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Periodic classification of

• Why is it classified?
• There are 118 elements know till now and it is difficult
to study their properties separately. So in order to
make their study easy classification of elements is
• Classification: It is the grouping of similar elements
together and separating them from the elements
which are not similar to them.
• Many attempts have been made by many scientists in
order to classify elements
• When the elements were discovered so many patterns
were proposed (approx. 2000 patterns )
• Initially 31 elements were introduced than the
discovery went to 63 then to 114 and now more than
• It is very difficult to memorize properties of so many
elements therefore some patterns were proposed to
make their study easier.
General description of periodic table
• Dobernier law of triads
• He arranged elements in group of 3 that is known as
• He proposes different traids depending upon many
properties like increasing atomic mass, similar in
properties and the atomic mass of the middle element
is the arithmetic mean of atomic mass of first and third
• For example:- Consider the elements Li, Na and K
• They have same chemical properties i.e.
• all are metals
• all react with water to form alkalis
• all have valency-1
• Atomic mass of middle element (Na) = (7+39)/ (2) = 23
• Ca Sr Ba

• all are metals

• oxides of then are alkaline
• all have valency2.
• Atomic mass of Sr = (40 + 137)/ (2) = 88
• Cl Br I

• All are non-metals

• All react with water of form acids
• All have valency1
• Atomic mass of Br = (35.5 + 127) /(2) = 80
• Limitation- He failed to arrange all known
elements in form of triad.
• Newland law of octaves
• According To him when elements are arranged
in order of increasing atomic masses the
properties of eight elements are repetition of
properties of first element.
• According to these properties eighth
elements sodium should be similar to those of
first element lithium.
• LIMITATION-He could classify elements only
up to calcium in this way.
Mendeleev periodic table
• Periodic table is chart of elements prepared in such a
way that elements having similar properties occur in
same vertical group.
• According To Mendeleev periodic law: -
• Properties of elements are periodic function of their
atomic mass in this there are seven periods and eight
groups. Out of 8 groups seven are of normal elements
and one of transition elements.
• “He also left gaps in his table for unknown elements”
• He thought that when these elements would be
discovered later, then they can be placed in table
without disturbing other elements.
Mendeleev periodic table
• He grouped the elements on the basis of atomic mass.
• He left gaps for undiscovered elements like Gallium,
Scandium germanium. Even he left full group vacant for
undiscovered inert gases.
• He could predict proportions of several elements on basis
of their position in periodic table like Ga, Sc etc.
• He could predict errors in atomic weights of some elements
like gold, platinum etc.
• Position of isotopes could not be explained.
• wrong order of atomic masses could not be explained
• Position of hydrogen could not be explained.
• Some dissimilar elements are grouped together while some
elements are placed in different groups. For example –
alkali metals such as Li , Na, K, etc. (group AI) are grouped
together with coinage metals such as Cu, Ag, and Au.
• Lanthanides and actinides are not included in main body.
• Modern periodic law: According to the
properties of elements all periodic function of
their atomic numbers.
• So, when elements are arranged according to
increasing atomic number, there is periodicity in
electronic configuration that leads to periodicity
in their chemical properties.
• Introduction of modern periodic table: It consist
• horizontal rows (Periods)
• Vertical column (Groups)
• There are 7 period and 18 groups in this long
form of periodic table.
• Number of elements in each period:
• Ist period has 2 elements
• IInd period has 8 elements
• IIIrd period has 8 elements
• IVth period has 18 elements
• Vth period has 18 elements
• VIth period has 32 elements
• VIIth period has rest of elements
• NOTE: number of valence electron in atom of
elements decides which elements will be first in
period and which will be last.
• Families of different elements:
• 1 to 2 group and 13 to 17 contain normal or representative elements
• 3 to 12group – transition elements.
• 57 to 71 -- lanthanides
• 89 to 103 ----Actinides.

• Left hand side – metals.

