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Stunting in the children

Under Five Year

Lecture : Horas Panjaitan,S.Pd, M.Pd
Group Member 1
Raisya Deandra Nariza
01 Afifah Thohiroh 04 Rokan

Aici Ilma carda

02 05 Suci Eka Fadhillah

03 Suryandini Habeahan
01 Definition
Stunting is a condition in which children
experience growth disorders, so that the child's
height does not match his age, as a result of
chronic nutritional problems, namely lack of
nutritional intake for a long time.
Cause of Stunting in children

Lack of nutrition
during pregnancy

nutritional needs
are not fulfilled
Other causative factors
Lack of knowledge
of mothers about
nutrition before Lack of access to
pregnancy clean water and

4 factors
Limited access
to health Lack of access to
services nutritious food because it
is quite expensive.
Steps to prevent stunting
Give exclusive
Meet nutritional
needs since
until the baby is
pregnancy 6 months old

Accompany exclusive Continue to monitor

breastfeeding with Always keep the
the child's growth environment
healthy complementary and development.
foods. clean.
Characteristics of Stunting in children
Ages 8-10 years, children
Slowing growth become more quiet

Face looks younger Toddler's weight does not

than his age increase and even tends to

Delayed tooth The child's body

growth development is hampered

Poor performance in
focus and learning Children are susceptible
memory to various infectious
One of The Stunting cause in
Head of the Indramayu District Health Office, Dedi Rohendi,
revealed that in Indramayu District there are around 40 thousand
children under five. Of this number, there are around a thousand
children under five who suffer from malnutrition.
In addition to malnutrition, there are also 19 toddlers who are
malnourished. However, the case of malnutrition is not
categorized as problematic because the number is still below one
percent of the total number of children under five in Indramayu
Regency. "We have handled cases of malnutrition and malnutrition,
including by providing additional food (PMT)," said Dedi, Thursday
Dedi revealed that one of the causes of malnutrition and
malnutrition in Indramayu Regency was the absence of the
mother of the toddler. Mothers who are supposed to care for and
care for their toddlers, instead go to work abroad as migrant
As a result, the toddlers from mothers who become migrant
workers are mostly cared for by their grandmothers. In fact, one
grandmother can take care of more than three grandchildren at
once. This condition finally makes the toddler's diet become
unnoticed, especially from the nutritional adequacy they need.
Our opinion is about the stunting case that occurred in the city of
Indramayu, one of which occurred in one child who was malnourished
because the child's nutrition was not adequate from the time he was
in the womb. Which is due to the lack of responsibility of his parents.
For us, the awareness of the government and the health office is very
important in providing posyandu facilities and the lack of counseling to
parents, especially pregnant women. The provision of exclusive
breastfeeding and nutritious food is very much needed for people who
have a low economy. In addition, we hope that the government
conducts nutritional checks and fulfillment for prospective brides 3
months before marriage in order to prevent chronic energy deficiency
and anemia as one of the risks that can give birth to stunting babies.
We, as prospective Indonesian Nutritionists, participate in stunting
prevention efforts so that the stunting rate in Indonesia decreases.
Thank You

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