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Nama : Aulya Yarzuki Kustyawan

NRP : 10311700000087
Kelas : 45
Prohibition Smoking in Campus Area
About the dangers of smoking in general, I agree if smoking in campus area must be
banned for all ITS civitas academica. Because it’s in every pack of cigarettes there are writings
about the dangers of smoking, such as this. “Smoking will be kill you”. Cigarettes contain
substances have been declared impact is not good for our health. According to book I’ve been
read, substances in cigarettes are the most dangerous is the Tar, Nicotine, and Carbon monoxide.
Nicotine has a substances in cigarettes that can cause addicton. The danger of smoking in our
health is cigarettes can causes cancer, heart disease, and inhalation disease.

The smokers classified in two category that’s active smokers and passive smokers. Active
smokers are people who smoke directly inhaled cigarette, whereas passive smokers are people
who smoke indirectly inhaled cigarette smoke (not smokers).

Although I agree if smoking in campus area must be banned, the banned smoking in
campus area need to be measured and understood better. Smokers should not be made to look
like outcast, but we and smokers should be respect each other. campus authority have to make
available smoking area in the campus area. Some universities have taken the decision to actually
implement free smoke. Example that’s Mercu Buana University Jakarta taken the decision about
prohibition smoking in campus area. This thing relate with Pergub Jakarta no.75 about smoking
area. This policy be valid in 2011 for All civitas academica Mercu Buana University. Since the
policy be valid campus authority checking and controlling all civitas academica by install CCTV
camera and security checking. Except checking, campus authority also give warning and
punishment for civitas academia who violate the policy. Enactment of the policy reduce smokers
in campus area.

I hope with the policy about prohibition smoking in area campus make air fresh and
healthy to inhale.

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