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The Psychological Aspect

What turns people on the phases of sexual responses?

The Psychological Aspect

▪ The psychological aspect refers to how symptoms and conditions, such as

chronic pain, impact a person's mental and emotional state of health and how the
mind can influence and, in fact, override, the intensity, duration and frequency of
pain that a person experiences.
▪ Psychology helps people in large part because it can explain why people act the
way they do.
▪ Psychological factors include constructs such as depression, anxiety, fear-
avoidance, catastrophizing 
▪ Psychological factors involve lifestyle, personality characteristics, and stress
levels. Social factors include such things as social support systems, family
relationships, and cultural beliefs.
Sexual Response Cycle and What is the sexual response cycle?

▪ One can feel aroused by appraising a picture, touching and being touched, or by
one's own thoughts or fantasies.
▪ The sexual response cycle is one model of physical and emotional changes that
happens when you are participating in sexual activity. There are four phases in this
cycle. Orgasm is the shortest phase.
▪ The sexual response cycle refers to the sequence of physical and emotional
changes that occur as a person becomes sexually aroused and participates in
sexually stimulating activities, including intercourse and masturbation. Knowing
how your body responds during each phase of the cycle can enhance your
relationship and help you pinpoint the cause of sexual dysfunction. There are
several different proposed models of a sexual response cycle. The one that is
reviewed here is one of the more commonly quoted.
▪ Both men and women can experience
these phases, although the timing may
be different. For example, it's highly
unlikely that both partners will reach
orgasm at the same time. In addition, the
intensity of the response and the time
spent in each phase varies from person
to person. Many women won't go
through the sexual phases in this order.
Sexual response cycle, pattern of physiologic events occurring during
sexual arousal and intercourse. In both men and women, these events may
be identified as occurring in a sequence of four stages: excitement, plateau
, orgasm, and resolution.

• In the excitement stage, the body prepares ▪ At orgasm the neuromuscular

for sexual activity by tensing muscles and tension built up in the preceding
increasing heart rate and blood pressure.  stages is released in a few seconds. 

• In the plateau stage, breathing becomes ▪ The succeeding resolution stage

more rapid and the muscles continue to  brings a gradual return to the
resting state that may take several

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