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The Effect of Science, Technology, Engineering

and Mathematics (STEM) Educational Practices

on Students’ Academic Achievements and
Critical Thinking Skills

Maria Nizza Andrea S. Emano

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics. (STEM), formerly Science, Mathematics,
Engineering and Technology (SMET), are terms used to combine these disciplines.

Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education is important and

needed to keep up with today's developments. STEM learning model can improve students'
critical thinking skills and Academic Achievements in Senior High School.

STEM disciplines and learners’ interests, but also concerns about students’ twenty-first-
century academic achievement which including real-world problem-solving capacity,
academic learning accomplishment, and higher-order thinking skills.
The integration of STEM into education is necessary because the high
demand for human resources in 21st century STEM mastery-based
learning provides space for students to choose activities to be carried out
during learning, it also presents great opportunities for teachers to
observe activity in developing student abilities

Among those abilities, critical thinking is an essential ability influencing

directly the big data processing because this ability can aid students to
decide the best alternative solutions in solving a problem. Nevertheless,
the lack of good educational platform to host such important skills.
Significance of the Study

This research will be made with the aim to provide crucial information and knowledge regarding
the chosen topic from the respondents.

For the Grade 11 STEM Students, this study will help them uncover their thinking skill and to
boost more on Academic Achievement on Educational Practices by the Effect of the STEM stand.

Teachers. the help of this study will identify and assess their selves if they are an effective
teacher, and help the students to figure it out their Critical thinking skills.
Administrators. this study will help the administrators to assess and make observation on
how STEM Educational Practices on Students’ Academic Achievements and Critical
Thinking Skills.

Learners. This study will help the learners to be a competent one, if the Educational
Practices of STEM is effective and efficient, the students will developed holistically.

Researchers. The findings of this study will support further researchers concerning of the
effectiveness of STEM Educational Practices on Students’ Academic Achievements and
Critical Thinking Skills

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