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Collaborative Projects:

Technology Tools for

Collaborative Work
What You Are Expected To Learn?
a) Describe flexible learning environment and the different
platforms used for flexible learning and collaborative
projects or works;
b) Recognize how innovative teachers use online resources
and educational sites and portals for online distance
learning;; and
c) Reflect on the use of technology and on its relevance and
01 The Different Platforms

02 Synchronous and Asynchronous Learning

03 Blended Learning
Distance Learning

What is “Distance
is a form of learning without a
face-to-face contact with the
teacher and delivered via
Programs Designed For Educational

It has features that

are patterned after the
instructional activities
of a teacher in a
physical classroom.
● created by Martin Dougiamas
● Modular Object Oriented Dynamic
Learning Environment
● It is an open source software and a
Learning Management System (LMS)
that supports teaching and learning.
Google Classroom
● a free service for teachers and students.
● Is an LMS platform that is accessible
Google account
● You can create classes and perform
your roles and functions as a facilitator
of learning
● created by Nic Borg, Jeff O’Hara, and
Crystal Hutter
● learning management platform that
merges classroom content, safe
communication, and assessment with
social media
● LMS founded in 2009 by Jeremy
Friedman, Ryan Hwang, Tim
Trinidad and Bill Kindler.
● Teachers can create and assign a slew
of creative tasks, which students can
access through.
● Massive Open Online Course (MOOC)
● model for delivering learning content
online to any person who wants to take
a course
● model for delivering learning content
online to any person who wants to take
a course
● non-profit association with the mission
Educause is to advance higher education through
the use of information technology
● community of IT leaders and
professionals working together to
tackle challenges and leverage
● allows you to create colorful and
engaging mind maps – graphical
representations of concepts and ideas
and the relationships between them.
● It is great for planning projects,
collaborating with others, and
brainstorming with your team
G Suite
● formerly known as Google Apps for
● Software as a Service (SaaS) product
that groups all the cloud-based
productivity and collaboration tools
developed by Google for businesses,
institutes, and non-profits
● Summarizing the day’s events, posting
podcasts, posting PowerPoint projects,
posting questions for students to
respond to, having students create
pages, and posting links for research
Synchronous and
Asynchronous Learning
This is when questions or tasks
Course participants meet in a
are posted and course
virtual classroom and discuss a
participants answer the
topic in the lesson
question or post their reply at
scheduled session and log in to
any time most convenient to
join the live class
Blended Learning

What is “Blended
a combination of learning Learning?”
activities wherein part of the
lesson is delivered online while
the other
part is handled in actual physical
setting of a classroom
Kinds of Blended Learning

Model 1: Face- Model 2:

Model 3: Flex
to-Face Driver Rotation

Model 4: Online Model 5: Self- Model 6: Online

Lab Blend Driver
Teacher delivers the
curricula most of the
time and utilizes online Model 1:
learning at certain times
with the purpose to
augment or provide an Driver
alternative experience
In a particular course or
subject, students rotate
on a fixed schedule
between learning online
in a one-to-one, self- Model 2: Rotation
paced learning
environment and being
inside the classroom with
a face-to-face teacher.
Course participants may
work on their tasks at
any convenient time as Model 3:
long as it is within the Flex
confines of the course
Uses an online platform
in delivering the course
but located in a physical
Model 4: Online
classroom or computer Lab
a system provided by the
school where the students
can choose the courses
they would like to have in
Model 5:
addition to their typical Self-Blend
classroom classes
The online-driver model
utilizes a platform and a
teacher that delivers all
curricula. Model 6: Online
Students remotely work
on their program most of
the time

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