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Rizal Fatoni (19051010006)

Irvan Kurniawan (19051010049)

Ahmad Yusuf Fahrezzi (19051010076)

M. Ridwan Afiansyah (19051010081)






First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of the help of Allah, writer finished writing
the paper entitled “Collection Of Tenses” right in the calculated time.
The purpose in writing this paper is to fulfill the assignment that given by Mr.
Darusalam, M.Pdas lecturer in English class.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. Writer also realized there are still
many mistakes in process of writing this paper.
Because of that, the writer says thank you to all individuals who helps in the process
of writing this paper. Hopefully Allah replies all helps and bless you all.The writer realized
this paper still imperfect in arrangment and the content.Then the writer hope the criticism
from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper.Last but not the least
hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about tenses application
in daily.

Surabaya, October 1st, 2020






I. Present tense
II. Past tense
III. Future tense
IV. Past future tense


I. Regular Verb

II. Irregular Verb



A. Usage
Simple present tense is a form of sentence that describes events, events or actions that
occur at the present time in a simple form, or a job or action that is repeated, or daily
habits, or events that have nothing to do with time.

B. Time Signal
Time signals that are often used in the simple present tense are: adverb of time and
adverb of frequency, an example of adverb time are every day, every week, every month,
every year, in the morning, etc. and examples of adverbs of frequency are always, as a
rule, ever, seldom, often, sometimes, etc.

C. Pattern

Verbal  Subject + verb 1 + (s/es)

Positive (+)
Nominal  Subject + to be (am/is/are) + adjective/noun
Verbal  Subject + do/does + not + verb 1
Negative (-) Nominal  Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not +
Verbal  Do/does + subject + verb 1?
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  To be (am/is/are) + subject + adjective/noun?

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) They play basketball every Saturday
(-) They don’t play basketball every Saturday
(?) Do they play basketball every Saturday?

 Example Verbal 2
(+) My mother goes to market every morning
(-) My mother doesn’t go to market every morning
(?) Does my mother go to market every morning?

 Example Verbal 3
(+) My brother writes a letter
(-) My brother doesn’t write a letter
(?) Does my brother write a letter?

 Example Nominal 1
(+) She is a beautiful student in the class
(-) She is not beautiful student in the class
(?) Is she a beautiful student in the class?

 Example Nominal 2
(+) He is a diligent worker
(-) He is not a diligent worker
(?) Is he a diligent worker?

 Example Nominal 3
(+) Nauval is the smart student in the school
(-) Nauval is not the smart student in the school
(?) Is Nauval the smart student in the school?


A. Usage : Use present continuous for on going action.
B. Time Signal :

Now = Sekarang
Right now = Sekarang juga
At present = Pada waktu/saat ini; Sekarang/saat ini
At this moment = Pada saat ini
Today = Hari ini
When = Ketika
Still = Masih
Soon = Segera
This morning = Pagi ini
This afternoon = Sore ini
This evening = Petang ini
Tonight = Malam ini
Tomorrow = Besok
Next week = Minggu depan
Next month = Bulan depan
Next year = Tahun depan
This holiday = Libur ini
This weekend = Minggu ini
In a few days; weeks; moths; years = Dalam beberapa hari; minggu; bulan; tahun
C. Pattern :

Positive (+) Verbal  S + is/am/are +

Nominal  S + is/am/are + complement
Negative (-) Verbal  S + is/am/are + not +
Nominal  S + is/am/are + not + complement
Interrogative (?) Verbal  Is/am/are + S + ?
Nominal  Is/am/are + S + complement + ?
E. Example
 Example Verbal 1

(+)  He is speaking English.

(-)   He is not speaking English
(?)  Is he speaking English?
 Example Verbal 2
(+)  I am reading a book now.
(-) I am not reading a book now.
(?) Am I reading a book now?

 Example Verbal 3
(+) They are playing at a moment.
(-)They are not playing at a moment.
(?) Are They playing at a moment?

 Example Nominal 1

(+) Yudi is handsome.

(-) Yudi is not handsome.
(?) Is Yudi handsome?

