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Presentation Quick

Campus should smoke free

Farhan Iqbal
Section F
Either University Campus should be
smoke free?

Yes, I am in favor that university campus should be

smoke free Because a smoke free environment is
better for everyone as campare to a smoking
allowed campus.

 University Campus should be smoke free because

smoke free campus reduces risk of developing heart
disease and lung cancer.
 Ifuniversity campus should be smoke free, it motivate
smokers to quit even when they are out of the campus.
 Ifa campus will not smoke free smokers start drugs
and their will be also its effects on other students of

 Thecampuses which have prohibited smoking

have been found better air quality as campare to
a smoking allowed campus.
 University campus should be smoke free because
living in a smoke free campus promotes healthier
heart and lungs.

 Ifcampus will be some free it protects all

students from second hand smoke.
 Campus should be smoke free because it will
effect the environment of campus.
 A smoke free campus also reduce the fire
realated injuries and deaths.

 We can do this by awareness education.

 Wecan make a campus smoke free by
advantages and disadvantages of smoking.
 We can discuss all previous points to students of
the campus to make our campus smoke free.

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