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Lecturer: Lia Haryana, M.Pd

Automotive Engineering Study Program

Faculty Of Automotive Industrial
Politeknik STMI of Jakarta
Nominal Sentence
(+) Subject + To be (Is, am, are) + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)
Example: We are happy; She is a student.
I  am
You, they, we  are
She, he, it  Is
(-) Subject + To be (is, am, are) + not + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adv
Example : We are not happy; She is not a student.
(?) To be (is, am, are) + Subject + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)
Example : Are we happy?; Is she a student?
Verbal Sentence
(+) S (I, You, They, We) + V1 + O +Adv
Example: We speak English well.

S (She, He, It) + V1+S/ES + O + Adv

E.g. She watches movie every night.
(-) S (I, You, They, We) + do + not + V1 + O + Adv
Example: We do not speak English well.

S (She, He, It) + does + not + V1 + O + Adv

Example: She does not watch movie every night.
(?) Do + S (I, You, They, We) + V1 + O + Adv
Example : Do we speak English well?
Does + S (She, He, It) + V1 + O + Adv
Example: Does she watch movie every night?
(+) I go to school.
(-) I don’t go to school.
(?) Do I go to school?
The verb ends in ….. + es
-o, -ss, -ch, -sh, -x  we should add
Example :
I go  he/she/it goes
I kiss  he/she/it kisses
I watch  he/she/it watches
I wash  he/she/it washes
I fix  he/she/it fixes
 A consonant followed by –y, then y changes into ie and we add –s
Example : I study  He/she studies
Cry  he/she cries
Try  he/she/it tries
The butterflies fly  The butterfly flies
 A vowel followed by –y, then we just add –s
 Example : I play  He/she plays
 Pay
 Enjoy
 We use simple present tense to talk about our habits/things we do
most of our time.
 Express the idea that an action is repeated or usual.
 The action can be a habit, a hobby, a daily event or something that
often happens.

 I usually play football every weekend.
 I get up at 4.30 am every morning.
 She always brushes her teeth before she goes to bed.
List of Habits

Eat breakfast
Put on my clothes
Put on my make up
Take a shower/bath
Watch TV
Brush my teeth
Do exercise
Time expression (keterangan waktu) yang sering
digunakan yaitu adverbial of frequency.

Adverb of frequency
 always (selalu)
 often (sering)
 usually (biasanya)
 sometimes (kadang-kadang)
 3 days a week (3 hari per minggu)
 twice a month (dua kali sebulan) Subject + Adverb of frequency + Verb
 8 hours a day (8 jam per hari)
 every day (setiap hari) Every (singular) Adv come between the subject and
 every month (setiap bulan) the simple present verb
 three times a week (tiga kali seminggu
We usually start our online class at
7.30 am

 The sun rises from the east and sets in the west.
 Water boils at 100 degrees celcius.
 The sky is blue.
 The earth goes around the sun.
 Jakarta is capital city of Indonesia.
Near Schedule

 The ship leaves the harbor this night at

7 o’clock.
 He arrives from Osaka at 1 pm.
 The ceremony starts at 9 o’clock.
Nominal Sentence
(+) Subject (I, She, He, It) + To be (was) + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)
Example: She was at the library yesterday; They were busy two days ago.

(+) Subject (You, They, We) + To be (were) + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)

Example: They were at home last night.

(-) Subject (She, He, It) + To be (was) + not + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)

Example : She was not at the library yesterday; They were not busy two days ago.

(-) Subject (you, they, we) + To be (were) + not + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)

Example: They weren’t at home last night.

(?) To be (was/were) + Subject + Complement (Noun/Adjective/Adverb)

Example : Was she at the library yesterday?; Were they at home last night?
Negative Contractions
Was + not : wasn’t
Were + not : weren’t
Verbal Sentence
(+) S + V2 (+ed) + O +Adv
Example: They walked to school yesterday: Ersa watched TV last night.
(-) S + did + not + V1 + O + Adv
Example: They did not walk to school yesterday; Ersa did not watch TV last night.

(?) Did + S + V1 + O + Adv
Example : Did they walk to school yesterday?; Did Ersa watch TV last night?
Time Expressions

Present Tense Past Tense

 Today Yesterday
 This morning Yesterday morning
 This afternoon Yesterday afternoon
 Tonight Last night
 This week Last week
……. Ago
Two days ago
Regular Verb: Using –ED (Verb 1+ Ed)
Regular Verbs adalah kata kerja regular atau biasa yang mudah diprediksi bentuk past form
nya (V2), yaitu cukup menambahkan akhiran –ED pada V1

Verb 1 Verb 2
Walk Walked
Work Worked
Watch Watched
Ask Asked
Talk Talked
Listen Listened
Cook Cooked
If a regular verb ends in e, just add-d

 Like  Liked
 Close  Closed
 Smile  Smiled
 Type  Typed
 Race  Raced
 Care  Cared
 Bake  Baked
 Escaped  Escaped
If a regular verb ends in a consonant and –y, take off
the y and add -ied

