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Faculty : Chemical Technologies

Speciality: Chemical engineering

Group: 324.18e
Subject : Chemical Engineering Lab-1
Teacher: Hamzayeva Nushaba
Student : Bakhishova Farida
Topic: Nanotechnology and its
application areas
• Nanotechnology is composed of two words: Nano and Technology
What is • Nano: It is derived from a Greek word ”nanos” meaning “micro” so
small that it cannot be seen with naked eyes.
nanotechnology? • Technology: Technology means to develop human life by inventing
new materials, devices, and new methods using the principles of
• Under the International System of Measurement of Science: one
billionth of a meter is called one nanometer.
1 nanometer = 10-9 m
• To put that in perspective : it’s approximately the length a
fingernail grows in one second.
• Nanotechnology is a part of science and technology that
controls matter or manipulate materials on the atomic
and molecular scale - this means materials are about from
one 1 to 100 nanometers.
• Physicist Richard Feynman is the father of nanotechnology.
What is Nanomaterials or

• Substances used in nanotechnology are called nanomaterials (e.g. silver nano, carbon
nanotube, silica fullerene, photocatalyst, etc.).
• And at Nano scale (1-100nm), physical properties of system or particles changes. Here
includes mechanical , electrical , optical properties.
 That’s why they have special properties: Nanoparticles may be more conductive,
stronger or more chemically reactive than larger particles of the same substance.
• This means smaller amounts of the chemical in nano form can achieve the same
effects, making a product cheaper.
• The smaller the material, the stronger and durable it is, because of the material that is
engineered into molecules and atoms.
Why does nanomaterial have
special property?
• This is because surface properties dominate in the nano form.
 It means nanoparticles have a much bigger surface area-to-
volume ratio.
• For example: Gold is solid substance at normal scale but when
gold particles are converted to nano scale, solid gold turns into
liquid at room temperature. Also it doesn't rust or corrode
because it doesn't interact with water or oxygen. However, a
particle of gold that is between 2 and 5 nanometres in diameter
becomes highly reactive.
• Another example is silicon which is insulator at normal scale
but it becomes conductor at nano scale.
• And these are not due to a change in chemical composition, but
because of a change in the physical size of substances.
There are two main approaches used in

 Descending (top-down approach)

In the "top-down" approach, nano-objects are
constructed by reducing size bulk material
structure without atomic-level control.
 Ascending (bottom-up approach)
In the "bottom-up" approach, larger structure
materials are built atom by atom or molecule by
Are nanoscale materials new?

• Nanoscale materials are not new. Food is naturally

composed of nanoscale sugars, amino acids, peptides
and proteins, many of which form functional
• For example, proteins are in the nanoscale size range
and milk is an emulsion of nanoscale fat droplets.
• A molecule of DNA is also an example of a natural
nano-scale substance and the diameter of its double
helix structure is about one nanometre. And typical
virus is about 100 nanometres wide.
 So the human body and nature is well used to
nanoscale objects and materials.
Advantages Disadvantages
• 1.Promoting renewable resources: • 1.It can cause negative effect on the envirionmet:
It enables new ways to obtain and store energy.It Nanotechnologycan can generate new toxins and
also makes solar panel cheaper and more pollutants.
efficient. • 2.It can cause negative effect on humans’ health:
• 2.Extend limits of electronics: Nanoparticles of substances like lipstick, sunscreen
It decreases the size of the processor, memory, creams, prepared with nanotechnology can affect the
RAM in the computer. By using nanotechnology, hemoglobin molecules, by entering the blood from
instead of silicon microchips nano microchips can the skin, which can affect our health. It can cause
be used which can collect a large amount of cancer.
information. • 3.It can cause increasing in crime and terrorism.
• 3.It allows a more effective medicine: Chemical and biological weapons could become more
Arteries can be unblockd, cells can be selectvely deadly and easier to conceal or track, especially if
attacked, damaged genes can be repaired and they become available on the black market.
faster and more precise surgeries can be Nano factories theoretically could produce an
performed. intelligent anti-personnel weapon the size of an insect
capable of carrying a lethal dose of toxic substance.
Behavior of
nanoparticles in
the environment
Everyday uses of nanoparticles