 Example Nominal 2

(+) Adi is a Doctor.

(-) Adi is not a Doctor.
(?) Is Adi a Doctor?

 Example Nominal 3
(+) Dewi and Dian are happily.
(-) Dewi and Dian not happily.
(?) Are They happily?


A. Usage
This tense is used to denote an action that started in the past and has finished
or continues while speaking.

B. Time Signal
is a tense form that shows the relationship between the present and the past.
This tense is used to denote an action that started in the past and has finished or
continues while speaking.

C. Pattern
Verbal  Subject + have/has + verb 3 + complement
Positive (+)
Nominal  Subject + have/has + been + complement
Verbal  Subject + have/has + not/never + verb 3 +
Negative (-)
Nominal  Subject + have/has + not/never + verb 3 +
Verbal  Have/has + subject + verb 3 + complement
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  W/H + subject + verb 3 + complement

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) i have eaten apple (saya sudah makan apel)
(-) i have never eaten apple (saya belum pernah makan apel)
(?) have you ever gone to yogyakarta? (apakah kamu pernah pergi ke

 Example Verbal 2
(+) she has eaten apple (dia sudah makan apel)
(-) she has not eaten apple (dia belum makan apel)
(?) has she ever gone to yogyakarta? (apakah dia pernah pergi ke yogyakarta?)

 Example Verbal 3
(+) we have eaten apple (kita sudah makan apel)
(-) we have not eaten apple (kami belum makan apel)
(?) have you finished? (apa kamu sudah selesai?)

 Example Nominal 1
(+)i have been here since june 3rd (Saya sudah di sini sejak 3 Juni)
(-) i have not been here since june 3rd (Saya belum pernah ke sini sejak 3 Juni)
(?) have you ever been to france? (apakah kamu pernah ke perancis?)

 Example Nominal 2
(+) she has been here since june 3rd (dia sudah di sini sejak 3 Juni)
(-) she has not been here since june 3rd (dia tidak berada di sini sejak 3 Juni)
(?) has she ever been to france? (apakah dia pernah ke perancis?)

 Example Nominal 3
(+) they have been here since june 3rd (mereka sudah ada di sini sejak 3 Juni)
(-) they have never been here (mereka belum pernah ke sini)
(?) has she ever been here? (apakah dia pernah kesini?)


E. Usage
Used to denote an action that began in the past and continues to the present. Usually
actions that use this tense have a fixed duration of time and have relevance to the
current condition.

F. Time Signal
To make the sentence the present perfect continuous tense, there are several types
of time adverbs that we usually use, including.

Time signal Keterangan waktu

for selama

for about selama kira-kira

since sejak

all the day / a long day sepanjang hari

forover a year selama lebih dari setahun

since a year ago sejak setahun yang lalu

G. Pattern

Verbal  S + have/has + been + V-ing + O + Adj / Noun /

Positive (+)
Adverb (ANA)
Nominal  S + has/have + been + ANA
Verbal  S + have/ has + not + been + V-ing + O + ANA
Negative (-) Nominal  S + has/have + not + been + ANA
Verbal  Have/has + S + been + V-ing + O + ANA
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  Has/have + S + been + ANA

H. Eexample
 Example Verbal 1
(+) she has been waiting here (dia sudah menunggu disini)
(-) she hasn’t been wating here (dia belum menunggu disini)
(?) has she been waiting here? (apakah dia sudah menunggu disini?)

 Example Verbal 2
(+) he has been sleeping for 3 hours (he hasn’t ben sleeping for 3 hours)
(-) he hasn’t been sleeping for 3 hours (dia belum tidur selama 3 jam)
(?) has she been sleeping for 3 hours? (apakah dia sudah tidur selama 3 jam?)

