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Personal agony of job stress

The initial fire of enthusiasm, dedication and commitment to success has burned out.
Leaving behind the smoldering embers of exhaustion, cynicism and ineffectiveness
Don’t ever think that burnout is fiction because it has been studied for 25 years
Burnout is a psychological symptoms that involve prologue response to chronic interpersonal
stressors on the job
The three-key dimension of these response are an overwhelming exhaustion, feeling of cynicism
or detachment from the job and a sense of ineffectiveness and lack of accomplishment

The exhaustion dimension represents the basic individual stress component of burnout. It refers
to feeling of overextended and depleted of ones emotional and physical resources. Workers feel
drained and used up, without any source of replenishment.
They lack enough energy to face another day or problem, and the common complaints is “I
am overwhelmed, overloaded or overworked-it’s just too much. The major source of this
exhaustion are work overload and personal conflict on the job.
The cynicism dimension represents the interpersonal context component of burnout. It refers to a negative ,
callous, or excessively detached response to various aspects of the job. It usually develop in response to
overload of emotional exhaustion and is self –protective at first-an emotional buffer of detached concern. If
people are working too hard and doing too much, they will begin to back off, to cut down, to reduce what they
are doing. But the risk is that detachment can result in the loss of idealism and the dehumanizing of others.
Overtime workers are not only creating a buffer and cutting back on the quantity of work but are also
developing a negative reaction to people and to the job. As cynicism develops, people shift from trying to their
best to doing the bare minimum. Their performance of the job can amount to “How do I get through, still get
my paycheck, and get out of here?” Cynical workers cut back on the amount of time spent at the office or job
site and the amount of energy they devote to their job. They are still performing, but doing it at the bare
minimum, so the quality of that performance declines.
The Inefficacy dimension represents the self-evaluation component of burnout. It refers to
feeling of incompetence and lack of achievement and productivity in work. This lowered
sense of self-efficacy is exacerbated by the lack of job resources, as well as by the lack of
social support and of to develop professionally. People who is experiencing this dimension
of burnout ask themselves, “What am I doing?”Why am I here?, Maybe this is a wrong job
for me. This sense of inefficacy may make burn-out workers feel that they have made a
mistake in choosing their career path and often makes them dislike the kind of person they
think they have become. Thus, they come to have a negative regard for themselves, as well
as for others.
Unlike acute stress which develop in response to specific critical incidents, burnout is a
cumulative reaction to on going occupational stressors. With burnout, the emphasis has
been more on process of psychological erosion, and the psychological and social outcomes
of this chronic exposure, rather than just the physical ones
The problem of burnout first surface in caregiving and human service occupations, such as
health care, mental health, social services, the criminal justice system, religious professions,
counseling, and education (Maslach, 1982/2003).

All these occupations share focus on providing aid and service to people in need- in other
words the core of the job is the relationship between provider and recipient.
Burnout is not so much of individual stress response, but in terms of individuals relational
transactions in the workplace

Being Selfless, putting other’s need first, work longer hours and do whatever it takes to help
the client, patient or student, go to extra mile an give one’s all.

In recent research, found out that those who are involve in customer service (participants are
health care, education and human services)
Research suggest that maybe burnout might be relevant to other domains of life. Other
authors have applied concept of burnout to family. Analyze rel. between parents and
children and members of marital couple.
When it comes to organization, burnout has negative responses to the job such as job
dissatisfaction, low organizational commitment, absenteeism, intention to leave the job and
The key aspect of organizational environment.
Organizational risk factors for burnout led to six major domains:
1. Workload- to much work to do but with not enough time to perform the tasks and not enough resources
as well
2. Control or Lack of Control- not allowed to make personal decision, feel they do not have much personal
discretion and autonomy to their work. They are held accountable but they don’t have control over it
3. Reward/ Insufficient Rewards- when employee are not being rewarded appropriately for their
performance. The standard rewards the most people think are salary or benefits or perks, as well as
recognition. They feel good when they feel that someone notices their works
4. Community / Breakdown in Community- it pertains to a work-environment characterized by lack support and trust, unresolved
conflict, real hostility and competition, then there is breakdown in the sense of community. Work-related relationship are also very
important . If break of community exist, the higher the burnout the works become difficult
5. Fairness/ Absence of fairness- the perception that the workplace is unfair and in equitability is the best predictor of cynicism
dimension of burnout. Anger and hostility make arise if they are not treated with respect that comes from being treated fairly. Unfair
6. Values/Value conflicts- Values play a key role in predicting levels of burnout. Values are the ideals and goals originally attracted
people to their job and thus they are the motivating connection between workers and workplace. It arises when there is clash between
employee and organizational values. Example: people whose personal values dictate that it is wrong to lie may find themselves in a job
where lying becomes necessary for success.
Sample complaints: This job is eroding my soul, I don’t like this
I caanot look at the mirror anymore knowing what I’m doing.; I cant live myself
-eliminate the stressors that lead to burnout
-Reducing THIS
the negative impact of burnoutPANDEMIC?
by helping people to cope more effectively
-Stress Management Lectures (Psychoeducation)
-Burnout Interventions- Employee Engagement
-Positive antithesis of burnout (Job engagement)
Burnout is an erosion of engagement with job,
Energy turns into exhaustion,
Involvement turns to cynicism and
Efficacy turns into ineffectiveness
You need to find your purpose
Take a break
Stay focus on your goal
Be engage
Burn out is not a problem of people but of the social environment on which they work. The
structure and functioning of the workplace shape how people interact with one another and
how they carry out their jobs. And when that workplace does not recognize the human side
of work, and there are major mismatches between the nature if the job and the nature of
people, then there will be a greater risk of burnout. Future progress in dealing effectively
with burnout requires aa focus on the positive goal of promoting engagement, and not
simply reducing burnout
Question: "What does the Bible say about burnout?"

Answer: Anyone who has experienced burnout knows it is not something he ever wants to experience again. Burnout is commonly
described as an exhausted state in which a person loses interest in a particular activity and even in life in general. Burnout is a
state of emotional, physical, social, and spiritual exhaustion. It can lead to diminished health, social withdrawal, depression, and
a spiritual malaise. Many times, burnout is the result of an extended period of exertion at a particular task (generally with no
obvious payoff or end in sight) or the carrying of too many burdens (such as borne by those in the helping professions or those in
positions of authority, among others). Burnout can be common among those in high-stress jobs who feel forced to please an
earthly master in order to maintain their job and continue to provide for their families. The god of money reigns in Western
culture, and his demands often lead to burnout. Christians are not immune to the demands of economic realities or to
experiencing fear of failing to meet those demands. Unfortunately, burnout can also be common among those in vocational
Christian ministry and those highly involved in their churches. In these cases people sometimes feel compelled to serve the god of
productivity and works. Burnout can happen anywhere. It is the result of overwhelming demands or responsibilities, either placed
on us by others or by ourselves, that we simply cannot bear. So what does the Bible say about burnout?

Jesus said, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and
learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my
burden is light" (Matthew 11:28–30).
The ultimate solution for those currently experiencing burnout is to find refreshment in Christ.
For those with a particularly high level of burnout, this refreshment may include obtaining medical support and
drastically altering their life activities.
Others may find refreshment through seeing a counselor.
Reading encouraging Scriptures (such as Romans 8, John 15, or Psalm 139) can be very life-giving.
Even simple activities like cooking, going for a walk, playing with the kids, or watching a funny show can be

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