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BA Hons in Art & Design 

YR 1: 2021-22

Module: Realisation- Digital, Materials and Making. AAD44001

Project: Shape Form & Balance 
Lecture 3. Marks, Surface & Texture.   
Looking, seeing. Origins of marks 

Jean Piaget, 2001, ‘’drawing which appears to be a whole sensory experience’’

Maslen and Southern (2011) quote, that the child draws as ‘’a visible and
external affirmation of their existence, it is a gestural self-portrait’’. 

Merleau-Ponty (1961) draws attention to the cognition between the eye

and mind: ‘intertwining of vision and movement.’ ​
Fischer (1950), suggests that art was a means for man to control the world by making pictures. 
Fischer explains (1950, p34) that, ‘the acquired’ means to ‘control objects, that made signs,
images, and words, became a power of language that represented and prompted social

Partisan Cave in Slovenia Pech Merle caves, France Lascaux Caves, France

G. Straus in her book, ‘Gates of Horn’,(1962). She talks of a hypothesis suggesting that
man was simply mimicking his environment to make sense of their existence.
The line is individual and is therefore unique. Its autographical whether handwritten or drawn. 

Cy Twombly Albert Oehlen Julie Mehretu

Jackson Pollock, (1937) noted that, ‘’ its all a game of construction, some with the brush, some
with the shovel, some with pen’’. 
Project 3. Marks, Surface & Texture.   

Part 1:
Observe the Mark-Making & Surface Application demonstration.
There-after, produce a wide-ranging vocabulary of marks initiated
by Traditional techniques.

• Produce a range of Traditional pencil Techniques

• Investigate processes by combining traditional methods which mixes
• Crop your outcomes and document each process & materials used.
Part 2: Mark Making continued 

Extend this study by exploring and experimenting with unusual usage of materials in

combination with traditional methods.  

• This could be initiated by considering surface first. e.g. paper,

card, scrim background, wood/ hardboard, even metal. 
• Try integrating the use of photocopies, photos, text, wallpaper. 
• Further exploration may lead towards the creation of textures. 
• Presentation of your experiments should be displayed in a clear, tidy, orderly
fashion within your Sketch books. 
• Technical notes will be written recording materials and processes used.    
Project 3. Marks, Surface & Texture.   

Part 3 pm:


Fischer Ernst (1950) The necessity of art.

G. Straus (Gates of Horn,1962)

Jackson Pollock, (1937) Elizabeth Langhorne, Organizer” Art as of Life’’ The Case of
Jackson Pollock. Chapter Fourteen.
Maslen and Southern, 2011. Drawing Projects, Black dog publications.

Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Eye and Mind [L’Œil et l’esprit, Paris: Gallimard, 1961] trans.
by Carleton Dallery in The Primacy of Perception, ed. by James Edie (Evanston:
Northwestern University Press, 1964),

Jean Piaget. The Language and Thought of the Child. Psychology Press, 2002

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