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GEC 1: Understanding The Self

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It has been believed that sex

chromosomes of humans define the sex
(female or male) and their secondary
sexual characteristics. There are
individuals who do not accept their innate
sexual characteristics and they tend to
change their sexual organs through
medications and surgery. Aside from our
genes, our society or the external

environment helps shape our selves.

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The formation of male or famale
structures depends on the presence of
testosterone. Usually, once formed, the
embryonic testes release testosterone,
and the formation of the duct system and
external genitalia follows. In the case of
female embryos that form ovaries, it will
cause the development of the female
ducts and External genitalia since
testosterone hormone is not produced.
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A genetic male develops female accessory structures and external genitalia if the embryonic
testes fail to produce testosterone. If a genetic female is exposed to testosterone, the
embryo has ovaries but may develop male accessory ducts and glands.
Pseudohermaphrodites are formed who are individuals having accessory reproductive
structures that do not "match" their gonads.

The male testes formed in the abdominal cavity at approximately the same location as the
female ovaries, if this normal event fails, it may lead to cryptorchidism. This condition usually
occurs in young males and causes sterility (which is also a risk factor for cancer of the testes).
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The period between 10 and 15 is when the reproductive organs grow to their adult size and
become functional under the influence of rising levels of gonadal hormones (testosterone in
males and estrogen in females) After this time, reproductive capability continues until old age in
male and menopause in females.

In males, as they reach the age of 13, puberty is characterized by the increase in the size of the
reproductive organs followed by the appearance of hair on the face and pubis area. The
reproductive organs continued to grow for two years until sexual maturation marked by the
presence of mature semen in the testes.

In females, budding of their breasts usually occurs at the age of 11 and signals their puberty
stage. Menarche is the first menstrual period of females which happens two years after the
start of puberty. Hormones play an important role in the regulation of ovulation and fertility of

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Vaginal infections are more common in young and elderly women and in those whose
resistance to diseases is low. Vaginal infections that are left untreated may spread
throughout the female reproductive tract. Problems that involve painful or abnormal
menses may also be due to infection or hormone imbalance.

Orchiditis most commonly follows mumps in an adult male. Tumors of the breast and cervix
are the most common reproductive cancers in adult females. Prostate cancer (common
sequel to prostatic hypertrophy) is a widespread problem in adult males.

Menopause is a natural decrease in ovarian function characterized by reduced estrogen

production that causes irregular ovulation and shorter menstrual periods. The production
of estrogen may still continue after menopause but the ovaries stop functioning as
endocrine organs. The reproductive organs and breasts begin to atrophy or shrink if
estrogen is no longer released from the body.

Healthy men are still able to father offspring well into their 80s, and even into their

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EROGENOUS ZONE - are areas of the body that increase sexual

arousal when touched in a sexual manner. Some of the commonly
known erogenous zones are the mouth, breasts, genitals, and
anus. Other common areas that can be aroused easily may include
the neck, thighs, abdomen, and feet.
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HUMAN SEXUAL BEHAVIOR - is defined as any activity- solitary,

between two persons, or in a group- that induces sexual arousal.
There are two major factors that determine human sexual
behavior: the inherited sexual responses patterns that have
evolved as a means of ensuring reproduction and the degree of
restraint society exerts on the expression of sexuality.
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1. SOLITARY BEHAVIOR - Self-gratification means self-

stimulation that leads to sexual arousal and generally, sexual
climax. It can take place in private as an end in itself, but can also
be done in a sociasexual relationship. The challenge is to develop
self-control in order to balance suppression and free expression.
Adolescents need to control their sexual response in order to
prevent premarital sex and acquire sexually transmitted diseases.
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2. SOCIASEXUAL BEHAVIOR - Heterosexual behavior is the

greatest amount of sociasexual behavior that occurs between one
male and one female. It usually begins in childhood and may by
motivated by curiosity, such as showing or examining genitalia.
Touching someone's genitalia is not interpreted as a sexual act
especially when done for medical purposes.
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1. EXCITEMENT PHASE - Symptoms include increased skin

temperature, flushing, and swelling of all distensible body parts,
more rapid breathing, genital fluids, vaginal expansion and
increase in muscle tension.

2. PLATEAU PHASE - it is generally of brief duration. If stimulation

is continued, orgasm usually occurs.
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3. SEXUAL PHASE - It is caused by spasms of the pelvic muscles

causing constractions of the female reproductive organ and
ejaculation by the male.

4. RESOLUTION PHASE - Orgasms are the first stage of what is

known as the human sexual experience, and last stage refers to
the return to a normal or subnormal physiologic state. Males and
females are similar in their response sequence. Whereas males
return to normal even if stimulation continues, but continued
stimulation can produce additional orgasms in females.
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The entire nervous system plays a significant role during sexual
response. In the presence of a stimulus capable of initiating a sexual
response, the efferent cerebrospinal nerves transmit the sensory
messages to the brain. The brain will interpret the sensory message
and dictate what will be the appropriate response of the body.

