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What is Ginnett’s Model?

* The Team Effectiveness Leadership Model (TELM) is a

model designed to help teams perform more effectively.
* Dr. Robert Ginnett of the Center for Creative Leadership
has developed the Team Effectiveness Leadership Model,
which can be used to identify what is required for a team to
be effective and point the leader either toward
the roadblocks that are hindering the team or toward ways
to make the team even more effective.
* This model proposes that a leader’s main job is to
determine what the team’s needs are and then take care of
these needs.
* Stages in Team Effectiveness Leadership Model are;
Input :This model has inputs on the left
Process :process in the center
Output :outputs on the right
* Inputs are what are available for teams as they go about
their work. Inputs are often psychological factors, such
as individual motivation. Another example of an input
is the ability or IQ of each team member. Inputs are at
three levels: individual, team, and organization. Leaders
can improve team effectiveness by altering the inputs.

* Team process includes how the team goes about its work,
including group dynamics of communication, coordination,
and conflict. A leader should be concerned with process for a
number of reasons. Some teams have only one chance to
create a product and thus the leader cannot afford to wait
until the product is done to assess its effectiveness.
* For example, if your entire class grade was based on one
paper, you would not want to wait until you handed the paper
in to see what your grade would be. You would want to meet
with the instructor throughout the semester to discuss your
* Another reason that process is important relates to teams
that work together over a long period of time. If the team
does not work well together on the first project, it may not
work well on other projects either. It is important that team
members do not have too much conflict and that they are
communicating well, so that they will continue to work
well together in the future.

* Outputs are the result of the team’s work and represent the
end products of the team, including goods and services
produced as well as individual satisfaction and the team’s
ability to get along in the future.
* For example, a baseball team scores 5 runs; a car
manufacturing plant produces 24 cars in one day; a student
writes one paper in a week. Leaders should be concerned
with outputs because if a team does not produce (output) then
it cannot be considered effective.
* How the Model Works?

*  According to the TELM, team leadership is exercised

through three functions: dream, design, and development.
* In the dream function, the team needs to have a dream or
sense of direction. In highly effective work teams, the leader
ensures that the team has a clear vision of where it is going.
* The design function is extremely important. Designing the
team is critical. Far too often, little time or attention is
focused on the design function. 
* Development is the ongoing work done with the team at
the process level to continue to find ways to improve an
already well-designed team.
*  Leaders dream, design, and develop teams. They do
this through keeping an eye on the input, process, and
outcome functions of teams, and making changes to
these functions when necessary.
* Based on the TELM model, leaders can influence team
effectiveness by doing three things:
1.Ensuring the team has a clear sense of purpose and
performance expectations
2.Designing or redesigning input stage variables at the
individual, organizational, and team design levels
3.Improving team performance through ongoing coaching
at various stages, but particularly while the team is
actually performing its task.

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