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Classification of Elements and Periodicity in Properties
Mendeleev Period Law: The properties of elements are a periodic
function of the atomic weights.

Advantages of Mendeleev Periodic Table:-

a) Systematic study of the elements.
b) Correction of
atomic masses:- Mendeleev’s periodic table helped in
correcting the atomic masses of some elements based on their
position. E.g- Be is corrected from 13.5 to 9.
c) Prediction of new elements: he left gaps
for undiscovered element.
He left a gap under aluminium and a gap under silicon and called
them Eka aluminium and Eka silicon.
Defects of Mendeleev’s Periodic Table:

a)Position of Hydrogen in the periodic table is not correctly

b)Isotopes have not been given separate place in the periodic
c)Some similar elements are separated and dissimilar elements
are grouped together.

d)Lanthanoids and Actinoids have not been given separate place

in the mendeleev’s table.

Modern Periodic Law:- The physical and chemical properties of the

elements are periodic functions of their atomic number.
This table is also called long form of the periodic table. Periodic table
is divided into groups and periods.
The horizontal rows called period. Vertical columns are called groups.
There are 7 periods and 18 groups.

Elements are arranged in order of their increasing atomic number, it is

observed that the elements of similar properties recur at regular
intervals, As a result the elements fall under certain groups.
1st period  2 elements

2nd period 8 elements

3rd period 8 elements

4th period  18 elements

5th period  18 elements

6th period  32 elements

7th period 
32 elements

Note:-Elements after Uranium are called transuranium

Blocks of Periodic Table

There are four blocks:- s, p, d, f

(1) s-block: The elements in which the last electron enters the s-orbital is called s-
block elements. [General Electronic Configuration:- ns 1-2

General Characteristics-
1) They have low ionization enthalpies.
2) They are highly reactive and never formed in pure state.
They exhibit +1 and +2 oxidation state.
4) They are strong reducing agents.
5) They mostly form ionic compounds
(2) p-block:-The element in which the last electron enters the p-orbital of the outermost
energy level is called p-block elements. s & p block element are called representative
element or main group elements.

General Characteristics-
1) They mostly form covalent compound.
2) They include both metals and non-metals.
3) Ionisation enthalpies are
higher than s-block.
4) Some of the elements show more than one oxidation state.
(General Electronic Configuration:- ns2np1-6 )
(3) d block:- The element in which the last electrons enter the d-
orbital of their penultimate energy level constitue d-block elements.
(d-block elements are called transition elements)

[General Electronic Configuration:- (n-1)d1-10 ns1-2]

General Characteristics:-
1) They are metals with high M.P and B.P.
2) They form
coloured ions.
3) They exhibit variable
4) They are paramagnetic and are used as catalyst.
(4) f-block elements:- The elements in which the last electron
enters the f-orbitals is called f-block elements (They are also called
inner transition elements)
[General Electronic Configuration:- (n-2)f1-14 (n-1)d0-1

General Characteristics:-
a) They are heavy metals.

b) They have high melting

point and boiling point.

c) They exhibit variable

oxidation states.
d) They form
coloured ions.
Actinoids are radioactive in nature.

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