 Example Verbal 3
(+) they have been working for almost 24 hours (mereka sudah bekerja selama
24 jam)
(-) they haven’t been working for almost 24 hours (mereka belum bekerja
selama 24 jam)
(?) have they been working fo almost 24 hours? (apakah mereka sudah bekerja
selama 24 jam)

 Example Nominal 1
(+) he has been a father (dia sudah menjadi seorang ayah)
(-) he hasn’t been a father (dia belum menjadi seorang ayah)
(?) has he been a father? (aoakah dia sudah menjadi seorang ayah?)
 Example Nominal 2
(+) she has been a nurse (dia sudah menjadi seorang suster)
(-) she hasn’t been a nurse (dia belum menjadi seorang suster)
(?) hs she beeen anurse? (apakah dia sudah menjadi seorang suser?)

 Example Nominal 3
(+) they have been a college student (mereka sdah menjadi seorang mahasiswa)
(-) they haven’t been a college student (mereka belum menjadi seorang
(?) have they been a college student? (apakah mereka sudah menjadi


A. Usage
The definition of simple past tense is as a form of sentence that describes the events
that occurred or work carried out in the past in a simple form and also knows the time
when the event or work was carried out.
B. Time Signal
Adverbs of time that are often used in this simple past tense are yesterday, the day
before yesterday, just now, last night, five month ago, in 1988, a few minute ago, in 1988,

C. Pattern

Verbal  Subject + verb 2

Positive (+)
Nominal  Subject + was/were + nominal
Verbal  Subject + did + not + verb 1
Negative (-) Nominal  Subject + was/were + not + verb 1
Verbal  Did + subject + verb 1?
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  Was/were + subject + verb 1?

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) She studied math yesterday
(-) She didn’t study math yesterday
(?) Did she study math yesterday?

 Example Verbal 2
(+) My English class began at 9.30 a.m
(-) My English class didn’t begin at 9.30 a.m
(?) Did my English class begin at 9.30 a.m?
 Example Verbal 3
(+) He bought a new book yesterday
(-) He didn’t buy a new book yesterday
(?) Did he buy a new book yesterday?

 Example Nominal 1
(+) She was sad last night
(-) She wasn’t sad last night
(?) Was she sad last night?

 Example Nominal 2
(+) Rinda was sick yesterday
(-) Rinda wasn’t sick yesterday
(?) Was rinda sick yesterday?

 Example Nominal 3
(+) They were hungry this morning
(-) They weren’t hungry this morning
(?) Were they hungry this morning?


A. Usage
Use past continuous for an action that happens in the past
B. Time signal :

All day yesterday = Sepanjang hari kemarin

The whole day yesterday = Sepanjang hari kemarin
As long as = Selama
When = Sewaktu
C. Pattern :
Positive (+) Verbal S + to be (was/were) + + Object
Nominal  S + to be 2 + Adj / Noun / Adverb (ANA)
Negative (-) Verbal S + was/were + not + + Object
Nominal S + to be 2 + not + ANA
Inyerrogative (?) Verbal Was/were + S + + Object ?
Nominal  to be 2 + S + ANA ?

A. Examples
 Example Verbal 1

(+) He was confused in studying grammar yesterday in school.

(-) He was not confused in studying grammar yesterday in school.
(?) Was he confused in studying grammar yesterday in school?

 Example Verbal 2
(+) I was drawing character at PoliMedia.
(-) I was not drawing character at PoliMedia.
(?) Were you modelling 3d character in my house?
 Example Verbal 3
(+)  I were reading a book yesterday.
(-)  I weren’t reading a book yesterday.
(?) Were I reading a book yesterday?

 Example Nominal 1

(+) She was lazy.

(-) She was not lazy.
(?) Was she lazy?

 Example Nominal 2
(+) He was being a design character in Pixar.
(-) He wasn’t being a design character in Pixar.
(?) Was he being a design character in Pixar?
A. Usage
describes events that occurred before one specific time in the past and were completed
before other events that occurred in the past as well

B. Time Signal
In the past perfect tense sentence, the adverbs of time that are often used are
before, after, by the time, and by.
C. Pattern

Verbal  S + had + V3
Positive (+)
Nominal  S + had + been + Adjective / Noun / Adverb
Verbal  Subject + do/does + not + verb 1
Negative (-) Nominal  S + had + not + been + Adjective / Noun /
Verbal  Had + S + V3
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  Had + S + been + Adjective / Noun / Adverb ?