Other parts of the body, such as the genital and perineal areas, also
respond to sexual stimulation. But still, the brain can overrule and
suppress such reflex activity- as it does when an individual decides
that a sexual response is socially inappropriate.
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Sexual problems may be physiological, psychological or social in
origin. These are the three categories.

The majority of physiological sexual problems can be resolved through

medication or surgery. Problems of the nervous system that can affect
sexual response are more difficult to treat. Some common physiologic
conditions that can disturb sexual response include vaginal infections,
prostatitis, adrenal tumors and diabetes.
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Psychological problems comprise by far the largest category. They are usually caused
by socially induced inhibitions, maladaptive attitudes, ignorance, and sexual myths
held by society. Erectile impotence is almost always of psychological origin in males
under 40; in older males, physical causes are more often involved. Sometimes
impotency is not a psychological problem but the natural result of excessive tension in
a male who has been sexually deprived.

Ejaculatory impotence, which results from the inability to ejaculate in coitus, is

uncommon and is usually of phychogenic origin. Occasional ejaculatory inability can be
possibly expected in older men or in any male who has exceeded his sexual capacity.

Vaginismus is a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female

reproductive organ so that penetration is painful or impossible.
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Sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are infections transmitted from an infected
person to an uninfected person through sexual contact. STDs can be caused by bacteria,
viruses, or parasites. Examples include gonorrhea, genital herpes, human papillomavirus
infection, Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
(AIDS), chlamydia, and syphilis (National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of
the National Institute of Health of the United States 2017)

STDs are a significant global health priority because of their overwhelming impact on
women and infants. Infection with certain STDs can increase the risk of getting and
transmitting HIV as well as modify the way the disease develops. Among the health
complications that arise from STDs are pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, tubal or
ectopic pregnancy, cervical cancer, and perinatal or congenital infections in infants born to
infected mothers.
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The virus survives throughout the body but may be transmitted via body fluids
such as blood, semen, vagibal fluids and breast milk. AIDS occurs in the
advanced stage of HIV infection.
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Aside from HIV and AIDS, there are other sexually transmitted diseases in
humans. The following list of diseases is based on Sexually Transmitted Disease
Surveillance 2016 of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Centers fir Disease Control and Prevention.
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1. Chlamydia
- is a common STD that can cause infection among both men and women. It can cause
permanent damage to a woman's reproductive system, making it difficult or impossible
to get pregnant later. Chlamydia can also cause a potentially fatal ectopic pregnancy
(pregnancy that occurs outside the womb).

2. Gonorrhea
- is an infection caused by a sexually transmitted bacterium. Most often affects the
urethra, rectum or throat. In females, gonorrhea can also infect the cervix. Is most
commonly spread during vaginal, oral or anal sex. But babies of infected mothers
can be infected during childbirth.
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3. Syphilis
- is a bacterial infection usually spread by sexual contact. The disease starts as a
painless sore — typically on the genitals, rectum or mouth. Syphilis spreads from person
to person via skin or mucous membrane contact with these sores.

4. Chancroid
- a sexually transmitted infection (STI) caused by infection with Haemophilus
ducreyi is a highly contagious but curable disease. It is characterized by painful
necrotizing genital ulcers that may be accompanied by inguinal lymphadenopathy.

5. Human Papillomavirus
- is the most common sexually transmitted infection. There were about 43 million
HPV infections in 2018, many among people in their teens and early 20s. Some
types can cause health problems, including genital warts and cancers. But there

are vaccines that can stop these health problems from happening.
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6. Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)

- is among the most prevalent of sexually transmitted infections. Although most
infections are subclinical, clinical manifestations are characterized by recurrent, painful
genital and/or anal lesions.
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7. Trichomonas Vaginalis
- is a common sexually transmitted protozoal infection associated with adverse
health outcomes such as preterm birth and symptomatic vaginitis. It is not a
nationally reportable condition, and trend data are limited to estimates of initial
physician office visits.
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Natural Method

People who are particularly conscious of their religious views are more
likely to utilize natural birth control techniques, and others do so because
they are more economical. The natural family planning methods don't
include putting any chemicals or other objects inside the body.
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a. Abstinence

Most people find it difficult to comply with abstinence, so only a few use this
natural birth control method. This natural method involves refraining from sexual
intecourse. It is considered to be the most effective way to avoid STIs (Sexually
Transmitted Infections).
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b. Calendar Method