• There are about 600 consumer products already on the market that use
• They include nanoparticles of titanium dioxide or zinc oxide added to sun creams
to make them transparent instead of white and to provide broad-spectrum sun
• The surfaces of our fridge may hold silver nanoparticles to stop bacteria growing.
• Also tiny fragments of silver that are added to sports equipment to make them
odor-free.(the silver acts as a powerful anti-bacterial agent)
• The frame of our new bicycle may even contain carbon nanotubes to make it
stronger and lighter than older bikes.
• Nano coating over material can prevent dust and dirt from getting dirty so that
the vehicles, toilet seats used in the house will never get dirty. Processor and
memory components made with nanomaterials are common on the market, and
you can find antimicrobial coatings on keyboards, mice and casings.
Carbon nanotubes
 By manipulating molecules to form in particular shapes, we can build
materials with amazing properties. To create a carbon nanotube, you
start with a sheet of graphite molecules, which you roll up into a tube.
The orientation of the molecules determines the nanotube's properties.
Carbon nanotubes appear now in consumer products like tennis racquets
and golf clubs. They exhibit 200 times the strength and five times the
elasticity of steel, five times the electrical conductivity of copper, and half
the density of aluminum.
In addition, they do not rust, degrade from radiation, or expand or
contract with temperature change. In this regard, the appeal of their
application in such products as automobiles and airplanes becomes quite
 Disadvantage : Scientific research has shown that excessive intake of
carbon nanotubes, can cause cancer-like diseases. 
Applications of
 The 21st century is going to be the century
of nanotechnology, this technology is being
used in almost all fields like -
Nanotechnology in chemistry, bioscience,
physics, materials science, medical
science, engineering, neuroscience.
 And nanotechnology and nanomaterials can
be applied in all kinds of industrial sectors:
in the textile industry, in making medicines,
in making corrosion-resistant goods etc.
 If the potential of nanotechnology is used
properly it can bring a new future to human
Solar panel

o Basically a solar cell is made up of silicon based layer called

photovoltaic (PV) cells- devices which absorb solar energy
and produce energy. This energy from sun excites the
electrons to flow freely between cells and this produces
current and this current is absorbed by conductor around
the cells.
o The main aims of nanotechnology for PV technologies are:
 increase the light absorption rate
 increase the efficiency
 decrease the cost of manufacturing (One of the biggest
 make PV cells adaptable to different scales and localities
Nanotechnology solar cell

 Nanotechnology solar cell which absorbs both sunlight and

indoor light and converts it into electricity. The basic concept is
that Plastic is flexible, thin solar panel made up of nanoscale
titanium particles which coated in photovoltaic dyes. These
titanium particles absorb light and convert solar energy into
electrical energy.
 Lower manufacturing costs and more flexibility in
 Easy to manufacture and it does not require special
 As the properties of light absorption and stability, titanium has
been developed in making solar cell cheaper.
Interesting fact about
using of solar panels:
• Inexpensive solar cells, which would utilize
nanotechnology, would help preserve the
environment. According to Engineer Magazine, If
it were inexpensive enough to cover a home’s
entire roof with solar cells, then enough energy
could be captured to power almost the entire
house. If many houses did this then our
dependence on the electric grid (fossil fuels)
would decrease and help reduce pollution. Some
people have even proposed covering cars with
solar cells or making solar cell windows. Even
though their efficiency is not very great, if solar
cells were inexpensive, then enough of them
could be used to generate sufficient electricity.

• The properties of some nanomaterials make them ideal for

improving early diagnosis and treatment of some diseases and
even cancer.
• Delivery is the biggest issue with most treatment in medicine
and nanotechnology may allow doctors to stop brain cancer
without physically entering the patient's skull or to attack lung
cancer without opening someone's chest.
• Research has shown that star-shaped gold nanoparticles
coated in a drug called a DNA aptamer can be used against a
variety of cancers. The particles are delivered to the tumors,
and they release drug when shot with infrared laser. Then
drug starts working on damaged nucleus.
Using nanotechnology in food industry

• Packaging and storage: Nanotech food packaging can

allow food to last longer by creating a more airtight
seal or even killing bacteria in storage systems. We
can find plenty of refrigerators on the market that use
nano silver coatings to kill bacteria and even in some
reusable food storage containers, too.
• Taste, color and nutrition: You can do a lot to food at
the atomic and molecular levels to alter its taste,
appearance and nutrition. Advocates say this could
mean engineered foods will offer more nutritional
value .(a possible benefit for areas of the world that
don't receive adequate nutrition)
Nanosystems eatable coatings


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