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Table of Contents
Chapter II – Unpacking the Self
❏ Lesson 1: The Physical and Sexual Self
❏ Lesson 2: To Buy or Not to Buy? That Is the Question!
❏ Lesson 3: Supernaturals: Believe It or Not!
❏ Lesson 4: The Political Self and Being Filipino
❏ Lesson 5: Who Am I in the Cyberworld? (Digital Self)
Lesson 1:

The Physical and Sexual Self

Lesson 1: The Physical and Sexual Self
At the end of this lesson, you should be able to:
1. Discuss the developmental aspect of the reproductive system;
2. Describe the erogenous zones;
3. Explain human sexual behavior;
4. Characterize the diversity of sexual behavior;
5. Describe sexually transmitted diseases; and
6. Differentiate natural and artificial methods of contraception.
Complete the sentences below.
1. For me, beauty means

2. A beautiful person is

3. I am beautiful because

4. List down names of people you know who are beautiful.

Fill out the table below by listing the common secondary sexual
male and female characteristics.

Male Secondary Sexual Characteristics Female Secondary Sexual Characteristics

1. When do we usually observe the changes listed on the previous slide
for males and females?
2. Were you able to experience the same changes? When?
3. If you were not able to experience the listed changes, what might
have caused such difference?
4. How does the society shape the sexual behavior of an individual?
5. Can we really change our natural or innate sexual organ and sexual
- The gonads (reproductive glands that produce the gametes; testis or ovary) begin
to form until about the eighth week of embryonic development.
- During the early stages of human development, the embryonic reproductive
structures of males and females are alike and are said to be in the indifferent
- The formation of male or female structures depends on the presence of
- The embryonic testes release testosterone, and the formation of the duct system
and external genitalia follows.
- Female embryos that form ovaries will cause the development of the female
ducts and external genitalia since testosterone hormone is not produced.
- Any intervention with the normal pattern of sex hormone
production in the embryo results in strange abnormalities:
Pseudohermaphrodites are formed who are individuals having
accessory reproductive structures that do not “match” their gonads;
Hermaphrodites are individuals who possess both ovarian and
testicular tissues but this condition is rare in nature.

- Puberty is the period of life when the reproductive organs grow to

their adult size and become functional under the influence of rising
levels of gonadal hormones (testosterone in males and estrogen in
Diseases Associated with the Reproductive System
In Females:

- Vaginal infections are more common in young and elderly

women and in those whose resistance to diseases is low.
- Vaginal infections that are left untreated may spread throughout
the female reproductive tract and may cause pelvic inflammatory
and sterility.
- Escherichia coli which spread through the digestive tract; the
sexually transmitted microorganisms such as syphilis, gonorrhea,
and herpes virus; and yeast (a type of fungus)
- Painful or abnormal menses may also be due to infection or
hormone imbalance.
- Tumors of the breast and cervix are the most common
reproductive cancers in adult females.
In Males:

- Common inflammatory conditions are prostatitis, urethritis, and

epididymitis, all of which may follow sexual contacts in which
sexually transmitted disease (STD) microorganisms are

- Orchiditis, or inflammation of the testes, can cause sterility and

most commonly follows mumps in an adult male.

- Prostate cancer (a common sequel to prostatic hypertrophy) is a

widespread problem in adult males.

- Although aging men show a steady decline in testosterone

secretion, their reproductive capability seems unending.
Erogenous Zones
- They refer to parts of the body that are primarily receptive and
increase sexual arousal when touched in a sexual manner.
- Commonly known erogenous zones are the mouth, breasts,
genitals, and anus; other common areas of the body that can be
aroused easily may include the neck, thighs, abdomen, and feet.

Human Sexual Behavior

- It is defined as any activity—solitary, between two persons, or in a
group—that induces sexual arousal.
- There are two major factors that determine human sexual
behavior: the inherited sexual response patterns that have
evolved as a means of ensuring reproduction, and the degree of
restraint or other types of influence exerted on the individual by
society in the expression of his/her sexuality.
Types of Behavior

1. Solitary Behavior

- Self-gratification means self-stimulation that leads to sexual

arousal and generally, sexual climax; most self-gratification
takes place in private as an end in itself.

- Self-gratification is most frequent among the unmarried;

there are more males who perform acts of self-gratification
than females.

- It becomes less frequent or is abandoned when sociosexual

activity is available.
2. Sociosexual Behavior
- Heterosexual behavior is the greatest amount of sociosexual behavior
that occurs between only one male and one female.
- It usually begins in childhood and may be motivated by curiosity, such as
showing or examining genitalia.
- Physical contact involving necking or petting is considered as an
ingredient of the learning process.
- Petting differs from hugging, kissing, and generalized caresses of the
clothed body to practice involving stimulation of the genitals.
- Coitus, the insertion of the male reproductive structure into the female
reproductive organ, is viewed by society quite differently depending upon
the marital status of the individuals.
Physiology of Human Sexual Response
1. Excitement phase. There is increase in pulse and blood pressure,
and skin temperature. Flushing and swelling of all distensible body
parts are also experienced. Symptoms of arousal eventually increase
to a near maximal physiological level that leads to the next stage.

2. Plateau phase. It is generally of brief duration. If stimulation is

continued, orgasm usually occurs.

