetime. , in this kind
of intimacy in the family in guarantees to the
wellbeing of the individual especially members of
the family

b. Bise Family
Based on the picture what can we observed is that
it has a less family intimacy. Both family members
have their own work and task to do resulting to
busyness in the family. With these important task it
results to a lack of communication physically,
verbally, and emotionally. In other words, Bise
Family is a kind of family who have weak family
relationship. Though they are in the same table we
can’t observe any bond or openness to each other.
Therefore, in this of family relationship there is no
improvement of empathy, socialization, values, and
strong emotional ties. In addition, members of this
kind of family often experience depression, anxiety,
and stress because of members of this kind of
family are lack of communication, openness,
closeness to each other, and intimacy.

2. Which of these situations do you prefer? Explain your answer. (10 pts)

Personally, I don’t like to be bothered by anyone else even my family.

However, I don’t like that my family becomes neutral to each other. Therefore,
I prefer to have an intimacy in my family than having no communication.
Capuwa family is the best example of family that we Filipino’s must have. In
this kind of family there is a strong relationship to each family members where
members of the family can communicate easily, can bond, can have fun, and
can talk about personal issues. I prefer the type of relationship we can observe
in the Capuwa family than the Bise Family.
Here are the following reasons why I prefer the status or levels of Capuwa

1. We can talk to each other about how we feel every day and what problem
do we face

2. We can bond together through talking, watching our favorite movies, playing
indoor games, etc. In other words, we did not just have fun but we also improve
our physical, mental, and emotional status as well.

3. We can improve ourselves such as building self-confidence, moral values,

and increase our overall mental and emotional health.

4. Family bonding is a good way to lessen our depression, anxiety, and stress
we feel.

5. We can improve our skills such as doing chores at home or skills that is
necessary in our daily lives such as fixing things, and surviving in a tough

6. We can improve our socialization skills especially for introverts who don’t
like to talk. By this kind of relationship, it does not just improve the skills of the
members to socialize or to extend their relationship to others but it also opens
the ability of individual to express themselves to other people

7. It promotes adaptability and resilience. It means that even if that family is

in a tough situation they will easily cope up and recover because of their strong

8. It improves performance in work and academics. Because of the support of

each members of the family it provides confidence to perform their task
efficiently. Therefore, family who has a strong relationship has academically
inclined children, and motivated husband and wife.
What’s More

Activity 2: Dialogue or Not (30 pts)


1. How will you apply the concept of genuine DIALOGUE in the picture
below?(Is Dialogue present in this picture?Why or why not?) 10 pts

First of all, let us define what is dialogue and apply it to the situation of BISE family.
A dialogue occurs when ourselves realize that other is genuine and unique individual.
A dialogue also occurs when an individual acknowledges each other’s presence.
Therefore, in a dialogue there is an interaction and relationship among individuals in
a certain group or family. Dialogue are not only the thoughts that was been spoken
by an individual to the other individual but also action, gestures, and expressions of
the individual to convey his/her inner life. In other words, dialogue promotes important
skills ranging from communication to collaboration through the process of critical and
creative thinking. But the question we want to answer before we apply dialogue in this
situation is that “ Is Dialogue present in this picture?”. For this question there is no
dialogue present in the situation of Family Bise therefore the answer is no. Based on
the definition and concept that we mentioned above we can’t observe any
acknowledgement of presence to each family members because each of family
members are aware to themselves only. What I mean they are only aware to
themselves is that they are only focusing in their own action, thoughts, and emotion
therefore there is no sharing of thoughts and person’s inner life. Since there is not
dialogue in this situation can we apply a genuine dialogue in this situation? The
answer is yes; we can apply genuine dialogue in this situation but let us define first
what is genuine dialogue. A genuine dialogue is the intention of establishing a living
mutual relation between himself and them. In other words, genuine dialogue occurs
when persons are willing to share themselves with one another. In order to have
genuine dialogue in this situation each family members must be aware of the
presence of the family members. When they are away a communication between
each member occur. At this step the process will continue until we reach the final
stage where intimacy and openness occurs. For busy family they must have time for
their family. In other words, they must first stop what they are doing and have time for
their family such as talking and bonding. While they are expressing their ideas a
dialogue occurs where they use gestures, thoughts, and feelings. When this happens
we can guarantee that a genuine dialogue will occur in this family where they able to
share themselves about what the feel about their work, task, or activities. Just
observing the picture, we can’t observe any dialogue or genuine dialogue but if we
apply a step by step process we can apply the concept of genuine dialogue in this
situation. Therefore, when the BISE finally able to express themselves to each family
members they will be like the Capuwa family where interaction, intimacy, appreciation
of presence of others, expression of selves to others, respect, and attention occurs.
2. What enables human persons to establish meaningful interactions with
others. Expound your answer. (10 pts)