 Cry  Cried
 Fry  Fried
 Try  Tried
 Carry  Carried
 Study  Studied
 Marry  Married
 Worry  Worried
Irregular verb

 Say  Said
 Make  Made
 Go  Went
 Take  Took
 Come  Came
 See  Saw
 Know  Knew
 Get  Got
 Give  Gave
 Find  Found
Future tense adalah suatu bentuk tense yang digunaka
n untuk menyatakan suatu kegiatan atau peristiwa di
masa mendatang atau menyatakan suatu pekerjaan ya
ng akan dilakukan pada masa atau waktu yang akan d
(+) Subject + will + be + complement (Adj, Adv, N)
Example : Tono will be at home tonight.
(+) Subject + to be (is, am, are) + going to + be + complement
Example : She is going to be a teacher.
(-) Subject + will + not + complement
Example : Tono will not be at home tonight.
(-) Subject + to be (is/am/are) + not + going to be + complement
Example : She is not going to be a teacher.
(?) Will + Subject + be + Complement?
Example: Will Tono be at home tonight?
(?) To be (is/am/are) + subject + going to be + complement?
Example : Is she going to be a teacher?
(+) Subject (I, you, they, we, he ,she, it) + will + V1 + Object
(+) Subject + to be (am/is/are) + going to + V1 + Object
Example :
He will watch his favorite movie tonight.
He is going to eat at restaurant tomorrow. Will + not :
(-) Subject + will + not +V1 + Object
(-) Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + going to + V1 + Object
Example :
He will not watch his favorite movie.
He is not going to eat at restaurant tomorrow.
(?) Will + Subject + V1 + Object?
(?) To be (am/is/are) + going to + V1 + Object?
Example :
Will he watch his favorite movie tonight?
Is he going to eat at restaurant tomorrow?
WILL BE GOING TO (In speech “Gonna)
 Making a prediction  Making a prediction
Example : According to the weather report, it Example : According to the weather report, it
will be cloudy tomorrow. is going to be cloudy tomorrow.

 To express willingness  To express a prior plan (something the

Example : speaker intends to do in the future
A : The phone is ringing because in the past she/he has made a
B : I will get it. plan to do it. (Only be going to is used)
( Speaker B is saying “I am happy to get the Example :
phone”. He has made no prior plan to answer A: Why did you buy this paint?
the phone. He is, instead volunteering to B: I’m going to paint my bedroom tomorrow.
answer the phone and uses will to show his
willingness. I talked to Bob yesterday. He is tired of taking
the bus to work. He’s going to buy a car.
A: I do not understand this problem. That’s what he told me.
B : Ask your teacher about it. She will help
Today (hari ini)
Tonight (malam ini)
Tomorrow (besok)
Soon (Segera)
Next Saturday/week/month/year (sabtu/minggu/bula
n/tahun depan)
At 7.00 tomorrow (pada pukul tujuh esok hari)
Until December (Sampai bulan Desember)
In five minutes (Dalam 5 menit)
Sentence Practice
Choose the correct completions
Complete the sentences. Use the words in the list. Use the simple pres
ent or the simple past!

walk walked

asks asked


dream dreamed




Please translate these sentences by using will
1 . Anis akan mengunjungi Pulau Bali bulan depan
Anis will visit Bali island next month
2. Diana akan pergi ke Jerman untuk melanjutkan sekolahnya.
Diana will go to Germany to continue her study

3. Lucas akan menjadi seorang penyanyi terkenal

Lucas will be a famous singer.
Please translate these sentences by using be going
1. Mereka akan mengikuti rapat malam ini.
They are going to attend a meeting tonight.

2. Saya akan menyelesaikan tugas rumah saya malam ini.

I am going to finish my homework tonight.

3. Putra akan menjadi kepala sekolah terbaik di Jakarta.

Putra is going to be the best headmaster in Jakarta
Use be going to if you think the speaker is expressing a prior plan. If yo
u think she/he has no prior plan, use will.
I am going to meet

I am going to meet

I will get

I am going to enroll

I am going to take

I will get
I will go

I am going to sell

I will look
Exercise 2

 Please make a paragraph about your favorite

 Minimum 2 paragraph, maximum 5 paragraph.
 Make sure about the use of Past Tense.
Good Luck!
Example :
My Last Holiday

During my last holiday, I made a lot of handcrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art a
nd creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind three months before. All of the ideas
were written on my note book so I could read them again. Also, I searched other ideas
from internet. Yap, I googled it. I watched tutorial videos and read many art blogs.
My parents helped me to prepare the materials. They also gave me money to buy thin
gs I needed. On the first day, I painted on some rocks. People call it rock art. It was so
fun. My siblings joined me on the third day. Then, my siblings and I made paper crafts
from used newspapers and magazines. Papers were rolled, shaped and glued togethe
r to create decorative designs. Many beautiful crafts were created.
The last activity was sewing. My mother is a tailor so I learn how to sew from her. My
mother helped me too. Sewing used clothes and towels was very fun. We produced
many useful things. Finally, I really enjoyed my last holiday

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