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6 Name : Muhammad Suharto S.S., M.Pd

6 Born : Malang, 12 April 1968
6 Phone : 0341-949 3030 mobile : 0812 52 96180
6 Office : Jl. S. Supriadi 48 Malang, phone 0341-801488 ext 222
6 1984 ² 1987 SMAN 1 Malang
6 1987 ² 1990 FISIP UNAIR Surabaya
6 1999 - 2001 STIBA Kanjuruhan Malang
6 2004 ² 2006 Program Pasacasarjana (S2) Universitas Kanjuruhan Malang
6 0 /
Head of Public Relations Kanjuruhan University of Malang
Ketua Umum Forum Komunikasi Humas Perguruan Tinggi Malang Raya

6 At the end of the presentation, participants will be able

explain the term relationships and its core concepts;

discuss the principles of relationships and their

application to daily living;

explain practical tips relating to official relationship at



6 Human beings are interdependent because of the principle of
individual differences

6 Individual differences bring about personal idiosyncracies

6 Of a truth therefore, we live our lives managing relationships

6 The discipline that studies behaviour and relationships is human



6 the way in which two people, groups and countries behave towards
each other.

6 an aggregation of all forms of interactions between/among persons

or groups in a particular situation.

6 involves the content and quality of interactions among people and

is defined by both the observable behaviour in the interaction and
the feelings that are associated with it.



6 n the workplace , it is the aggregation of all forms on

interactions between an individual worker and another,
group of workers and another, management and worker
and vice-versa as well as between an organization, its
workers and its stakeholders/beneficiaries.


6 People are the most important in organizations.

6 They are different and hold different views
6 Their cooperation or disagreement has effects on
organizational processes
6 Relationships are behaviour based and there is a cause
effect factor in relationships building.
6 Good relationships promote mutual understanding in



6 0SP0 T: This is defined as the feeling of admiration for

people and polite behaviour resulting from this.

6 PPR0 IATION: Defined here as a full or sympathetic

understanding of a person.
6 0 IPRO ITY: This is the principle or practice of mutual
exchange in interactions.

6 0MPATHY: This is the ability to imagine and share another

person·s feelings.
6 NT0GRITY: Always act in an honest and truthful way
ANN0RS: Never being selfish, boorish or undisciplined

6 0RSONALITY: Always communicate your own values, attitudes

and opinions
6 PP0ARAN 0: Always present yourself to best advantage

6 ONSID0RATION: Always see yourself from the other person·s

6 A T: Think before you speak.


6 Be humble to learn
6 Show faithfulness, loyalty & honesty
6 Be truly committed to achieving organizational goals
6 Be resolutely supportive of organizational ideals
6 Ask for rights in a respectful way (be assertive)
6 Be bold but not insolent
6 Be courteous, but don·t bootlick
6 heerfully accept responsibilities

6 In dealing with people who have horizontal (lateral) roles to play at
work with us we must:

be helpful and serviceable

not interfere unduly
be tactful and sensitive
not distrust
not help the grapevine (communicate formally)



6 Be trustworthy and reliable

6 Be scrupulously ethical
6 Avoid deceitful and misleading information
6 Be conscious of safety (if we are in production)
6 Listen attentively to customer complaints and take
immediate appropriate steps both to rectify and forestall
future occurrences
6 Apologize, if necessary, in cases of disputes
6 At all times employ the principles of TQM

6 People are an important factor in successful domestic and

corporate lives. In concluding, it will be nice for us to bear in
mind the following tips on improving relationships generally:
˜how appreciation and develop an attitude of gratitude
ccept and trust people. You may need them
pretty soon
pe agreeable/approachable, so that good things of life
don·t pass you by


6 Learn to remember names. A person's name is the most
important sound he/she hears and it opens a lot of
closed doors
6 Avoid argument. It breeds unnecessary conflicts

6 Do good always. Remember retribution

6 Respect the ideas and view point of others

6 Try to be polite even when stressed

6 Be cheerful and accommodating


6 In all things, be upright
6 Be friendly but firm, fair and assertive

6 ommunicate and listen empathically.

6 Be wary of non-verbal cues; i.e. be sure your actions
support your communication.

6 Plan all communication.

6 Above all, SMIL0 always. It is a tonic.




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Aktifitas komunikasi untuk

membangun hubungan
saling pengertian antara
organisasi dengan
publik internal &
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Saat ini di :
6 Indonesia ada 12 juta
anak putus sekolah
6 Jatim 1,5 juta
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Anda adalah sedikit orang yang p0 

Sedikit orang yg mendapat
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Bagaimana cara Anda menghargai keberuntungan tsb?

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