• Right hand side – non-metals
• NOTE: Hydrogen element has been placed at top of Ist group. Electronic
configuration of H is similar to alkali metal both have 1 valence electron.
• Valence electrons of different groups:
• Valence electron of group I element -- 1
• Valence electron of group 2 element -- 2
• Valence electron of group 13 element -- 3
• Valence electron of group 14 element -- 4
• Valence electron of group 15 element -- 5
• Valence electron of group 16 element --6
• Valence electron of group 17 element -- 7
• Valence electron of group 18 element -- 8
IUPAC Nomenclature of elements
with atomic numbers more than 100
1 Un U
2 Bi B
3 Tri T
4 Quad Q
5 Pent P
6 Hex H
7 Sept S
8 Oct O
9 Enn E
0 Nil N
Recommended and official names of
elements with Z more than 100


Z Symbol
ed official name Symbol

101 Unnilunium Unu Mendelevium Md

102 Unnilbium Unb Nobelium No

103 Unniltrium Unt Lawrencium Lr

104 Unnilquadium Unq Rutherfordium Rf

105 Unnilpentium unp Dubnium Db

Element in s,p, d and f block and their
electronic configuration
• S-block Elements: Elements in which the last electron enters the s-
• General outer shell electronic configuration of s-block elements –
ns1-2 where n = 2-7
• General characteristics of s-block elements
• They are soft metals with low melting and boiling points
• They have low ionization enthalpies (energies) and are highly
electro positive.
• They lose the valence (outermost) electrons readily to form +1 (in
case of alkali metals) and +2 ions (in case of alkaline earth metals).
• They are very reactive metals. The metallic character and the
reactivity increase as we move down the group. because of high
reactivity, they are never found pure in nature.
• The compounds of s-block elements with the exception of those of
beryllium are predominantly ionic.
• P-Block Elements: Elements in which the last electron
enters any one of three p-orbitals of their respective
outermost shells are called P-Block elements.
• General outer shell electronic configuration of p-block
elements – ns2 np1-6 where n = 2-7
• General characteristics of p-block elements B- 1s2 2s2 2p1
• P-block elements include both metal and non-metals but
the number of non-metals is much higher than that of
metals. Further, the metallic character increases from top
to bottom within a group and non-metallic character
increase from left to right along a period in this block.
• Their ionization enthalpies are relatively higher as
compared to those s-block elements.
• They mostly form covalent compounds.
• Some of the show more than one (variable) oxidation states
in their compounds.
• Their oxidizing character increase from left to right in a
period and reducing character increase from top to bottom
in a group.
• d-block Elements: Elements in which the last
electron enters any one of the five d-orbitals of
their respective penultimate shells are called d-
block elements.
• General outer shell electronic configuration of d-
block elements –Fe-3d64s2
• (n-1) d1-10 ns0-2, where n = 4 – 7.
• General Characteristics of d-block elements –
• They are hard, malleable (i.e. can be converted
into sheets) and ductile (i.e. can be drawn into
wires) metals with high melting ad boiling points.
• They are good conductor of heat and electricity.
• They ionization enthalpies are between s- and p-
block elements.
• They show variables oxidation states.
• They form both ionic and covalent compounds.
• F-block elements: Elements in which the last
electron entre any one of the seven f-orbitals of
their respective ante-penultimate shells are
called f-block elements.
• General outer shells electronic configuration of f-
block elements –
• (n – 2) f0-14 (n – 1) d0-2 ns2
• General Characteristics of f-block elements
• They have generally high melting and boiling
• They show variable oxidation states
• Their compounds are generally coloured
• They have heavy metals
• They have a high tendency to form complexes.
Aufbau principle
C- 1s2 2s22p2
• S orbital – 2 ens
• P orbital - 6ens
• D orbital - 10 ens
• F orbital - 14 ens
• Electrons are filled in the order of their
increasing energy.
• Atomic Properties
• Atomic radii: It is the distance from the centre of
nucleus to outermost shell of an atom.
• But there is a difficulty to find accurate size
because the size of atom is too small so it is
difficult to isolate atoms.
• According to probability picture the possibility of
finding an electron is never zero even up to large
distances. The size of atom keeps on changing from
one bonded state to another, therefore we
consider effective size instead of accurate atomic
size. We define the effective size according to the
type of bonding present’
• Covalent radii:
• It is the distance between the centre of nuclei of atoms
and mean position of shared pair of electrons between
the bonded atoms or
• we can say covalent radii is one half of the inter nuclear
distance between the bonded atoms.
• For example in H2 molecule the bond length is 74pm
therefore covalent radii is 37pm.

• Metallic radii: It is considered only for metals.

