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REG NO:2116029

Manages “By the book”

Everything done according to
procedure and policies.
More of police officer than a leader
Implements the rules
Characteristics of Bureaucratic leader

• Employees are strictly advised to follow the rules.

• The main focus here is on the organizational goals
and overall performance of the organization.
• It requires clearly defined set of rules, regulations
and processes.
• Division of labour- Right people in suitable
positions, in order to improve efficiency.
• System of management that follows a hierarchy
where official duties are fixed.
The pros cons
pros Very efficient Lack of flexibility

and Very predictable Loss of control

cons standardization Very strict

Clearly established Impersonal

rules and guidelines

• Winston churchill
• Shinji sogo
• Steve easterbrook
• Alfred p sloan
• Harold geneen
• Collin powell
Winston churchill

• While the British Prime Minister, Winston Churchill,

showed a number of different leadership qualities,
bureaucratic leadership is definitely among the
strongest models he used. Churchill’s key
bureaucratic leader traits were his decisive nature and
persistency to follow the plan. where he always knew
what he and his people wanted to achieve and found
ways to fulfill his goals.
Churchill was a very decisive leader and one that is so
difficult to persuade. He showed persistence at all levels to
carry on with his plans against all the odds. He 
created the plan which helped Britain to conquer the
enemies during the war. Churchill is also a leader who is
highly detail-oriented and meticulous, which are 
traits possessed by bureaucrats.
Bureaucratic Leaders Find it Difficult to Adjust to Change.
Key takeaways:
A good leader is made, not born. 
 Procedures are followed correctly, and that resources are
used efficiently. In addition, bureaucracies often have a high
degree of stability because their leaders tend to be very
careful in making changes.
 One downside of bureaucratic leadership is that it can lead
to stagnation and lack of innovation. Bureaucratic leaders
may also be more interested in following rules than
achieving the organization’s goals. This can lead to
inefficient use of resources and conflict with other parts of
the organization.

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