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Researcher : Yusuf Gerona Khalim

Adviser : Rodolfo B. Solomon, CE

The Philippines is blessed with abundant land resources

that provides sustainable resources for industrial, commercial,

agricultural and personal development. The Philippines is

known as an agricultural country that primarily produces food.

In agriculture, it requires good sources of water for the crops

and healthy soil to produce good quality product. Irrigation

provides sufficient water supply for good products and harvests.

Good quality food production is essential to support

targeted consumers however there are some factors

prohibiting sufficient water supply distribution on

other areas primarily caused by silts deposits, this

occurrence is called siltation.

Siltation is a natural process of transporting

massive amount of silt coming from soil

erosion and weathering mainly by rapid water

flow caused by heavy rains. The river are

responsible for delivering silts deposit in the

canal. Silts deposits causes some problems

such as blockage of required minimum water

supply for crops and removing those required

heavy equipment which is costly and time

Tacurong canal irrigation system is under the provision of LAMRIS
(Lambayong River Irrigation System ) under NIA SK IMO. the said agency
provide water supply in some area in municipality of Tacurong , Sultan
Kudarat, the irrigation system main canal starts from barangay Dumaguil,
Norala south Cotabato and some part of the system is going to Tacurong, the
canal suffered from siltation occurrence since one source of water is from the
The main advantage of this research are it helps the people to have information
about siltation occurrence and its contribution towards reducing the siltation
occurrence in the area.

This research involves simple process in the beginning like gathering data from

NIA about how much silt is deposited in the area. Next is to find a method on how can

be lessen the silt deposit and effects, and process to engage agency that will support

this study NIA.

Significance of the study

This study will guide and give information in determining possible solution for the natural occurrence of

siltation in irrigation canals in the site and in other places facing the same problem.

Objective of the study

This study aims to be an informative mode in determining possible solutions for natural occurrence of silts in

irrigation canal (main canal). 

This research specifically aims to:

1. Determine the siltation occurrence in the main canal.

1.1 Volume of silts every desilting operation

1.1.1 year 2016

1.1.2 year 2017

1.1.3 year 2018

1.1.4 year 2019

1.1.5 year 2020

2. Compare the accumulated silts per year from 2016 to 2020.

3. Determine if there is significant difference in volume of silts every two desilting operation done every

March and September at 5% level of significance.

3.1 Month of March

3.2 Month of September

4. Determine factors that causes the siltation and recommend alternative way to lessen the occurrence.

Scope of limitation of the study

This study was limited only to determine the siltation in the main canal within the given sta. 0+000

(Dam diversion) to sta.0+500 (from Dam diversion).

Operational Definition of Terms

 Soil erosion - Is the detachment or removal of valuable soil, one form of soil degradation,

 Siltation - finest particles to become suspended in the water, making it look dirty. That sinks to the


 NIA - National Irrigation Administration.

 Weathering - The process where boulders, rocks, etc. Exposed in sequent rainfall making the rocks

weakened and broken ready for erosion.

 Cropping season – it’s a season where the agency conduct desiltation of silts.

 Desiltation / Desilting – The process of removing silts from body of water.

Conceptual Framework


Are collecting data, and “INVESTIGATION OF

collecting related studies, Analysis and SILTATION IN TACURONG

determining siltation evaluation of data SYSTEM (MAIN CANAL)”



Conceptual Framework

From gathered information, investigation of the siltation that occurs in area, this research can be

use as module of information and a show window to other Barangay’s and municipalities suffer from

the same problem.


In conducting this research there are things to be consider like gathering data about how

much silts are deposited in the area.


In conducting this research, volume of silts and other relevant information is needed to determine

how much silts is deposited in the area.






This chapter presents the research design, collection of data, methods and research


Research Design

The research design is descriptive. Siltation can be determined using the gathered

data and other related information. The research design is tested by getting the total

volume of silts within the period of time.

