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Group 2

Elizabeth Calleda Cristal Figuracion Jules Naval

Belle Deus Kazel Castro John Olleca
Micko Ballan
What is Ethics?
• The word ‘ethics’ was derived from Greek word 'ethos’ which
means character.
• Ethics is the branch of philosophy concerned
with the meaning of all aspects of human
behavior that distinguish between
good and bad; right and wrong.
What are ethical principles in
• Ethical principles in business refer to the moral standards set by a
company as a whole and individual employees within an
organization which all member must follow. These principles take
into account values, standards, regulations and industry norms that
dictate how people conduct themselves in the workplace and how a
business operates in the community.
Here are the list of the 12 Common Ethical
Principles of Business
• Honesty •Respect for others
• Integrity •Law abiding
• Trustworthiness •Commitment to Excellence
• Loyalty. •Leadership
• Fairness •Reputation and Morale
• Concern for others •Accountability
•Considering the greatest good in decision-making is definitely an ethical way of arriving
at a decision,but it is also important to consider principles and not just consequences.
•Ethics of principles and right upholds that the ends do not always justify the means.
This explore the relationship between legislative and judicial branches of the
government - legislative role creates policies and regulations based on utilitarian
principles,while judicial role enforces these laws to achieve justice and fairness.
•The second framework in this ethical philosophy is that some decisions are needed to
be made based on principles rather than consequences.
-is an excellent traits of character.It is a disposition,well entrenched in
its possessor.
Virtue Ethics
-is a philosophy developed by Aristotle and other ancient Greeks.It
grounded on character-based approach to morality assumes that we
acquire virtue through practice. A person develops an honorable and
moral character by practicing being honest,brave,just,generous,etc.
Even though the great Greek philosophers lived in much different times,they occupied the
thoughts of many significant thinkers.
-also known as Master Kong Qui,born in Shandong Province,China.
-he was also very known for his golden rule which is
"Do not do unto others what you don't want
others do unto you”
-his Classical Philosophy is "LIVE A CONTENDED, MORAL AND HAPPY LIFE"
SOCRATES (c. 469-399 B.C)
-a son of a sculptor and a midwife,he was the
first person to give a practical and political
focus to philosophy and ethics.
-he believes that people should inquire
and ask questions
-his Classical Philosophy is "HAVE THE COURAGE TO DISAGREE“
•PLATO (c. 428-348 BC)
-he belong to an Aristocrat family,his father Ariston
was a descendant of King Codrus and his mother
was Perictione who had been descended from the
well known law giver Solo.
-his Classical Philosophy is "THE POWER TO RULE"
•ARISTOTLE (c. 384-322 BC)
-was a student of Plato who was himself a student of
Socrates,one of the founders of Western Philosophy.
After he spent about 20 years at Plato's Academy as
a student and a teacher,then he tutored the young
Alexander of Macedonia (Alexander the Great).
-Aristotle's principle work on ethics, ‘Nicomachean Ethics’.Ethics where he
laid out the essence of virtue theory.He stated that 'if we truly desire prople
to be ethical,then we must have them practice ethics from an early age’.
-his Classical Philosophy is

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