3. Sexual climax. It is marked by a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure.

4. Resolution phase. It is the last stage that refers to the return to a

normal or subnormal physiologic state.
Nervous System Factors

-The autonomic system is involved in controlling the

involuntary responses.
-The hypothalamus and the limbic system are the parts of
the brain believed to be responsible for regulating the
sexual response.
-The lower spinal cord leads to erection and ejaculation for
male, and vaginal discharges and lubrication for female
when the genital and perineal areas are stimulated.
Sexual Problems
-Physiological problems. Diseases that are due to abnormal development
of the genitalia or that part of the neurophysiology controlling sexual

-Psychological problems. Caused by socially induced inhibitions,

maladaptive attitudes, ignorance, and sexual myths held by society;

-Premature emission of semen is a common problem, especially for young


-Erectile impotence is almost always of psychological origin in males under

40; in older males, physical causes are more often involved;
-Ejaculatory impotence, which results from the inability to ejaculate
in coitus, is uncommon and is usually of psychogenic origin.

-Vaginismus is a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting

the female reproductive organ so that penetration is painful or
•Sexually Transmitted Diseases

These are bacterial, viral, or parasitic infections transmitted from an

infected person to an uninfected person through sexual contact.
1. Chlamydia
2. Gonorrhea
3. Syphilis
4. Chancroid
5. Human Papillomavirus
6. Herpes Simplex Virus
7. Trichomonas Vaginalis
Natural and Artificial Methods of Contraception

Natural Method
The natural family planning methods do not involve any chemical or
foreign body introduction into the human body.
a. Abstinence
b. Calendar Method
c. Basal Body Temperature
d. Cervical Mucus Method
e. Symptothermal Method
f. Ovulation Detection
g. Coitus Interruptus
Artificial Methods:
a. Oral Contraceptives
b. Transdermal Patch
c. Vaginal Ring
d. Subdermal Implants
e. Hormonal Injections
f. Intrauterine Device
g. Chemical Barriers
h. Diaphragm
i. Cervical Cap
j. Male Condoms
k. Female Condoms
l. Surgical Methods

1. Creative Work. Propose a program in school or community that

will raise the awareness of the students and to help eliminate
sexually transmitted diseases especially among the youth.

2. Agree or Disagree. Are you in favor of legalizing marriage

among homosexuals and transgenders? Why?
-The formation of male or female structures depends on the presence of
-Any intervention with the normal pattern of sex hormone production in the embryo
results in strange abnormalities:
-Pseudohermaphrodites individuals having accessory reproductive structures that
do not “match” their gonads;
-Hermaphrodites are individuals who possess both ovarian and testicular tissues.
-Puberty is the period of life when the reproductive organs grow to their adult size
and become functional.
-Diseases associated with the reproductive system :

In females:
• Tumors of the breast and cervix are the most common reproductive
cancers in adult females.
• Vaginal infections are more common in young and elderly women
and in those whose resistance to diseases is low.

In males:
• Prostate cancer (a common sequel to prostatic hypertrophy) is a
widespread problem in adult males.
• Although aging men show a steady decline in testosterone
secretion, their reproductive capability seems unending.
-Erogenous Zones refer to parts of the body that are primarily
receptive and increase sexual arousal when touched in a sexual
-Human Sexual Behavior is any activity—solitary, between two
persons, or in a group—that induces sexual arousal.

-The types of behavior are:

1. Solitary Behavior. Self-gratification means self-stimulation that
leads to sexual arousal and generally, sexual climax; it takes
place in private as an end in itself.
2. Sociosexual Behavior. Heterosexual behavior is the greatest
amount of sociosexual behavior that occurs between only one
male and one female.
-Physiology of Human Sexual Response
1. Excitement phase – increase in pulse and blood pressure, skin
temperature, flushing, and swelling of all distensible body parts
2. Plateau phase – generally of brief duration; if stimulation is
continued, orgasm usually occurs.
3. Sexual climax – marked by a feeling of abrupt, intense pleasure
4. Resolution phase – the last stage that refers to the return to a
normal or subnormal physiologic state
-Nervous System Factors
oThe autonomic system is involved in controlling the involuntary
oThe lower spinal cord and leads to erection and ejaculation for male,
vaginal discharges and lubrication for female when the genital and
perineal areas are stimulated.
-Sexual Problems
oPhysiological problems, diseases that are due to abnormal development of the
oPsychological problems, caused by socially induced inhibitions, maladaptive
attitudes, ignorance, and sexual myths held by society
oPremature emission of semen
oErectile impotence, a psychological origin in males under 40; in older males,
physical causes
oEjaculatory impotence, inability to ejaculate in coitus; is uncommon and is usually
of psychogenic origin
oVaginismus, a strong spasm of the pelvic musculature constricting the female
reproductive organ
-Examples of sexually transmitted diseases are chlamydia, gonorrhea,
syphilis, chancroid, human papillomavirus, herpes simplex virus, and
trichomonas vaginalis.
-Natural methods of contraception are abstinence, calendar method, basal
body temperature, cervical mucus method, symptothermal method,
ovulation detection, and coitus interruptus.
-Artificial methods of contraception are oral contraceptives, transdermal
patch, vaginal ring , subdermal implants, hormonal injections, intrauterine
device, chemical barriers, diaphragm, cervical cap, male condoms, female
condoms, surgical methods.

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