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Success criteria 1: Recall different types of cells Your task:

- Write down the categories

cells can be separated into
- Write down a definition for
identifying cell types
- Independent work
- 2min to complete the task

How did you do?

Prokaryotic cells-
single-celled organisms
which do not contain a
nucleus. Prokaryotic
organisms are made up
of prokaryotic cells.
Simpler and smaller
than eukaryotic.

Eukaryotic cells- are

complex include animal
and plant cells, contain
a nucleus.
Organelles- parts of cells each one has a specific function
Success criteria 2: Identify the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells Your task:

Label the cross-section of the

animal and plant cells.

Use page 35 of the AS textbook to

help with this task.

You will have 5min to complete this


Work in 2’s- each person focusing

on one cell and then exchange the
• Key Points:
• All animal, plant, fungi and protocist cells are eukaryotic. This means they all contain the following:
• A nucleus- surrounded by a nuclear envelope and containing DNA organised and wound in linear chromosomes.
• A nucleolus- an area containing RNA, where chromosomes unwind; the nucleolus is also involved in making ribosomes
• Cytoplasm- jelly like substance the organelles are suspended in
• Cytoskeleton- network of protein filaments within the cytoplasm that move organelles from place to place within the cell;
allow some cells to move; and allow contraction of muscle cells
• Plasma membrane
• Small vesicles
• Membrane-bound organelles; mitochondria, Golgi apparatus and endoplasmic reticulum
• Ribosomes- organelles without a membrane, where proteins are assembled.
Success criteria 2: Identify the ultrastructure of eukaryotic cells

Is there anything you need to add to your diagram,

ensure you make corrections in purple
Success criteria 3: Explain the functions of membrane- bound organelles

Organelles Membrane- bound organelles

• Within every cell there are various • Most of the organelles within eukaryotic cells are membrane-bound,
organelles, each having specific functions. meaning they are covered by a membrane

• This provides a division of labour, which • Membrane keeps each organelle separate from the rest of the cell,
means that every cell can carry out its so that it is a discrete compartment.
many functions efficiently.
• Membrane-bound organelles are a feature of eukaryotic cells,
prokaryotic cells do not have them.

Your task:

• You need to identify the function of membrane-bound organelles

• You will complete your table providing both the description and function.

• You will use information from pages 36-40 and the information summary sheets

• You will complete the task in groups of 3/4 people.

• You will have 20min to ensure that not only have you collected your information but also
shared your findings with others.
Success criteria 4: Identify cellular components of eukaryotic cells from photomicrographs

Complete the exam questions to confirm your understanding

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