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+)She had helped her mother after she played a game.( Dia telah membantu
ibunya setelah dia bermain game)
(-) She had not helped her mother after she played a game.( Dia tidak membantu
ibunya setelah dia bermain game)
(?) Had she helped her mother after she played a game? (Apakah dia membantu
ibunya setelah dia bermain game)

 Example Verbal 2
(+)i had waited for you (aku sudah menunggumu)
(-) i hadn’t waited for you (aku belum menunggumu)
(?) had i waited for you? (apakah aku sudah menunggumu?)

 Example Verbal 3
(+) you had heard that (kamu sudah mendengar itu)
(-) you hadn’t heard that (kamu belum mendengar itu)
(?) had you heard that? (apakah kamu mendengar itu?)
 Example Nominal 1
(+) They had been at Grage Mall since morning.( Mereka sudah berada di Grage
Mall sejak pagi.)
(-) They had not been at Grage Mall since morning. (Mereka sudah tidak ada di
Grage Mall sejak pagi.)
(?) Had they been at Grage Mall since morning? (Apakah mereka sudah berada
di Grage Mall sejak pagi?)

 Example Nominal 2
(+) she had been a secretary (dia sudah menjadi sekretaris)
(-) she hadn’t been a secretary (dia belum menjadi sekretaris)
(?) had she been a secretary? (apakah dia sudah menjadi sekretaris?)

 Example Nominal 3
(+) they had been a dancer (mereka sudah menjadi penari)
(-) they hadn’t been a dancer (mereka belum menjadi penari)
(?) had they been a dancer? (apakah mereka sudah menjadi penari?)


Usage : Digunakan untuk menunjukkan aksi yang terjadi di masa lalu dan sudah selesai
pada waktu tertentu di masa lalu juga. Tense ini menekankan pada durasi kejadiannya.
Tense ini juga digunakan pada Reported Speech
1. Positif : Subject + had + been + Verb-ing + Complement
You had been crying for an hour.
You had been fishing for an three hours

2. Negatif : Subject + had + not + been + Verb-ing + Complement

Contoh :
You had not been crying for an hour.
You had not been fishing for an three hours
InterogatifHad + Subject + been + Verb-ing + Complement?
Had you been crying for an hour?
Had you been fishing for an three hours


A. Usage
Simple future tense is a tense to express to actions or events that have not yet begun to
be used and will occur in the future. Simple future tense sentences are also commonly
used to express predictions or to show abilities or intentions.

B. Time Signal
The time signal that is often used in the simple future tense are tonight, tomorrow, the
day after tomorrow, two days later, until, next month, next time, this afternoon, while, in
a little while, after, etc

C. Pattern

Verbal  Subject + will/shall + verb 1 + object

Positive (+)
 Subject + to be (am/is/are) + going to + object
Nominal  Subject + will/shall + be + complement
 Subject + to be (am/is/are) + going to +
Verbal  Subject + will/shall + not + verb 1 + object
Negative (-)
 Subject + to be (am/is/are) + not + going to +
verb 1 + object
Nominal  Subject + will/shall + not + be + compliment
 Subject + (am/is/are) + not + going to + verb 1 +
Verbal  Will/shall + subject + be + complement ?
Interrogative (?)
 To be (am/is/are) + subject + going to + verb 1 +
object ?
Nominal  Will/shall + subject + be + complement?
 To be (am/is/are) + subject + going to + be +

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) I will go to Bangkalan this weekend
(-) I will not go to Bangkalan this weekend
(?) Will I go to Bangkalan this weekend?

 Example Verbal 2
(+) She will finish the project soon
(-) She will not finish the project soon
(?) Will she finish the project soon?

 Example Verbal 3
(+) They will come this morning
(-) They will not come this morning
(?) Will they come this morning?

 Example Nominal 1
(+) You shall be a doctor
(-) You shall not be a doctor
(?) Shall you be a doctor? \

 Example Nominal 2
(+) She will be a nurse
(-) She will not be a nurse
(?) Will she be a nurse?

 Example Nominal 3
(+) I shall be a chef
(-) I shall not be a chef
(?) Shall I be a chef?