• It is defined as one half the intern nuclear distances
between two neighboring metals in lattice.
• For example, in Cu metal, the bond length is 256pm
therefore radii are128pm
• Variation along period:
• Along period the size keeps on decreasing due to increase in
nuclear charge.
• Nuclear charge is the attraction of positive charged protons towards
• As we move towards right the atomic no. increase so as no. of
protons increase, attraction increase. So the order is that it keeps
on decreasing
• For example, in 3rdperiod: the order is Li>Be>B>C>N>O>F
• Variation along group:
• As we move down there is an addition of shell along group it
• It is because every time a new shell is added so the effect of
addition of shell is more than the pronounced nuclear charge
therefore the order as we discussed is increasing down the group.
• For example: in first group the order is Li<Na<k<Rb<Cs
• In the whole periodic table alkali group is the largest group
according to size
• Ionic radii: it is defined as one half of the internuclear distance
between the bonded atoms. Or
• it is the measure of distance between cation and anion in ionic
• For example: in NaCl the bond length is 276pm but if we take
exactly the half then there will be error so, we calculate distance
separately for sodium ion and chloride ion and define the ionic radii
as: the effective distance from the centre of nucleus of ion to up to
the distance where it has influence in ionic bond.
• Cation is always smaller than parent atom as it is formed by
removal of electron due to which the same nuclear charge acts on
lesser number of electrons therefore the nuclear charge increases
and the size decreases
• Anion is always bigger than parent atom as it is formed by gaining
electrons due to which the same nuclear charge acts on more
number of electrons and moreover the magnitude of repulsions
increase ,therefore the nuclear charge decrease and size increase

• Isoelectronic species: they are those that have
same number of electrons
• For example: O2-,F-,Na+etc. are isoelectronic .
• The species with higher positive charge is smaller
and the species with lesser positive charge is
bigger similarly the species with higher negative
charge is bigger than the species with lesser
negative charge.
• Vander wall radii: it is the half of internuclear
distance between the adjacent atoms of
substance belonging to two different molecules.
• It is present in inert gases
• Ionization energy
• It is the amount of energy required to remove electron
from valence shell of isolated gaseous atom.
• The word required is used because it means ionization
energy is positive that is it means it is always given from
outside to remove electron.
• Successive ionization energies: It is the amount of energy
required to remove second electron from the ion
• For example:
• If we compare ionization energy 1 ,2 and 3 we found that
• M (g) +∆iH1 à M+ (g) + e- (g)
• M+ (g) +∆iH2 àM2+ (g) + e- (g)
• M2+ (g) +∆iH3 àM3+ (g) + e- (g)
• 1 I.E< 2nd I.E< 3rd I.E
• There are certain factors on which ionization energy depends:
• Size of atom: If the size is small, nuclear charge will be high so it will
attract electron more effectively therefore ionization energy will be
• This means ionization energy is inversely proportion to size of an
• Charge on nucleus: If nuclear charge is more than attraction for
electron will be more therefore ionization energy will be high or
vice versa
• Screening effect: Due to filling of inner orbital’s the nuclear charge
is somehow reduced for outermost electron. As a result outermost
electron will be loosely bounded and therefore ionization energy
• Penetration effect: The orbital’s which are closer to nucleus will
experience high nuclear charge so the penetrating effect will be
more. The order it follows is:
• S>P>d>f
• Electronic configuration: Half-filled and fully filled orbitals are more
stable therefore they have high ionization energies.
• I.E of N> I.E of O
• I.E : Li< Be> B<C<N>O<F<Ne
• Variation along period:
• Along period it increases It is because along period the size
decreases, nuclear charge increase therefore ionization
energy increases but the anomalous behavior is seen let us
see that:
• Li<Be>B<C<N>O<F<Ne
• In this Be has high ionization energy than B because of fully
filled shell N has high ionization energy than O because N is
half filled ,more stable therefore ionization energy is high.
• Variation along group:
• Ionization energy decreases along the group as the size
increases, nuclear charge decreases as a result less
ionization energy is required to remove the electron.
• For example in 1st group the order is: Li>Na>K>Rb>Cs
out of these cesium has largest size and least ionization
• Electron gain enthalpy
• It is the amount of energy released when
electron is added to outermost shell of an atom.
• This energy release depends upon the extent of
attraction for an incoming electron.
• In case of inert gases they have almost no
attraction Because of stable configuration.
• Therefore it is negative for inert gases this means
energy should be supplied in order to make them
accept electron.
• This energy can be mathematically shown as:
• M + e- M– (negatively charged ion) +E
• Factors affecting electron gain enthalpies:
• Atomic radius : more is the size ,less is the
nuclear charge therefore less attraction for
incoming electron therefore electron gain
enthalpy is less negative for those atoms or vice
• Nuclear charge : less is the nuclear charge
therefore less attraction for incoming electron
therefore electron gain enthalpy is less negative
for those atoms or vice versa
• Electronic configuration: atoms with stable
electronic configurations have less negative
electron gain enthalpies.
• Variation along group
• Electron gain enthalpy becomes less negative as we move
down the group:
• As we down the group, the size increases and nuclear
charge decreases due to which the attraction for incoming
electron decreases so as electron gain enthalpy decreases.
• But certain anomalies are seen like out of chlorine and
fluorine, fluorine has less negative electron enthalpy
because of its extreme small size the incoming electron
suffers interelectronic repulsions therefore electron gain
enthalpy is less negative as compared to chlorine
• Variation along period
• Along period it increases the reason being the size
decreases and nuclear charge increases.
• But still the exceptional behavior is seen like Electron gain
enthalpy of inert gases is positive because of their stable
electronic configuration.
• Electro negativity
• It is the tendency of an atom to attract shared pair of
electrons more towards itself. This property depends
upon the size and the nuclear charge.
• If the size is less then more will be the nuclear charge
hence more attraction for shared pair of electrons.
• In whole periodic table fluorine is maximum
electronegative due to its smallest size.
• Other factors on which electro negativity depends:
• State of hybridization:
• The order is sp>sp2>sp3Oxidation state of element:
• Higher is the oxidation state more it is electronegative.
• Factors affecting the magnitude of electronegativity
• Atomic radius: As the atomic radius of the element
increases the electronegativity value decreases.
• Effective nuclear charge: The electronegativity
value increases as the effective nuclear charge on
the atomic nucleus increases.
• Oxidation state of the atom: The electronegativity
value increases as the oxidation state (i.e. the
number of positive charge) of the atom increases.
• Hybridisation state of an atom in a molecule: If the
s- character in the hybridisation state of the atom
increases, electronegativity also increases.
• Variation along group:
• Along group it decreases as size increases and nuclear
charge decreases
• Variation along period:
• Along period it increases as size decreases and nuclear
charge increases therefore the attraction for shared pair of
electrons increase
• Applications of electronegativity:
• It tells us about the metallic and non metallic character of
atom: more is the electro negativity lesser is the metallic
character and more is the non metallic character or vice
• Polar or non-polar: if the difference in the electro negativity
between the two bonded atoms is more, than the bond is
polar that is it has lost but if electro negativity difference is
less or zero than the bonded non polar.
• Metallic and non-metallic character
• Metallic character is tendency to lose electron.
• Non-metallic character: It is the tendency to gain
• Along group – metallic character increase and non
metallic character decreases
• Size increases i.e. valence electrons become more
away from nucleus due to which nuclear charge
decrease and metallic character increases whereas non
metallic character decreases.
• For example
Li. Na K Rb Cs Fr
• (least (Most
• Metallic) metallic)
• Along periods – Metallic character decreases
and non metallic character increases. As we
move the Size decreases along period due to
which Nuclear Charge increases therefore
tendency to gain electron increases and to
lose electron decreases.
• Na Mg Al Si P S Cl

