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dialect, idiolect

and accent
Dialect is a variety of language, marked by a particular grammar and lexis, and used
by speakers with a common regional and social background.

This has its own distinctive vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation. It is a sub-
division of the main language and can exist with several other dialects within the one
language; they are mutually intelligible.

For example, in our national language (Bahasa Indonesia) there are several dialects,
Javanese dialect, Sundanese dialect, Dayak dialect, etc.
Dialect can be distinguished by:
a. Vocabulary
For example: “apo” (to say what) in Minangkabau can be “opo” in Javanese.
b. Grammar
For example :
• “Tell me what do you know” >> Standard Lg.
• “Tell me what thou knowest” >> Yorkshire dialect
c. Pronunciation
American English:
• “duty” is pronounced /d’i:ti/
British English:
• “duty” is pronounced /’dju:ti/
In Betawi dialect a word ending in “a” >> “e”
• kemana >> kemane
• siapa >> siape
• Standard Dialect
A standard dialect is a dialect that is supported by institution. There may be multiple standard dialect
associated with a single language for example Standard American English, Standard Canadian English etc.
• Non-Standard Dialect
A non standard dialect is a dialect that is not beneficiary of institutional support for example Southern
American English or Newfoundland English.
• Regional Dialect
A Regional dialect is a dialect which is spoken in certain area or place for example Minagkabau dialect,
Javanese dialect.
• Social Dialect or Sociolect
A social dialect is a dialect which is spoken by certain group for example teenager’s dialect, bahasa gaul,
bahasa alay.
• Temporal Dialect
A temporal dialect is dialect which is spoken in certain period of time for example Middle English dialect.

Idiolect is the language of a single individual (language which one person has made up for their
own use only).

- The language used by an individual. Everyone expresses themselves in their own style,
depending on the influences that have impacted on them, e.g. family, travel, education, region,
peer group, etc
- An accent is a speakers' distinctive pronunciation which marks his or her regional identity.
- This term is used to describe the way you pronounce the sounds of English, and the distinctive intonation
patterns that accompany your speech
(- Intonation is the rise and fall of sounds of peoples voice. e.g. your voice rises when you ask a question -
your intonation rises)
- The study of the patterns and system of sounds in particular language is known as PHONOLOGY.

some UK regional accents:

- Bristolian - Welsh - Irish - Liverpudlian - London - Essex - Cockney - Geordie

- Accent is not as broad as dialect as it relates only to pronunciation.


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