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Basic Concepts and Principles of the

Major Social Science Ideas
Sir. Villaruz, Lester M.
Learning Targets
I can define Psychoanalysis,
Rational Choice, Institutionalism.

I can evaluate the strengths &

weaknesses of Psychoanalysis,
Rational Choice, Institutionalism.
Focus Question

“What is the importance of knowing

the different approaches in Social
Sciences like Positivist approach,
Interpretive approach and Critical
Concept Map
What is Marxism, Structural Functionalism
& Symbolic Interactionism?
cite an example using this graphic
K-W-L Chart
Instruction: Write your insights/ideas in KWL
Chart, The 'KWL' stands for what students
Know, what students Want to learn, and what
students Learned from the lesson
Basic Concepts and Principles of the
Major Social Science Ideas
● Rational -people act based on or in accordance with reason or logic.
● Choice - act of selecting or making decisions when faced with two or more

● People estimate the probable costs and benefits of any action before
deciding what to do.
● Individual choices and how they affect the society which are considered
more important.
● Rational Choice is used to predict social consequences of decision making
based on scarce resources.
● Structural-Functionalism
Strengths Weaknesses

● The one set of hypothesis ● Difficulty of explaining macro

applies to all sets of structural level structures and institutions
hypothesis. simply from the models of
● Predictive, decisions of individual social action.
individual depends on the ● Almost everything human do is
structures and assumptions. rational is problematic, since
not all human actions are
● Role of institutions both formal and informal.
● Institutions as human devised constraints that structure political,
economic and social interactions.
● New institutionalism - refers to an interaction of various institutions
within society, and how their dynamics, rules and norms determine the
behavior and actions of individuals.
● Old institutionalism - focused on how formal institutions constraints
human behavior.
● Formal Institutions - legally introduce and enforce by the state.

● Informal Institutions - rules governing behavior outside the official

Strength Weaknesses

● Institutionalism examines how ● Focused on macro level analysis,

human behavior is shaped by ignoring actors involved in the
institutions by the creation of processes “action without agents”.
expectations on the possible ● Inability to offer a refined
consequences of certain options. comprehension of how
institutions affect human
● Analysis of the mind “Psychoanalyse” - psyche=mental and
● Liberating individual from the unconscious by analyzing
sources of domination which are hidden to a person.
● People will understand why they behave in a certain way or
why they hold certain values and beliefs.
● ID - Original system of the personality, self gratifying,
driven by pleasure, attempts to reduce tension by
satisfaction of sexual & aggresive impulses.
● EGO - decision making, ruled by reality, exert sensible
influence over ID & SUPEREGO
● SUPEREGO - moralistic issues deciding what is good and
● Healthy personality is a balance between ID, EGO &
● Parts of the unconscious mind (the id and superego) are in
constant conflict with the conscious part of the mind (the
● endopsychic conflict, results to anxiety, which the ego tries
to resolve using defense mechanisms, which develop
unconsciously when the ego feels threatened by an
endopsychic conflict.
Strengths Weaknesses

● Importance of childhood in ● Too subjecting-focusing on

personality development. individual experiences cannot be
● Person childhood experiences in generalized.
explaining and understanding ● Lack of empirical evidences
personality issues.
● Micro-level analysis, that human
behavior can be explain by hidden
forces that provides explanation.
Focus Question

“What is the importance of knowing

the different approaches in Social
Sciences like Positivist approach,
Interpretive approach and Critical
Learning Targets
I can define Psychoanalysis,
Rational Choice, Institutionalism.

I can evaluate the strengths &

weaknesses of Psychoanalysis,
Rational Choice, Institutionalism.
● The learners will become champions of fairness and equality by
upholding the common good in all their dealings.

● The learners will become proactive in seeing failures or mistakes
as stepping stones to success.
Quiz & Assessment
Modified True or False

Instructions: Write TRUE if the statement

given is correct, and write FALSE if the
given statement is incorrect, followed by the
correct answer to the underlined word.
Modified True or False

1. Institutionalism is about several courses of action, people do what they

believe is likely to have the best overall outcome.
2. Rational Choice can be compared to Game Theory wherein it is about the
strategy of an individual or group.
3. RTC and Psychoanalysis are under the positivist approach.
4. Gary Becker & George Homans are the main contributors in RTC
(Rational Choice Theory).
5. Institutionalism focuses on the formal & informal institution.
Modified True or False

6. New Institutionalism are focused on the interaction of various

institutions within the society.
7. Old Institutionalism are focused on how formal institutions
constrain human behavior.
8. Psychoanalysis is a method of treatment for psychological problems
and challenges in living a successful life.
9. Psychoanalysis is liberating people by acquiring consciousness of
the unconscious mind.
10. Psychoanalyze- psyche means attitude and combined with the
word analyze.

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