• Metallic character decreases

• Non-metallic character increases
• Nature of oxides
• Along group: Basic oxides nature increase as we come across more
metallic character down the group.
• Along period: Basic nature of oxides decreases and acidic nature of
oxides increases because size decrease and tendency to lose
electron decreases therefore oxides are acidic
• Chemical reactivity
• Along group à it decreases (in case of non-metals)
• It increases (in case of metals)
• F Li
• Cl Decrease Na
• Br K
• I Rb Increases
• Cs
• Fr
• .Diagonal relationship
• It is the anomalous behavior of second group elements. It is
defined as similarity of some elements of second group
with elements of third group present diagonally.
• Like few diagonal relationships are given:

• Li Be B

Mg Ai Si
• Metallic Characterof an Element
• Non-metallic elements have strong tendency
to gain electrons.
• Non-metallic character is directly related to
electronegativity and metallic character is
inversely related to electronegativity.
• Across a period, electronegativity increases.
Hence, non-metallic character increases (and
metallic character decreases).
• Down a group, electronegativity decreases.
Hence, non-metallic character decreases (and
metallic character increases).
• Valency
• It is the number of univalent atoms which can combine
with an atom of the given element.
• Valency is given by the number of electrons in
outermost shell.
• If the number of valence electrons ≤4: valency =
number of valence electrons
• If the number of valence electrons >4: valency = (8 -
number of valence electrons)
• Many elements exhibit variable valence (particularly
transition elements and actinoids).
• Variation in a period − Increases from 1 to 4 and then
decreases from 4 to zero on moving from left to right.
• Variation in a group − No change in the valency of
elements on moving down a group. All elements
belonging to a particular group exhibit same valency.?
Thank you

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