A. Usage
Use future continuous for an action or a condition that will happens at a time in the
B. Time Signal
At this time tomorrow = Pada waktu ini besok
At the same time tomorrow = Pada waktu yang sama besok
At 10 o'clock tomorrow = Pada pukul 10 besok

C. Pattern

Verbal  S + will + be + (V1+ing) + O/Adv

Positive (+)
Nominal  S + will + be + Noun/Adj/Adv
Verbal  S + will + not + be + (V1+ing) + O/Adv
Negative (-) Nominal  S + will + not + be + Noun/Adj/Adv
Verbal  Will + S + not + be + (V1+ing) + O/Adv?
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  Will + S + be + Noun/Adj/Adv?

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) she will be working next weekend (dia akan sedang bekerja minggu depan)
(-) she will not be working next weekend (dia tidak akan sedang bekerja
minggu depan)
(?) will she be working next weekend? (apakah dia akan sedang bekerja minggu

 Example Verbal 2
(+) he will be visiting surabaa next week (dia akan sedang mengunjungi
surabaya minggu depan)
(-) he will be visiting surabaya next week (dia tidak akan mengunjuungi
surabaya minggu depan)
(?) will he be visiting surabaya next week? (apakah dia sedang mengunjungi
surabaya minggu depan?)

 Example Verbal 3
(+) they will working when you arrived (mereka akan sedang bekerja ketika
kamu sampai)
(-) they will not be working when you arrived (mereka tidak akan sedang
bekerja ketika kamu sampai)
(?) will they be working when you arrived? (apakah mereka akan sedang
bekerja ketika kamu sampai?)

 Example Nominal 1
(+) they will be your tutor next semester (mereka akan menjadi tutormu
semester depan)
(-) they will not be your tutor nest semester (mereka tidak akan menjadi
ttutormu semester depan)
(?) will they be your tutor next semester? (apakah mereka akan menjadi tutormu
semester depan?)

 Example Nominal 2
(+) he will be a teacher next week (dia akan menjadi guru minggu depan)
(-) he will not be teacher next week (dia tidak akan menjadi guru minggu
(?) will he be teacher next week? (apakah dia akan menjadi guru minggu

 Example Nominal 3
(+) she will be nurse nest week (dia akan menjadi suster minggu depan)
(-) she will not be nurse next week (dia tidak akan menjadi suster minggu
(?) will she be nurse next week? (apakah dia akan menjadi guru minggu


A. Usage
Future Perfect Tense is a tense form that is used to express an event that will be
completed in the future.

B. Time Signal
The time signals that can be used for the Simple Future Perfect Tense are as
 before (sebelum)
 when (ketika)
 as soon as (sesegera)
 tomorrow (besok)
 at (pada)
 by next saturday (tidak melebihi hari sabtu depan)
 at this time next week (pada waktu yang sama pada saat ini di minggu depan)
 by this time next month (selambat-lambatnya waktu yang sama pada saat ini
dibulan depan)
 by 9 p.m (tidak melebihi pukul 9)
 on the 16th of July (pada tanggal 16 bulan Mei)
 in 4 years time (dalam waktu empat tahun)
C. Pattern

Verbal  S + will + have + V3

Positive (+)
Nominal  S + will + have + been + O/C
Verbal   S + will + not + have + V3
Negative (-) Nominal  S + will + not + have + been + O/C
Verbal  Will + S + have + V3 ?
Interrogative (?)
Nominal  Will + S + have + been + O/C

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) I am sure Lisa will have married next year – Aku yakin Lisa akan sudah
menikah tahun depan
(-) I am sure Lisa will not have married next year – Aku yakin Lisa tidak akan
sudah menikah tahun depan
(?) Will They have owned a new car in our garage next month? – akankah
kamu sudah memiliki sebuah mobil baru di garasi kita bulan depan?