Research Locale

The research will be conducted in BRGY. DUMAGUIL NORALA SOUTH COTABATO and some specification




Collection of data

The data will be taken in NIA (national irrigation administration) and shall be utilize

for historical background of the area, siltation occurrence for the past years, and the

current silt deposits as based on the previous study performed by the said agency.

Additionally, the gathered data could also provide solutions to differentiate the current

siltation with the previous one. And to measure how much silts is transported in the

area. After the collection of data, the data will be summarized, to determine and to

differentiate the accumulated silts in every year.


The methods use in determining the siltation occurrence in the area was based on the actual procedure

done by authorized personnel of national irrigation administration (NIA). The desilting process will start at the

certain location set by the personnel’s which is at sta. 0+000(dam diversion) to sta. 0+500 (from dam

diversion) in the main canal. This process is called mechanized canal excavation or desiltitation/desilting. The

desiltation is done every cropping season, twice a year between March to April and September. Silts volume

can be determined by getting the accumulated silts using heavy equipment like backhoe for cultivation of silts

deposits and dump truck for disposal of silts. One personnel is assigned to record the number of volume and

data needed for the work, same work is done until reaching sta. 0+500, after the process, the volume of silts

per station will be collected, summarized and summed up to get the total volume of silts accumulated in the

area. The unit used is per cubic meter and stationing in metric unit.
  C.Y 2016 C.Y 2017 C.Y 2018 C.Y 2019 C.Y 2020

LENGTH (m) 500 500 500 500 500


VOLUME (cu. m) 5053.7 4801.5 5407.5 5154.8 5104.3

  C.Y 2016 C.Y 2017 C.Y 2018 C.Y 2019 C.Y 2020

LENGTH (m) 500 500 500 500 500


VOLUME (cu. m) 3839 3915.8 3992.6 3685.5 3723.9

TOTAL :   8892.7 cu.m 8717.3 cu.m 9400.1 cu.m 8840.3 cu.m 8828.3 cu.m


For comparison of data, two independent variables are to be use, starting from year 2016-2017.

Solving the difference in average silts volume in year 2016 and 2017 gives the change in silts volume.

Then the quotient of the change with the base value (2016), multiplying to 100 to express it in percent

form gives the average increase/decrease in silts volume in canal. Negative answer implies that the

average change in the consecutive year’s decreased and positive answer on the other hand implies

increase in volume of silts. The same process in solving the average increase/ decrease in volume is

done until year 2020(present).



The mean of gathered data from NIA about silts volume was recorded and computed to get the average

volume of silts.

F-test will use to determine if there is significant difference among the data in terms of volume per desilting


Respondent of the Study

There will (50) respondents for this research study. The respondents are the maintenance officers of the area

consist of 35 employee of National Irrigation Administration LAMRIS, two water master and 10 laborers and three

heavy equipment operator. The gathered information, data and ideas will be thoroughly examined to identify which

part of the survey will be used in the project related.

Data Gathering procedure

Survey questionnaires will be made by the researcher and will be given to maintenance officers in the

area of NIA LAMRIS and will be answered through the instruction given in the questionnaire.

Then, the researcher will tally the responses according to the questionnaire. The responses will be put in

a table and will be interpreted and analyzed.

Data Gathering instrument

The study will be use questionnaire as its main instrument in gathering data. The data will be prepared to

determine the problems encountered and factors, effects, and solution. The questionnaire contains two

section. The first sections aim to collect the background information of the respondents and second section

contains the respondent’s opinion about siltation occurrence in the area.

Statistical Treatment of Data

To determine the problems encountered such us factors, effect and solution of the accumulation of silts

deposits in the canal irrigation system. The statistical tool to be used will be mean.

The mean will be computed using

the formula below

Mean =
∑ 𝑥

∑ x = total number of responses
N = total number of respondents
The following Interpretative Scale will be used to
interpret the mean.
The Interpretative Scale will use to interpret the Mean

Table 1.3

This chapter dealt with the analysis, discussion, and interpretation of gathered data. The
results are statistically computed and analyzed in accordance with the objective.

