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In the first lesson I have learn

about the consumer health on

what it is and what are its
categories, and also it provided
me a lesson in my life based on
my health

And also in this lesson I have
learned what kind of a consumer
I am, I am a bargain addict
because I don’t buy things that
has no discount and I don’t buy
in stores without sales when it
comes to things that I really
want, and in this I have learn my
consumer right which is the right
to safety, right to be informed
and right to choose and with this
three I can use this as I grow up
but not in a karen way,

In this lesson I have learned the
complementary and healthcare
alternatives, on how to use it
and as for the tips it reminded
me that traditional people uses
alternative treatment.

I have also learn about the other
alternative medicine like the
acupuncture rather than drinking
tablets acupuncture can relax
your mind and removes stress
and in chiropractic it is more
needed in most people rather
than having a massage in
chiropractic it cracks your bones
and it focuses not only on
satisfying a costumer but also
your pains in your neck, back and
legs and I learned that it restores
the persons mobility

And in the lesson of medical
service this made me know that
what I will need or I will know
which health specialist I will go
to when I have a some health
issue, like when I have some
stomach disorder then I will go
to gastroenterologist and if I
have something in bugging in my
eyes then I will go to

In this new lesson I learn something new,
before this I don’t know what was
quackery or quack all I know is that it is
the sound of a duck and what we use to
play when I was still 6 years old, and now
I learn that quackery is a person who
pretends to be a professional doctor and
they can just post in internets what to do
even if it is wrong but some people who
just search in internet on what to do
when they have health issue they just
tend to trust what on the internet.

In the types of the quackery I know now
how to identify which is the quackery, if
they say that his method or this kind of
method promises a painless and fast
recovery it is fraud it not true and as the
other example I can use it to know if they
really are real.

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