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2 nd

Virtual Class
2nd Semester

Practical Research 1

Alvin G. Butil
“Don’t ever let
anyone tell you
what you can and
can’t do”
- Sir Alvin
Discuss brief
introduction of
Research Writing
Write a research title;
State research
“We learn more by looking for
the answer to a question and
not finding it than we do from
learning the answer itself.” -
Lloyd Alexander
Research is derived from the words “re”
meaning again, a new or over again and
“search” meaning to examine closely and
carefully, to test and try, or to probe.
Together they form a noun describing “a
careful, systematic, patient study and
investigation in some field of knowledge,
undertaken to establish facts or principles”
In other words, Research is a “structured
enquiry that utilizes acceptable scientific
methodology, to solve problems and create new
knowledge that is generally applicable”.

Scientific methods consist of systematic

observation, classification and interpretation of
It is important because;
a) it can expand knowledge and new

b) it can help us look for ways to allocate

scarce resources accordingly; and

c) it can develop critical thinking and analysis

skills (Kothari, 2002). Thus, it is necessary.
In conducting research, there
are certain ethical principles
that a researcher should
possess to ensure important
moral and social values are.
Žukauskas, Vveinhardt and Andriukaitienė
(2017) emphasize that the researcher must
possess: honesty Confidentiality,
Objectivity Responsible
Morality Legitimacy
Integrity Antidiscrimination
Carefulness Openness,
Respect to intellectual property
Žukauskas, Vveinhardt and Andriukaitienė
(2017) emphasize that the researcher must
honesty Confidentiality,
Objectivity Responsible
Morality Legitimacy
Integrity Antidiscrimination
Carefulness Openness,
Respect to intellectual property
1. Honesty – s/he does not fabricate, falsify, or
misrepresent data;
2. Objectivity – s/he avoids or minimizes bias or
3. Morality – s/he possesses the code of conduct
that would be accepted by anyone;
4. Integrity – s/he keeps his/her promises and
5. Carefulness – s/he avoids careless errors and
6. Openness – s/he is open to criticism and new
7. Respect to intellectual property – s/he learns
to acknowledge ideas and give credits to the
rightful owner
8. Confidentiality – s/he discloses sensitive and
personal information to protect the identity of
the person
9. Legitimacy – s/he gives accurate
results of the study

10. Anti-discrimination – s/he does not

discriminate someone else’s culture,
tradition, language, race, et.

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