 Example Verbal 2
(+)My brother will have arrived at Jakarta by sunday – saudara laki-laki saya
akan sudah sampai di Jakarta selambat-lambatnya hari minggu
(-) My brother will not have arrived at Jakarta by sunday – saudara laki-laki
saya tidak akan sudah sampai di Jakarta selambat-lambatnya hari minggu
(?) Will My brother have arrived at Jakarta by sunday? – akankah saudara laki-
laki saya sudah sampai di Jakarta selambat-lambatnya hari minggu?

 Example Verbal 3
(+)They will have owned a new car in our garage next month – mereka akan
sudah memiliki sebuah mobil baru di garasi kita bulan depan
(-)They will not have owned a new car in our garage next month – mereka tidak
akan sudah memiliki sebuah mobil baru di garasi kita bulan depan
(?) Will They have owned a new car in our garage next month? – akankah
kamu sudah memiliki sebuah mobil baru di garasi kita bulan depan?

 Example Nominal 1
(+)My sister will have been a doctor by the end of this month – Saudari saya
akan sudah menjadi seorang Dokter menjelang akhir bulan ini
(-) My sister will not have been a doctor by the end of this month – Saudari
saya tidak akan sudah menjadi seorang Dokter menjelang akhir bulan ini
(?) Will My sister have been a doctor by the end of this month? – kankah
Saudari saya sudah menjadi seorang Dokter menjelang akhir bulan ini?

 Example Nominal 2
(+)Audrey will have been in America for vacation by the end of this winter –
Audrey akan sudah berada di Amerika untuk liburan menjelang akhir musim
dingin ini
(-) Audrey will not have been in America for vacation by the end of this winter
– Audrey tidak akan sudah berada di Amerika untuk liburan menjelang akhir
musim dingin ini
(?) Will Audrey have been in America for vacation by the end of this winter –
akankah Audrey sudah berada di Amerika untuk liburan menjelang akhir musim
dingin ini?
 Example Nominal 3
(+)That singer will have been famous next year – penyanyi itu akan sudah
terkenal tahun depan
(-) That singer will not have been famous next year – penyanyi itu tidak akan
sudah terkenal tahun depan
(?) Will that singer have been famous next year? – akankah penyanyi itu sudah
terkenal tahun depan?


1. Past future perfect tense

A. Usage
The definition of the past future perfect tense is a verb pattern used for ideas
or ideas in the past regarding events or activities that have been predicted, planned,
promised, expected to be done in the future.
B. Time Signal
The time signal or time information used in the Past Future Perfect Tense is the
same as that used in the simple past tense, for more details see the full list below:
C. Pattern

Verbal  Subject + Should / Would + Have + Verb 3 +

Positive (+) Object
Nominal  Subject + Would / Should + Have + Been + 3
Complement + Object.
Negative (-)  Subject + Should / Would + Not + Have + Verb
3 + Object.
Nominal  Subject + Would / Should + Not + Have + Been
+ 3 Complement + Object.
Verbal  Would / Should + Subject + Not + Have + Verb
Interrogative (?)
3 + Object + ?
 Would / Should + Subject + Not + Have + Been
+ 3 Complement + Object + ?

D. Example
 Example Verbal 1
(+) she would have watched the tape (dia akan sudah menonton rekaman)
(-) she wouldn’t have watched the tape (dia belum akan menonton rekaman)
(?) would she have watched the tape? (aoakah dia akan sudah menonton

 Example Verbal 2
(+) he would have came (dia akan sudah datang)
(-) he wouldn’t have came (dia belum akan datang)
(?) would he have came? (apakah dia akan sudah datang?)

 Example Verbal 3
(+) they would have eaten (mereka akan sudah datang)
(-) they wouldn’t have eaten (mereka belum akan sudah makan)
(?) would they have eaten? (apakah nereka akan sudah makan?)
 Example Nominal 1
(+) he would have been a father (dia akan sudah menjadi ayah)
(-) he wouldn’t have been a father (dia belum akan menjadi seorang ayah)
(?) would he have been a father? (apakah dia akan sudah menjadi seorang

 Example Nominal 2
(+) she would have been a beautifull girl (dia akan sudah menjadi seorang gadis
(-) she wouldn’t have been a beautifull girl (dia belum akann menjadi seorang
gadis cantik)
(?) would she have been a beautifull girl (apakah dia sudah akan menjadi
seorang gadis cantik?)

