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Structures and Functions of Modified Cells

•Modified or specialized cells have developed structures that help them carry out their
•Specialized cells in animals include the following:
• Microvilli are responsible for increasing the surface area for absorption.
Cilia and stereocilia are responsible for movement and sensation, respectively.
•Specialized cells in animals include the following:
• Flagella are responsible for locomotion or motility.
• Basal infoldings and hemidesmosomes are responsible for fluid transport and
attachment, respectively.
Cell junctions serve as connections between adjacent cells.
•Specialized cells in animals include the following:
• Red and white blood cells are responsible for transporting oxygen and protecting the
body from pathogens, respectively.
Sperm and egg cells aid in the reproduction process.

•Specialized cells in plants include the following:

• Trichomes serve as protection of plants from extreme temperatures and insect or herbivore
• Root hairs increase the surface area for the absorption of water.
Mesophyll cells serve as the sites of photosynthesis.
•Specialized cells in plants include the following:
Xylem and phloem consist of cells that are responsible for the transport of essential
substances such as water and photosynthetic by-products.
Lesson 3.1
Cell Cycle and Cell Divisions

•The life cycle of a cell is known as the cell cycle, and it describes how cells grow, develop, and

With very few exceptions, all of the cells in your body contain genetic material in the form of
DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, which is usually found in the nucleus of your cells.
Cytokinesis refers to the division of the cell’s
cytoplasm and other components. This process
significantly differs between animal cells and plant
cells, primarily because of the presence of cell walls in
•There are three main stages
the latter.
in the cell cycle, namely, interphase, M phase, and cytokinesis.

Interphase is the stage when the cell prepares itself for eventual cell division, which can either be
mitosis or meiosis.  It is also the stage when the cell is metabolically active and performs its specialized
Cytokinesis refers to the division of the cell’s cytoplasm and other components. This
process significantly differs between animal cells and plant cells, primarily because of the
presence of cell walls in the latter.

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