A woman needs to record her menstrual cycle

for six months in order to calculate the woman's
safe days to prevent conception. This method is
also called as the rhythm method. It entails
withholding from coitus during the days that the
woman is fertile. According to the menstrual cycle,
a woman is likely to conceive three or four days
before ovulation.
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c. Basal Body Temperature

The basal body temperature (BBT) indicates the woman's temperature at rest. Before the
day of ovulation and during ovulation. The woman must record her temperature every morning
before any activity. A slight decrease in the basal body temperature followed by a gradual
increase in the body temperature can be a sign that a woman has ovulated.

d. Cervical Mucus Method

The change in the cervical during ovulation is the basis for this method. During ovulation,
the cervical mucus is copious, thin, and watery. The woman is said to be fertile as long as the
cervical mucus is copious and watery. Therefore, she must avoid coitus during those days to
prevent conception.
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e. Symptothermal Method

This method is a basically combination of the BBT method and the

cervical mucus method. The woman records her temperature every morning
and also takes note of changes in her cervical mucus.
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f. Ovulation Detection

This method uses an over-the-counter

kit that requires the urine sample of the
woman. The kit can predict ovulation
through the surge of luteinizing hormone
(LH) that happens 12 to 24 hours before
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g. Coitus Interruptus

Is one of the oldest methods that prevents conception. A couple still goes on
with coitus,but the man withdraws the moment he ejaculates to emit the
spermatozoa outside of the female reproductive organ. A disadvantage of this
method is the pre-ejaculation fluid that contains a few spermatozoa that may cause
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a. Oral Contraceptives
Oral contraceptives, also called birth
control pills, are a safe and reliable option
for preventing unwanted pregnancy. It is
suggested that the woman takes the first
pill on the first Sunday after the beginning
of a menstrual flow, or as soon as it is
prescribed by a doctor.
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b. Transdermal Patch
A transdermal patch is an adhesive
patch applied to the skin that contains
medication that is intended to be
absorbed into the bloodstream through
the skin. The woman should apply one
patch every week for three weeks. At the
fourth week, no patch is applied because
the menstrual flow would then occur. The
area where the patch is being applied
should be clean and dry, and free from
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c. Vaginal Ring
A small, soft plastic ring called the
vaginal ring (NuvaRing) is inserted into
the female reproductive organ.

For the purpose of preventing conception,

it continuously releases oestrogen and
progesterone into the blood.
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d. Subdermal Implants
Are two rod-like implants
inserted under the skin of the female
(in the upper arm) during her menses
or on the 7th day of her menstruation
to make sure that she will not get
pregnant. The implants are made up
with etonogestrel, desogestrel, and
progestin and can be helpful for
three to five years.
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e. Hormonal Injections
A synthetic progestogen hormone called
Depot medroxyprogesterone acetate, or
DMPA, is injected as part of the
contraceptive injection to prevent pregnancy.
Depo is another name for the injection. Depo
stops the body's natural hormone production
and egg release from the ovaries.
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f. Intrauterine Device
A tiny plastic T-shaped device
called an intrauterine device (IUD) is
inserted into the uterus to prevent

They are reversible, offer dependable,

long-lasting protection against
pregnancy. IUDs come in two
varieties: hormonal and non-
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g. Chemical Barriers
Chemical barriers such as spermicides, vaginal gels and creams, and glycerin
films are used to cause the death of sperms before they can enter the cervix and to
lower the pH level of the female reproductive organ so it will not become conducive
for the sperm.

h. Diaphragm
The diaphragm inhibits sperm from entering the female reproductive system,
and it functions more effectively when combined with a spermicide. To stop early
ejaculation, a circular rubber disk that fits the cervix should be applied before
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i. Cervical Cap
The cervical cap is a soft rubber cap
that fits over the cervix's rim. It had a tiny rim
and a thimble form, and it could only remain
in place for 48 hours.
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j. Male Condoms
Is a latex or synthetic rubber
sheath that is placed on the erect
male reproductive organ before
penetration into the female
reproductive organ to trap the
sperm during ejaculation.
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k. Female Condoms
Are made up of latex rubber sheaths
that are pe-lubricated with spermicide.
They are usually bound by two rings. The
outer ring is first inserted against the
opening of the female reproductive organ
and the inner ring covers the cervix. It is
used to prevent the fertilization of the
egg by the sperm cells.
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l. Surgical Methods

The vas deferens is then tied, cauterized, cut,r plugged to block the passage of the sperm. The
patient is advised to use a backup contraceptive method until two negative sperm count results are
recorded because the sperm could remain viable in the vas deferense for 6 months.

In women, tubal ligation is performed after menstruation and before ovulation. The method is done
through a small incision under woman’s umbilicus that targets the fallopian tube for cutting,

cauterizing, or blocking to inhibit the passage of both the sperm and the ova.
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