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CED 426

Structural Theory II
Lecture 16
Displacement Method of Analysis:
Moment Distribution

Mary Joanne C. Aniñon

General Principles and Definitions
• The method of analyzing beams and frames using moment distribution was
developed by Hardy Cross, in 1930.
• Moment distribution is a method of successive approximations that may be
carried out to any desired degree of accuracy
• The method begins by assuming that each joint of a structure is fixed. Then,
by unlocking and locking each joint in succession, the internal moments at
the joints are “distributed” and balanced until the joints have rotated to
their final or nearly final positions
• Before explaining the techniques of moment distribution, certain definitions
and concepts must be introduced
Sign Convention
• We will establish the same sign convention as that established for the
slope-deflection equations: Clockwise moments that act on the
member are considered positive, whereas counterclockwise
moments are negative.

Fixed-End Moments
• The moments at the “walls” or fixed joints of a loaded member are
called fixed-end moments.
• These moments can be determined using fixed-end moment
Member Stiffness Factor
• The stiffness factor K at A can be defined as the amount of moment M
required to rotate the end of the beam.
Joint Stiffness Factor
• If several members are fixed connected to the joint and each of their
far ends is fixed, then by principle of superposition, the total stiffness
factor at the joint is the sum of the member stiffness factors at the
Joint Stiffness Factor
• For example, consider joint A of the
frame in Fig. 11-4a. The numerical
value of each member stiffness factor
determined from Eq. 11-1 and listed in
the figure.
• Using these values, the total stiffness
factor of joint A is .
• This value represents the moment
needed to rotate the joint through an
angle of 1 rad.
Distribution Factor (DF)
• If a moment M is applied to joint A in
Fig. 11-4b, the three connecting
members will each supply a portion of
the resisting moment necessary to
satisfy moment equilibrium at the joint.
• That fraction of the total resisting
moment supplied by a member is called
the moment distribution factor (DF)
Distribution Factor (DF)
• To obtain its value, imagine the moment M causes the joint to rotate
an amount then all three members rotate by this same amount 𝑀=𝐾 𝜃

• Using the stiffness factor of , for member AB, then the moment
contributed by this member is , then
Distribution Factor (DF)
• In general the distribution factor is presented in Eq. 11-2
Distribution Factor (DF)
For example, if M = 2000 N.m, it causes A to rotate
STEP 1: Solve the Member Stiffness Factor and Joint Stiffness Factor

𝐾 𝑇 =𝐾 𝐴𝐷 + 𝐾 𝐴 𝐵 + 𝐾 𝐴 𝐶

𝐾 𝑇 =1000+ 4000+5000=10000
Distribution Factor (DF)
For example, if M = 2000 N.m, it causes A to rotate

STEP 2: Solve the Distribution Factor (DF)

Distribution Factor (DF)
For example, if M = 2000 N.m, it causes A to rotate

STEP 3: Solve the equilibrium moments exerted by the members on the joint
𝑴 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 = 𝑫𝑭 × 𝑴
Member Relative-Stiffness factor
• Quite often a continuous beam or frame will be made from the same
material so its modulus of elasticity E will be the same for all
• If this is the case, the common factor 4E in Eq. 11-1 will cancel from
the numerator and denominator of Eq. 11-2 when the distribution
factor for a joint is determined. Hence
Carry-over Factor
• The carry-over factor represents the fraction of M that is “carried
over” from pin to the wall
Moment Distribution For Beams
Moment Distribution For Beams
STEP 1: Solve the Member Stiffness Factor and Joint Stiffness Factor

𝐾 𝑇 =𝐾 𝐵𝐴 + 𝐾 𝐵𝐶

𝐾 𝑇 =4 𝐸 ( 40 ) ( 10 ) + 4 𝐸 (60)(10 )
6 6
Moment Distribution For Beams
STEP 2: Solve the Distribution Factor (DF)

Since in theory it would take a moment

of infinite magnitude to rotate a fixed
joint one radian, the stiffness factor is
Moment Distribution For Beams
STEP 3: Compute the Fixed-End Moments (FEM)
Moment Distribution For Beams
• We begin by assuming joint B is fixed or locked. The
fixed-end moment (8000 N.m) at B then holds span
BC in this fixed or locked position as shown in the
• This, of course, does not represent the actual
equilibrium situation at B, since the moments on each
side of this joint must be equal but opposite.
• To correct this, we will apply an equal, but opposite
moment of 8000 N.m to the joint and allow the joint
to rotate freely.
• As a result, portions of this moment are then
distributed in spans BC and BA in accordance with the
DFs (or stiffness) of these spans at the joint.
Moment Distribution For Beams
STEP 4: Solve the equilibrium moments exerted by the members on the joint
𝑴 𝑴𝒆𝒎𝒃𝒆𝒓 = 𝑫𝑭 × 𝑴

𝑀 𝐵𝐴 =0.4 × 8000=3200 𝑁 . 𝑚

𝑀 𝐵𝐶 = 0.6 × 8000 = 4800 𝑁 . 𝑚

STEP 5: Carry-over

• Finally, due to the released rotation at B, these moments must be “carried over” since
moments at B create reactions at the other ends. Using the carry-over factor of + 1/2,
the results are shown in Fig. 11–5d.
Moment Distribution For Beams
This example indicates the basic steps necessary when distributing moments at a joint:
• Determine the unbalanced moment acting at the initially “locked” joint (8000 N.m),
• unlock the joint and apply an equal but opposite unbalanced moment to correct the
• Distribute the moment among the connecting spans (3200 N.m and 4800 N.m), and
• carry the moment in each span over to its other end (1600 N.m and 2400 N.m).
Moment Distribution For Beams
• These steps are usually presented in tabular form as indicated in figure below.
• Here the notation Dist. CO indicates a line where moments are distributed, then
carried over.
Joint A B C
Member AB BA BC CB
DF 0 0.4 0.6 1 1
0 0 -8000 8000 2
FEM Dist.
0 3200 4800 -8000 3
CO Dist. 1600 0 -4000 2400
0 1600 2400 -2400 4
800 0 -1200 1200
CO Dist. 0 480 720 -1200 6
CO Dist. 240 0 -600 360 7
0 240 360 -360 8
Moment Distribution For Beams
Joint A B C
Member AB BA BC CB
DF 0 0.4 0.6 1 1
FEM Dist. 0 0 -8000 8000 2
0 3200 4800 -8000 3
CO Dist. 1600 0 -4000 2400
0 1600 2400 -2400 4
800 0 -1200 1200
CO Dist. 0 480 720 -1200 6
CO Dist. 240 0 -600 360 7
0 240 360 -360 8
CO Dist. 120 0 -180 180
0 72 108 -180
CO Dist.
Moment Distribution For Beams

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