Research Design

This study aims to determine the siltation occurrence in Tacurong Canal Irrigation system

(Main Canal) and volume of silts is one of the considerations. The following are the results and

discussion of each objective in the study.

Table 4. Volume of silt accumulated

Volume of silt accumulated C.Y 2016 C.Y 2017 C.Y 2018 C.Y 2019 C.Y 2020

  8892.7 cu.m 8717.8 cu.m 9400.1 cu.m 8840.3 cu.m 8828.3 cu.m

In the data provided by NIA, the table above shows the silts accumulation in the canal irrigation system in
a year consecutively from 2016 to 2020. C.Y 2016 has volume accumulated of 8892.7 cu.m. C.Y 2017 has
8717.8 cu.m, while C.Y 2018 has 9400.1 cu.m, next C.Y 2019 has 8840.3 cu.m, and lastly C.Y 2020 has
8828.3 cu.m.

Table 5. Percentage difference in silt volume annually

 Calendar Year  2016 – 2017 2017 - 2018  2018 - 2019  2019 - 2020 

Percentage difference in silt

1.97%   7.84%  5.96% 0.13% 
volume annually 

The result shows that in C.Y 2016 & 2017 there is increase of silt volume in year 2017 from 2016 about
1.97%, and for C.Y 2017 & 2018 volume of silts in 2017 is lesser than the volume of silts in 2018 about 7.84%,
in addition in C.Y 2018 & 2019 the results show that there is increase of silt volume from 2019 from 2018 about
5.96% in silts volume from 2018, lastly for C.Y 2019 & 2020 there is a small amount of increase in volume of silts
from 2019 about 0.13%.
Table 6. t-test for desilting operation using One Sample-Test (table base in SPSS)

  T  df   Sig.(2 tailed)  Mean Difference Lower   Upper

Month  9.000  9  .000  1.50000  1.1230  1.8770 

Volume   20.426 9 .000  4467.86000  3973.0464  4962.6736 

Means table = volume by month

/Cells= mean count stddev var.

T-test for one sample was used in finding the significant difference between two desilting
operation. The t-test results using SPSS shows that there is significance difference in volume of silts
between two desilting operation from 2016-2020 at 5 % level of significant. This implies that there are
factors that causes the volume of silt to be significantly different between two desilting operation from
2016 to 2020.
Table 7. T-test for desilting operation using two sample means for independent sample.
Parameter Sample Sample size Mean Std. Deviation
Volume of silts per operation March 5 5104.36a cu.m 217.26

Volume of silts per operation September 5 128.46

Means followed by the same superscript are not significantly different at 5% level of significance

T-test for two independent sample was used in finding the significant difference between two
desilting operation. The t-test results shows that there is significance difference in volume of silts
between two desilting operation from 2016-2020 at 5 % level of significant. This implies that there are
factors that causes the volume of silt to be significantly different between two desilting operation from
2016 to 2020.
Siltation occurrence comes from various factors that may result into instant or gradual increase of amount of
silt deposits in the canal; the table below shows the list some of the factors and respondent views and
opinion about the siltation occurrence in the irrigation system.

Table 8: Summary of Data of the respondent’s responses in terms of factors that may
cause siltation in the canal.
FACTORS OF SILTATION Section Mean Interpretation

1. Siltation is caused by sediment transport from Banga River. 4.28 Strongly Agree

2.River banks and shore erosion are mainly cause of Siltation in the system. 4.16 Agree

3.Siltation happens due to stagnant water in huge water storage that may result to increase of volume of silts 4 Agree

in the canal.

4.The plants around the canal are inadequate to prevent erosion occurrence. 4.2 Strong Agree

5.Components of weather such as precipitation, wind, etc. contributes to increase in volume of silts in canal. 4.02 Agree

6.Choking of streams with debris and others that blocks the streams causes siltation in canal. 4.36 Strongly Agree

7.Storages from small dams and reservoirs are silted up and rendered useless resulting silts to enter the 4.1 Agree

canal. .