 Example Nominal 3
(+) they would have been a pilot (mereka akan sudah menjadi pilot)
(-) they wouldn’t have been a pilot (mereka belum akan menjadi seorang pilot)
(?) would they have been a pilot? (apakah mereka akan sudah menjadi seorang



No V1 V2/V3 Meaning
1 Ask Asked Bertanya
2 Call Called Memanggil
3 Borrow Borrowed Meminjam
4 Bother Bothered Mengganggu
5 Belong Belonged Dimiliki
6 Attack Attacked Diserang
7 Cancel Canceled Membatalkan
8 Roll Rolled Mengguling
9 Add Added Menambahkan
10 Help Helped Membantu
11 Adopt Adopted Mengadopsi
12 Allow Allowed Memperbolehkan
13 Enjoy Enjoyed Menikmati
14 Guess Guessed Menebak
15 Need Needed Membutuhkan
16 Blame Blamed Menyalahkan
17 Dance Danced Menari
18 Move Moved Bergerak
19 Introduce Introduced Memperkenalkan
20 Race Raced Balapan
21 Agree Agreed Menyetujui
22 Admire Admired Memuji
23 Arrange Arranged Mengatur
24 Arrive Arrived Sampai
25 Bake Baked Memanggang
26 Behave Behaved Berperilaku
27 Believe Believed Percaya
28 Avoided Avoided Menjauhi
29 Study Studied Belajar
30 Copy Copied Mencetak
31 Dry Dried Kering
32 Marry Married Menikah
33 Rely Relied Mengandalkan
34 Worry Worried Khawatir
35 Blush Blushed Wajah Memerah
36 Boast Boasted Membual
37 Empty Emptied Kosong
38 Bow Bowed Menunduk
39 Care Cared Peduli
40 Cause Caused Mengakibatkan
41 Beg Begged Memohon
42 Describe Described Mendeskripsikan
43 Depend Depended Bergantung
44 Decide Decided Memutuskan
45 Dare Dared Menantang
46 Earn Earned Mendapatkan
47 Educate Educated Mendidik
48 Fold Folded Melipat
49 Found Founded Mendirikan
50 Mix Mixed Mencampurkan
51 Miss Missed Kehilangan
52 Move Moved Pindah
53 Open Opened Membuka
54 Order Ordered Memesan
55 Pull Pulled Menarik
56 Protect Protected Melindungi
57 Pray Prayed Berdoa
58 Share Shared Membagikan
59 Shave Shaved Mencukur
60 Trade Traded Menjual


No V1 V2 V3 Meaning
1 Cut Cut Cut Memotong
2 Let Let Let Membiarkan
3 Burst Burst Burst Meledak
4 Bet Bet Bet Bertaruh
5 Hurt Hurt Hurt Menyakiti
6 Run Ran Run Menjalankan
7 Become Became Become Menjadi
8 Win Won Won Menang
9 Bite Bit Bitten Gigitan
10 Bleed Bled Bled Berdarah
11 Meet Met Met Bertemu
12 Keep Kept Kept Menjaga
13 Know Knew Known Tahu
14 Tell Told Told Menceritakan
15 Build Built Built Membangun
16 Be Was/were Been Menjadi
17 Begin Began Begun Memulai
18 Draw Drew Drawn Menggambar
19 Break Broke Broken Mematahkan
20 Bring Brought Brought Membawa
21 Burn Burnt,Burned Burnt,Burned Membakar
22 Buy Bought Bought Membeli
23 Cast Cast Cast Melemparkan
24 Catch Caught Caught Menangkap
25 Choose Chose Chosen Memilih
26 Come Came Come Datang
27 Eat Ate Eaten Makan
28 Fall Fell Fallen Jatuh
29 Feed Fed Fed Makan
30 Give Gave Given Memberikan


Azar, Betty Schrampfer, 2002. Understanding and Using English Grammar Third
Edition.New York: Pearson Education, Longman.
Dulay, H., Burt, Krashen. 1982. Language Two. New York: Oxford University Press.

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