The interpersonal traits of a human being is a part of our nature. Being able to
perceives things, interpret things, and aware other things is natural to human beings.
Therefore, there are no humans who can’t establish relationships or interactions with
other individuals. Even introvert individuals possess interpersonal traits because that’s
what defines human beings and other creatures. Every individual has a trait of
interpersonal relation. It’s the ability when our self becomes aware of others. We are
aware of everybody’s existence as we perceive them through our senses. In other words,
we are aware of the presence of objects or subjects because they exist. Intersubjectivity
also is the ability when we can recognize others than ourselves and the mutual
recognition of each other as persons. Because of these traits and characteristics, human
person enables to establish meaningful interaction with others through mutualism,
socialization, awareness, and expression.

The first question we want to answer is that what makes mutualism enables human
persons to establish meaningful interactions with others? Mutualism provides benefits to
each other. Therefore, human persons establish meaningful interaction with others
because they know that each of them can gain benefits such as knowledge, skills,
material satisfaction, or immaterial satisfaction. For example, bonding provides each
family member happiness. Family members bond because they know that they gain
immaterial satisfaction such as happiness and empathy.

Another question we want to answer is that what makes socialization enables a

person to establish a meaningful relationship? Socialization provides a strong connection
to each other. With these connections humans able to extend their knowledge, their
abilities, and open lots of opportunities in their life. Therefore, we can interact
meaningfully with other individuals because it’s in our nature to extend our connection
and build a relationship with each other. Also, with socialization, we can avoid being
isolated that will cause stress, depression, and anxiety.
Awareness is one reason that we humans enable us to establish meaningful
interaction with each other. This type of awareness is not self-awareness where we can
focus on ourselves and how our actions, thoughts, or emotions do but this type of
awareness is that we are aware of the existence of others. For example, in our family,
we can communicate and exchange our thoughts and feelings because we appreciate
their presence. This appreciation occurs when we can understand, listen, and respect
what they say, think, and believe. It’s not only appreciating their presence and
understanding them but it is also providing feedback and willingness to share ourselves
with them. Also, when we are saying awareness we can understand that both of us have
unique traits and therefore we cannot compare our abilities to each other. Because of this
type of awareness human persons to establish meaningful interactions with others.

The last question that we want to answer is that does our emotion or expression
enables human persons to establish meaningful interactions with others? We humans
have a sense of belongingness it’s when a certain group accepts how we behave, act, or
feel. Our expression and emotion are one of the important element that we have in terms
of a sense of belongingness. In other words, we are seeking a sense of belongingness
because we humans in nature seek empathy, we seek happiness, and we seek our
freedom to express ourselves about who we are. Because this expression, emotion, and
sense of belonging, enables us, human persons, to establish meaningful interactions with
3. Discuss instances in your life when you engaged in “seeming”
behavior. What drove you to act in such a manner?