8.One factor is lacking of river training works such as bank protection for implementation to lessen the 4.1 Agree

siltation occurrence.
9.Lack of building storage reservoir that catches silt may cause sediment enters the canal. 4.22 Strongly Agree

10.Poorly planned and poorly implemented construction and coastal development may result siltation in the 4.3 Strongly Agree


11.The silts collected in canal are disposed to certain location that prevents it from re-entering the canal. 4.24 Strongly Agree

12.Unforeseen causes such as earthquake, etc. generate additional amount of silt load, which are ultimately 3.9 Agree

reached to reservoir to canal and deposited.

13.The area is lacking of River training works such as bank protection, spurs and others to help the occurrence 4.2 Strongly Agree

to be lessen.

14.The types of soil in the area contribute to siltation occurrence in the canal. 4.3 Strongly Agree

15.Agricultural activities disturbed soil masses and contributes to volume of silts in the canal. 4.16 Agree


Most of the respondent’s views and opinion ranges form 4.2-5.0 between Agree and Strongly Agree and represent that
the factor listed above that causes siltation occurrence in the canal are some of the various factor that influence silts to enter
in irrigation canal system.
Siltation is a natural occurrence in nature that sometimes affects many things generally like the structure like canal
where silt deposits enter, agriculture, human and agricultural land field. This table shows and listed some of the effects and
respondent views and opinion about what are the effects that siltation occurrence contributes.

Table 9: Summary of the respondents’ responses in terms of Siltation effects.

EFFECTS OF SILTATION Section Mean Interpretation
1. Siltation Reduces useful and economic life of structure such as reservoir/canal system. 4.26 Strongly Agree
2. Siltation may result to reduction of hydropower generation, water supply in the area. 4.34 Strongly Agree
3. Siltation may results to an Additional lateral force on the canal wall exerted by deposited 4.22 Strongly Agree
4. The abrasion cause by silts deposit damage the tunnels galleries, guiding slots and other 4.22 Strongly Agree
5. The impacts of siltation identified include destruction of water quality affecting human, 4.34 Strongly Agree
animals and increases resource user conflicts.
6. Silts can be transported in farmland that causes the area to be covered by silts. 4.38 Strongly Agree
7.Silts affect the conveyance system for example Irrigation and channels. 4.48 Strongly Agree
8.Silts Increases amount of water treatment for example increased maintenance, clogging of 4.34 Strongly Agree
9. Siltation causes delay in areas like farms and other essential needed the 4.4 Strongly Agree
water supply.

10.Removing silts deposit in the canal requires time, exerting effort and 4.48 Strongly Agree

11.Silts deposits affect the waterways for services. 4.44 Strongly Agree

12.Too much silts accumulation will result to flooding. 4.4 Strongly Agree

13.The silts occurrence will make the water look dirty. 4.38 Strongly Agree

14.Silts affect the discharge of the water for services. 4.42 Strongly Agree

15.Silt accumulation may buried the structure such as reservoir / channel when 4.56 Strongly Agree
cannot be control.

SECTION MEAN 4.38 Strongly Agree

Its shows in the result that the respondents’ views and opinion about the siltation
occurrence effects are qualified in range of 4.2-5.0 and interpreted as strongly agree, it
shows that the effects listed above are some of the effects that siltation occurrence in
the area contributes or encounter.