In our society norms, behavior, values, and morals of individuals are all diverse.
In our society where are compose with institution such as family, peers, education,
politics, and religion. Therefore we can say that each institution has a certain rules or
ethics that they expected us to act. Personally, I’m living in this society with diverse group
people. These group varies in their religion, culture, and tradition. What the point is that
having a seeming behavior is part of my daily life. Other individuals misinterpret the
definition of seeming behavior. Seeming behavior is not acting fake to other people but
is an behavior is an action where we present ourselves in a certain way dealing with
others. In others words we are acting their roles to show belongingness. I believe that
having a seeming behavior is a sense of adaptability and respect and not only acting to
because that’s what they expect us to do so. For example, way back 2 years ago I came
to a Muslim community to visit my friend because his father died. There are certain
regulation that I must follow in order to show sense of respect to their tribe. I present
myself based on the regulations of their tribe and I behave myself based on what they
expect us to do. I didn’t ask my friend what they need to bury his father as early as
possible and I didn’t ask my friend about their belief. Another example of seeming
behavior that I act is that when I’m in a seminar where there are lots of professional and
rich people. My uncle was the invited person in that business seminar but he brings me
with him to assist him because he has conditions. In that seminar I didn’t act casually like
what I do in my house such wearing shirt and shorts. When somebody talks professional
to me I talk to them also in a professional way pretending that I know also about business
because it’s a sign or respect and adaptation. Basically, what drove you to act in such a
manner is that 1st to show respect, 2nd to adapt in the situation, 3rd it’s the norms and
culture of a certain group and 4th, and to make their mind believe that I belong in their
group. In this kind of behavior all I put in my mind that we are not the same, we are
unique, and I must connect to them in order to attain a genuine dialogue which is
willingness to share ourselves to others.

ACTIVITY 3 : Being A Good Samaritan (100 pts) Read the story of The Good
Samaritan below and discuss the given questions:
Based on the above parable/story discuss situations that show Empathy,
Availability, Ethics for Care and even Alienation.

Genuine Interactions Identify and discuss situations from the parable

Let us first discuss what is empathy based on the

definition given by the module. By definition empathy
is the ability to share emotions, is an important aspect
of intersubjectivity. It enables us to experience another
person's emotions, such as happiness, anger, and
sadness. Based in the situation we can’t immediately
observe empathy but what we can tell is that Samaritan
feels empathy as he was helping the man. When the
Samaritan see’s the man asking for help what first
came to the Samaritan’s mind is the concept of morality
specifically ethics for care. When the Samaritan able to
help the man it shows availability. But when the
Samaritan is the stage of helping the man he was able
to know that happen to the man. Therefore, at this
process there’s what we call empathy. As he felt this
empathy to the man the feeling of being
compassionate occurs. The Samaritan gave the man
what he need such as medication, water, food, and
money. I believe that this feeling of compassion is
along with the empathy for the man. The Samaritan
didn’t not only understand the situation of the man but
he also felt that he is like in the situation of the man and
that’s why he felt this compassion and empathy.

Another situation that might show empathy is

when the Jesus finished the story. The lawyer might
also feel what the man situation as if he is in the
situation of the man. Therefore, during and after telling
the story the man was able to empathize the situation
of the main characters. I assume that in this situation
the man will feel empathy because this a lesson where
Jesus teaches the lawyer what kind of characteristic of
a neighbor should possess. Because this is a touching
story I assume that the man was able to connect and
experience the emotions of the characters in the story
of Jesus. Therefore, when we are saying empathy we
are not only understanding the situation and emotions
of others but we are also feeling the situation and
emotions of others as if we are also in their situation.

Let us first discuss what is availability based on the

definitions given by the module. By definition
AVAILABILITY availability is the willingness of a person to be present
and be at the disposal of another. In other words, it is
the presence of the person or the availability of the
person when someone needs help. Based on the
situation we can say that when the Samaritan didn’t
ignore and help the man shows availability. Notice
there are many individuals see the man’s condition but
the question is being they available to help the man?
The priest just passed by and the Levite just scurried.
Those two don’t have willingness to help the man and
therefore there is no availability in that situation. In the
good side, when the Samaritan arrives and the man
was asking for help the Samaritan automatically help
the man. In other words, among the three individuals
pass by only the Samaritan are available in helping the
man’s situation. Therefore, when we say availability
just like the Samaritan we must willing to help one
another. Meaning that we must be available to them
especially if they are in a tough situation such as life
and death. It’s just how we feel about the situation but
it’s all about giving a hand and a being available to
those people who needs help.

Let us first discuss what is ethics for care based on the

ETHICS FOR CARE definitions given by the module. By definition ethics for
care is an ethical theory that emphasizes the moral
dimension of relationships and interactions. This
theory believes that people have moral obligation to
respond the needs of the people. Based on the
situation when the Samaritan didn’t hesitate to help the
man even though their country was enemy. The
Samaritan didn’t think if he will help the man or not
because the man is asking for help. He also sees the
man bleeding. The man is also vulnerable in the
situation because he has lot of wounds in is his body
that needs to be aided immediately. Because of this
situation, the man was able to use his empathy and
morality than his pride. He helps the man by cleaning
his wounds and wrapped it by bandages. He even
helped the man until he feels comfortable. Therefore,
when we are saying ethics of care it is the centrality of
caring through moral actions. Therefore, just like with
the Samaritan when we see people needs our help
especially if they are the vulnerable one like people
with disabilities, elders, children, and individuals in the
incident we must give them a hand and make them
comfortable because that’s what our morality tell us to
do so.

Inauthentic Interaction

Let us first discuss what is alienation based on the

module. By definition alienation arises when a person
ceases to view the other as a distinct and authentic
person and merely considers the other person as a
mere object or a means to satisfy personal interests.
Therefore, the situation shows alienation is when the
thieves dehumanize the man by stealing the money of
the man and hurting him physically. The thieves are
taking away the freedom of the man to satisfy their
personal interest. The man is also an alien to the
thieves meaning a stranger and therefore this man is
different from the thieves it is the nature of the thieves
to steal and hurt the man. The thieves also look the
man as an object and not a subject. In other words, the
thieves didn’t care about the emotions or how the man
feel after they steal the money of the man.

In addition, another situation that might show alienation

is that the description about the Samaria. Samaria
were not friendly with the people of this man's country.
They were sworn enemies of each other. However, this
statement does not seek for satisfaction but they tend
to look the country the man living as an object.
Therefore, the Samaria don’t care about what the
people feel in the country where the man live in. So we
can conclude also that if people will go to the land of
Samaria they will be an alien to them because they are
the Samaria’s enemy.


own one page infographics promoting respect for persons with disabilities and those
from the underprivileged sectors of society. You can use digital means or cut-out from
old magazines, news papers, brochures and other printed materials. Make it more
1. Showing care and empathy
3. By understanding
Basically in order to show respect to disable their situation. Such as
person or unprivileged sector in the society able to assist them
we must take care of them such as giving their because of their status
daily needs and helping them in coping from and condition
their situation every day.

2. By showing them love and

But in what way? support. We can show this by
giving them satisfaction
1. By giving them their basic
morally, spiritually, physically
needs such as food, water and
and emotionally.

How do we respect to other people

especially those individuals that has disabilities and

unprivileged sector in in the society?

2. Not showing unethical and immoral

action to them But what can I do?
In order to respect these individuals all, we
must do is not to laugh and disgust in their 2. Do not show superiority to disabled person
situation or condition. The essence of and unprivileged individuals. Some
respect occurs when our morality dictates us individuals might take the disabilities of
to do good and appropriate action so that we others as their advantage to control them. We
will not hurt their feelings or emotion. must treat a person as a subject because they
have feelings too. We don’t have the right to
1. Do not laugh in their situation. take away their freedom and dehumanize
Laughing is a disrespect because it them because of their condition and situation.
provides you satisfaction to see them Equity is essential for respect. It occurs when
suffering. This can result to loss of self- we treat individuals the same without any bias
esteem, self-confidence, depression, based on their condition and situation.
and anxiety

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