This study entitled “Investigation of Siltation in Tacurong Canal Irrigation System (Main Canal)” aimed to determine
the siltation occurrence in the main canal in terms of volume of silts from 2016 to 2020, comparing the accumulated silts per
year from 2016 to 2020, determining if there is significant difference in volume of silts every two desilting operation done
every March and September at 5% level of significance, and to determine the factors and effects of siltation in Tacurong
Canal Irrigation System (Main Canal). Volume of silts data is collected from NIA LAMRIS under NIA SKIMO the agency
provide the data needed to fulfil the data missing needed for the research, for comparison of silts accumulated in canal all
the data is computed and compared, and for significant difference SPSS is used to compare the two desilting operation in
terms of silts volume done every march and September to solve if there is significant difference.
Lastly for the survey questionnaire it was conducted in NIA LAMRIS to gather the views and opinion of the respondents
about the factors that influence silt deposits entering the canal and some of the effects that siltation occurrence
contributes in irrigation canal system and to the beneficial of irrigation, to get the respondents views and opinion about
the factor and effect of siltation occurrence, survey questionnaire is prepared by the researcher to gather the respondents
views and opinion and when the data is collected the researcher will compute and interprets the responses in terms of
mean of the responses.

The study was conducted on October 2020 at Sultan Kudarat State University – Isulan Campus, Isulan Sultan Kudarat.
All data needed for the research is gathered from NIA LAMRIS under NIA SKIMO and for the data gathering procedure
questionnaire is prepared and conducted in NIA LAMRIS to get the respondent views and opinion about the factors and
effects of siltation occurrence.

1. Siltation can be a problem that contributes massive amount of silts deposit that can enter the canal. 

2.In the data provided about silt volume accumulated annually, the highest increase of silt volume recorded is in

year 2018 in comparison of percentage increase of silts in consecutive years the percentage amount of silts increase

is 7.84 % while the lowest increase in consecutive year is on year 2020 about 0.13 % only.

3.It shows that there is a significant difference in volume silts in two desilting operation done every March and

September at 5% level of significant base on result of T test using SPSS.


4.Siltation occurrence happens because of some various factors natural or manmade that may influence the silts to

enter the canal and may increase the volume of silts entering the canal, the factors are listed to see the views and opinion of

the respondent about this issue, the results show that Most of the respondent’s views and opinion are between Agree and

Strongly Agree and represent that the factor listed above are some of factors that may result into siltation occurrence in the


5. Siltation becomes a problem because it affects both the beneficial and the irrigation system Its shows in the result

that the respondent’s views and opinion about the siltation occurrence effects is qualified in range of 4.2-5.0 which

represents strongly agree, and shows that the effects listed above are some of the effects that siltation occurrence in the area


Siltation occurrence is one of the major geo-environmental issues and it is very serious in

nature, by conducting this research is shows that siltation is something that we cannot stop since it is

natural phenomena but something that we can prevent or lessen the factors that may result into

massive amount of silt deposits entering the canal and fast sediment transport in irrigation system, it

shows in the respondents views and opinion about siltation occurrence both factors and effects are all

qualified in range of 3.4-4.19 and 4.2–5.0 which interpreted to Agree and Strongly Agree, it concludes

that all the factors and effects listed are some of the situation that the area have, by the respondents

responses the researcher is able to determine the factors and effects in the area and to suggest or

provide alternative solution to lessen and prevent siltation occurrence.

Based on the results on the study, the following are hereby recommended;
1. Imposed bio-engineering method since it is the natural way in preventing siltation, erosion, etc. by adding
adequate amount of plants besides the canal system may help the area to lessen the amount of silts that enter in
the canal.

2. Building bank protection may lessen the sediment transport from the river since river bank and shore erosion
are the mainly cause of siltation in the canal.

3. Avoid mowing within 10 to 25 feet from the edge of river, canal system, stream or creek. This will create a safe
buffer zone that will help minimize erosion and naturally filter storm water runoff that may contain sediment.

4. Educating people in management of the irrigation system, teaching them better practices in their farm land so
that soil degradation can be prevented.

5.Cleaning the canal system can be a helpful action, taking off all the debris or anything that causes stagnant.

6.In order prevent erosion and sedimentation in rivers that causes siltation in the canal, there is need to develop
and implement an integrated water resources management plan by the entire stakeholder. In order to maintain the
lifespan of the irrigation canal system.

7.Best land practices such us contour ploughing and re-forestation should be employed around the river and
beside canal system.

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